

The New York Museum of Science and History had itself a curious mystery! Somehow, each night, an exhibit was broken, and it went on too long to be a practical joke. That’s the setup that led Mona Lisa and Raphael to investigate, and inadvertently free, the ancient mutant inventor Ptah from his centuries-long imprisonment. Now, teamed up with the friendly mutant mummy Bakari, our heroes must stop Ptah from conquering the city. Plus, Shredder tries to escape an imprisonment of his own!

Appearing in That's a Wrap for Ptah[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects, vehicles, and weapons[]


Open with April O'Neil providing a recap of the action from The Box of Ptah. Cut to the lair. Three of the Turtles, minus Raphael, have returned home from the Food Fest. Each of the three calls out to Raph and Donatello says that they have pizza for him. They don’t receive a response, so Don goes looking for him and finds the note he left. Don tells the others that he thinks it says that Raph has gone to help Mona Lisa at a museum, but owing to Raph’s poor handwriting, he can’t tell which one. Leonardo says that they had better investigate, because if one of their friends asks for their help, it’s probably serious.

At the New York Museum of Science and History, Ptah gloats that he is free and there is a wonderous new world to conquer. Mona Lisa tells him that this world is super dull and Raph backs her up, saying that the world now is so boring they invented competitive meditation. Ptah responds that he was prepared for treachery, saying that despite his imprisonment, he had access to tools and to knowledge. He knows precisely what this world is and will revel in making it his own.

Raph quickly throws a sai to knock the prison box device from Ptah’s hand. Ptah is unconcerned, as he has permanently disabled the device to prevent it being used to imprison him again. He then reaches into a pouch hanging from his waist and tells them not to think he has been disarmed. He removes a wand and states that it is his favorite invention. Raph mocks him for threatening them with a pen. Ptah reminds him of what people say now, that the pen is mightier than the sword. With that, he zaps the wall, causing a hole to open in the brickwork. As he escapes through the opening, Raph yells at him to come back because he was supposed to explain his evil plan first, giving them time to surround him. Ptah predicted that strategy and tells them to follow him at their peril.

Raph, Mona Lisa and Bakari do follow. Raph asks Bakari for an explanation of what all the magic wand can do. As they enter an exhibit on dinosaurs, Bakari answers that it has limited control over nonliving matter. Mona Lisa asks if that means he could turn an exhibit into a rampaging monster, to which Bakari answers yes. She then indicates Ptah, who is riding on the back of a T-Rex skeleton which he has brought to life. A laughing Ptah says that he approves of the trophies in the museum and is going to turn them into an army fit for a conqueror.

Bakari immediately sends his bandages to wrap around the dinosaur, telling Ptah that he won’t allow him to subjugate the good people of the city. Ptah leaps from the T-Rex and tells Bakari that he can’t stop him. Raph says that the bad guys always say that, and Mona Lisa adds that Ptah is going to jail. Unconcerned, Ptah lifts his wand and says that he’ll see about that.

Meanwhile, at Shredder and Krang’s new evil lair, Shredder is complaining about being trapped between dimensions. His form is non-corporeal and stands between a pair of electrical columns which are attached by cables to Krang’s newest machine. Krang scolds him for wanting to taunt the Turtles with the sword that cuts between dimensions and getting himself into this predicament. An alert sounds on Krang’s machine which indicates an ionic buildup of Q-Trons near Central Park. He is muttering about how that could affect his machine, but Shredder barks at him to the throw the switch. Krang lowers his safety goggles and activates the machine. Shredder is zapped by the machine’s rays, but when Krang asks how he’s feeling, Shredder complains that nothing has changed. However, now Rocksteady is also stuck between dimensions and Shredder mumbles that he is being punished. Krang rants about stupid Q-Trons and goes back to the drawing board.

Back at the museum, Raph, Mona Lisa and Bakari flee into a room containing marine life exhibits. Bakari slams the doors shut behind them, but rampaging dinosaur skeletons, a stuffed mammoth and a stuffed saber-toothed tiger break the doors off the hinges to chase them. Mona Lisa tells Raph that they have to get Ptah outside because the longer they stay there, the more likely that something irreplaceable gets destroyed. Bakari agrees and says that luckily, Ptah is easy to anger and all reason leaves him when he’s enraged.

Bakari immediately approaches Ptah, who is now riding the mammoth, and calls him a mediocre inventor whose imagination is too small for him to be able to catch them. This does the trick as Ptah smashes a huge hole in the museum’s outer wall. The explosion draws the attention of the Turtles who are above in the Turtle Blimp searching for Raph. Don disengages the glider and the Turtles swoop down to join the fight.

Out in the street, Raph, Mona Lisa, and Bakari are battling the creatures that Ptah has brought to life. Raph is not pleased that they are getting their butts kicked by dinosaur skeletons and mammal sculptures, but Bakari swears that theirs are not the butts that will be kicked. He wraps the mammoth in bandages and then throws it down on top that’s attacking Raph. His brothers, however, mistake Bakari for an enemy and knock him down with the glider. Raph yells for them to leave him alone because the mummy is on their side. Mikey apologizes to Bakari and helps him stand up.

Mounted once more on the T-Rex, Ptah laughs at the addition of three more combatants. Saying he can easily destroy six, he zaps the glider and brings it to life. The glider, now with a giant red eye and mouthful of long teeth, turns on Donatello, who says that this is his nightmare. As they battle statues brought to life, Raph complains to Mona Lisa that there is way too much material for Ptah to work with in the city. Mona Lisa suggests luring him into Central Park. Raph approves of this idea, since the park is mostly living matter. He throws a sai and hits Ptah in the head with it, angering the mutant crocodile. Having drawn Ptah’s ire, Raph and Mona Lisa head into the park while taunting him to catch them.

After riding into the park, Ptah dismounts the T-Rex because he can’t see anything from atop it. He calls out to the reptiles to compliment them on lasting for so long against his animated army. Ptah says there could be a place for them in his new kingdom if they come to him and accept it. Raph responds with a question and Ptah blasts a nearby tree, thinking that’s where the Turtles is hiding. However, Raph was throwing his voice and does so again, causing Ptah to blast another tree. Raph teases that Ptah’s wand doesn’t work on the trees and Mona Lisa chimes in to say that Ptah is temperamental and not thinking clearly. Enraged, Ptah begins trying to zap everything around him as he shouts for them to show themselves.

Raph steps into the open and Ptah laughs, calling him a fool. He says that in this forest, Raph might have evaded him until his wand had run low on power. He is about to turn Raph’s mask into a living nightmare when the Turtle asks to say his last words. Ptah considers himself magnanimous and tells him to speak. Raph has two things to say, the first is that Ptah has a terrible look and the second is to remind him that he followed two of them into the park.

Mona Lisa leaps out of hiding and uses her tail to swipe the wand out of Ptah’s hand. Raph goes after it and catches the wand, then turns and zaps Ptah with it. This causes Ptah’s tunic to wrap around the crocodile like a straightjacket. Raph is pleased with himself and blushes when Mona Lisa thanks him for coming out to help her. She offers to reward him with a pizza, but then Ptah calls them fools. They look over just as he breaks free of his straightjacket while bragging about his mutant muscles. However, before he can do anything else, Bakari slams him on top of the head with bandages shaped like a huge mallet. This smashes the glass encasing Ptah’s brain and knocks him out.

Raph breaks the fourth wall as he tells the viewers that he’d like it to be noted that he did try to stop the guy without planting his fist into Ptah’s brain. Mikey asks what they are supposed to do with him because bad guys usually escape or get trapped in another dimension. He asks if they should call the cops and Leo says it probably won’t be the weirdest arrest they’ve made today. Raph tosses the wand to Don and tells him that maybe he can use it to fix what Ptah broke. Don replies that he’ll test it on the glider immediately.

Bakari thanks Mona Lisa and the Turtles for helping to keep Ptah from doing any real harm. He tells them that he will have to destroy the device that imprisoned him just to be sure he wasn’t lying about it being disabled. He hopes the museum isn’t harmed by the loss and Mona Lisa says that she actually has an idea for a replacement exhibit.

One week later, April interviews Dr. Hosny once more. Behind them, crews work to repair the museum. April asks about the new exhibit that has captured the city’s imagination. Dr. Hosny explains that a vandal, who has been arrested, destroyed the first artifact, but they found a replacement. A citizen of ancient Egypt, preserved by a strange science, loves to talk. Inside the museum, Bakari address a group of youngsters from his display stage where he is billed at the “wonder of the modern age”.

Epilogue. Spiker’s Island Penitentiary. Wearing prison stripes and in a jail cell, Ptah complains that he is the greatest inventor in the history of Egypt. As such, he belongs in a palace and blames his treacherous former servant, a lizard woman, and a gang of masked Turtles for his predicament. The prisoner in the next cell asks if he feels the urge to destroy them and Ptah says he feels that almost more than anything. The prisoner next door is the Rat King, who tells Ptah that he thinks they are going to be very good friends.

See also[]
