

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


With his brothers away on their own missions, Donatello must seek special help to protect a new friend—Regenta Seri of the Triceratons—who’s being hunted by Utrom assassins hellbent on destroying her people. Meanwhile, Jennika has her hands full maintaining law and order and trust in Mutant Town in the wake of the mutant terrorist attacks in NYC.

Appearing in #134[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


In the aftermath of the Impostor Turtles' attack on Baxter Stockman, Mutant Town remains in absolute chaos, a war between those opposing and those supporting the Splinter Clan. Mona Lisa presents a broadcast of the events as they go down. Jennika is desperately trying to keep the peace in her new role as constable, but she is fighting an uphill battle. After witnessing Alopex's shelter getting hit with molotov cocktails, she runs across Bandit and Puggle, who declare to a group of mutants that she is not one of "their" Turtles and is with the others. Grunt spots her and the group begins chasing her.

Jenny ducks down into an ally and loses her pursuers, and finds that Jay and his new friend Jeff have been hiding from the rioters there as well. Sheena calls her and tells her that rioters have stormed her apartment building and are forcefully pulling people out of their homes. Jenny rushes to save her.

At the Church, Donatello tries to make sense of who these Impostor Turtles are. As he's doing so out loud but apparently not realizing it, Carmen asks if he's okay. Don replies about how overwhelmed he is. He also needs to check on Angel since she was attacked while on comms with him, but he needs someone to monitor the communication lines while he's gone. He has Seri sit in his stead, and asks Carmen to watch her and make sure everything goes right.

Don rushes across the rooftops and begins to wonder if Venus is okay. She suddenly telepathically reaches out to him and tells him she can't help. He is startled, since he was just thinking about her; Venus says that she and Bludgeon had been sensing the chaos and then she pinpointed him. Don asks if she's with the Foot and she says no, but continues to apologize for not being able to help. Don brushes her off and says he doesn't need her help anyway.

Jenny reaches Sheena's building and charges through the mob in time to reach Sheena being attacked by a mutant walrus.

Don finds Angel and pulls a table off of her. She's injured but after being freed, able to get up and seems to be mostly alright. She says that a bunch of mutants showed up and attacked, but she got a blast off before they were able to disappear, severing the arm of one of them. Don picks the arm up and the fur begins to fall off, revealing an Utrom Exoskeleton arm. He realizes that Ch'rell must have sent them to assassinate Seri. Angel brings Don the Anti-Gravity Gauntlet and says she'll be alright there, but to keep in contact. Don heads back to the Church to protect Seri.

Jenny kicks the walrus through the wall and into another, then she and Sheena prepare to flee. They are cornered by more rioters and although Jenny puts up a fight, they overwhelm her and corner Sheena. Casey suddenly appears and fights them off enough to scare them away. The five of them - Casey, Jenny, Jeff, Jay, and Sheena - head to the Church for safety.

Don bursts into the communications room in the Church and finds everything okay, that Seri is continuing to do her monitoring job like instructed. He tells her that Ch'rell has sent assassins and that he was worried that they'd found her. He checks in with Jenny and Casey, apologizing for leaving his post and for being subpar at monitoring. He tells them about the Utroms and that he needs to fortify the Church before they have a chance to find them. He asks Lita to help bring some things from his lab into the room so that he can run some experiments without leaving comms. Once his equipment is in place, Don performs some kuji-kiri movements toward his gofu.

Jenny leads Jay, Jeff, and Sheena to the Church, and tells them to stay in for their safety, but she's going back out. Sheena worries about her as she's injured and frazzled, but Jenny says she's going to be alright, then departs with a kiss to her forehead. Meanwhile, as Jeff enters the Church, one of his eyes glows red....

See also[]
