

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Official tie-in to TMNT: The Armageddon Game! The Rat King's Armageddon Game rages on-and as his machinations come to life with the fate of Mutant Town hanging in the balance! Donetello [sic] and Angel try their best to head off Ch'rell's assassins before they complete their mission to destroy the escaped Regenta Seri. Meanwhile, Jennika is caught in the crossfire of a community divided on whether or not they can trust the TMNT. It's up to her to stop the imposters wreaking havoc across the city. With the rest of the Splinter Clan spread across dimensions, can Donnie and Jenny keep it together, or will it all come tumbling down?

Appearing in #135[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Donatello works in his lab, attempting to utilize his gofu as a power source for the Anti-Gravity Gauntlet. Unbeknownst to him, a chunk of it leeches onto a nearby pencil. Seri comes in and interrupts him, and he tells her how he's trying to finish something to keep her safe, as he is convinced that encountering the Utroms is a matter of when, not if.

Carmen tells those who just came into the Church (Jeff, Jay, and Sheena that they arrived just in time, as Donnie has put them all in lock-down to prevent, as Lita puts it "bad guys" from coming in. Jeff queries if everyone present is all that's there, and Carmen says Don and Seri are in the lab, and Lita chimes in that Klunk and Pepperoni are there too. Seri exits the lab and Jeff sees his target.

Jeff asks where the "latrine" is and Seri offers to show him. Just as he's about to grab Seri, Carmen appears and Seri says she was just showing him where the bathroom is. Jeff goes inside and transmits his coordinates to his commander.

Out on the streets of Mutant Town, Jennika rescues Laurel and Felix from some rioters. Alopex arrives to help out, and when Bandit and Puggle show up, they team up to take them out, with Jenny stressing to them that she's mad at everything too, but they need to stop terrorizing people and wrecking their homes. As they flee, Al tends to Laurel and Felix.

Back in his lab, Don notices his pencil is glowing and becomes curious. He writes his name, and it becomes tangible. He then draws a sigil and is able to pull it off the page, as well. Just then, he sees the Null Turtles on a broadcast, showing that they have captured Mayor Pride and are about to free Man Ray, who they call the "first hero of the mutant uprising as well as a "fellow Mutanimal". Don calls Jenny and tells her to get to City Hall immediately. He continues experimenting with the pencil and its constructs.

Outside City Hall, rioters are convinced that the Turtles have always been in league with the Mutanimals, based on the fake Turtles' statements. Al and Jenny scale the wall using tegaki and drop into the makeshift jail where Ray and Sally are being held, just as Ray is about to be freed. Al and Jenny overpower the fake Turtles and they call to "fall back", but are stopped by Raphael, Old Hob, and the weasels. Alopex, incensed that the Splinter Clan is working with yet another of their most brutal enemies, runs away and declares she's done with them all.

Back at the Church, Carmen and Sheena play a video game while the rest of the crew (sans Don) watch and generally hang out. Pepperoni suddenly jumps up and toddles off while Seri is petting her, and she goes to see where she's headed. Jeff follows her and attacks just as Seri reaches her. Pepperoni jumps up and bites Jeff, but he bites her back and throws her off of him. The gang hears the commotion and sees Seri at Jeff's mercy; Carmen tells Lita to go get Don while she, Sheena, and Jay attack Jeff and attempt to pry him off of her. Angel contacts Don for help with an Utrom attack, but he is interrupted by Lita calling for help.

Meanwhile, Jay is flummoxed when his poison fails to affect Jeff, then the fox "mutant" slams Seri to the ground after she bites his hand. Jeff then opens his mouth to reveal a laser cannon, and blasts Sheena with it. He goes to hit Seri with a blast, when Don and Lita show up. Don tries to hit him with his gauntlet, but it fizzles, and he takes a blast instead. As Jeff rushes to attack again, Don recovers and smashes his mouth with his . Suddenly, a vulpine exoskeleton erupts from Jeff, and as it sparks, the real "Jeff" - an Utrom, leaps from the back of it and prepares to strike Don.

See also[]
