

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


With Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael away in search of new allies to join the good guys against Rat King's latest deadly gambit, it falls on Donatello and Jennika to lead the fight in Mutant Town against the terrible trio of Mayor Baxter Stockman, General Krang, and Madame Null. But will a dangerous quartet of masked mutant ninja turtles and a mad vivisectionist bent on revenge-not to mention E.P.F. invaders and angry Utrom soldiers!-sabotage their efforts before they can even begin to dig in? This new arc serves as a direct tie-in to TMNT: The Armageddon Game!

Appearing in #133[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


In an undisclosed point in the future, Leonardo and Carmen confront Bob over something he is about to do. Bob declares that he "has to" do whatever it is he is doing, and a large, shark-like entity begins to emerge from a toothy portal. Leo leaps into action to attack the entity.

Back in the present, Carmen wakes up from this bizarre nightmare and is startled to see Seri (with Klunk and Pepperoni in her arms), and the Regenta is equally startled to see her.

Seri interrupts Don's video chat with April, screaming about a "lady" upstairs. Don says wasn't supposed to go up there (or down where he is, either) and asks where Wanda is, as she's meant to be minding her. Seri says she went to the market for food.

As April and Don continue to discuss their plans, including the "news crew" covering Mayor Stockman's state of address, Carmen comes downstairs and Don fills her in on everything that had happened since she'd been taken in for recovery. Meanwhile, Seri explores and looks at various things around the lab, finding a "sample" from a "recent training exercise". Don tells Seri and Carmen what it is and Carmen surmises that it's magic. Don's answer is that magic is just science that hasn't been explained, and that's why he's trying to figure out what it really is and how it works. The three of them exit the lab (with Don locking the door behind him), as Seri proclaims that they should use the "crystal" for revenge against Ch'rell. Don says she'll get her chance, but there's a host of other "supervillains" that they have to worry about first. Carmen then tells Seri that she should stay indoors since people haven't forgotten about the Triceratons and their "invasion", and introduces the Regenta to video games.

At Sally Pride's mayoral office, Jenny and Sally discuss the former's appointment as acting constable in Raph's absence. Jenny had volunteered to track down Old Hob instead, given Raph's history with the cat, but Raph insisted. Jenny is still apprehensive about being a "cop" since she's had run-ins with law enforcement in the past and she knows that it doesn't always go well. Sally reassures her and tells her that deputy Monty will be there to help. As Mona broadcasts for Michelangelo's radio station, Jenny walks the beat and chats with Sheena on the phone. Sheena had been watching Lita but the latter left with Wanda to the market. Jenny decides to swing over there to say hi and then by Sheena's afterward. After hanging up, Sheena hides under her covers, still clearly traumatized by Barlow's actions. Jenny arrives at the market and meets up with Lita and Wanda just in time for Stockman's state of address.

Foot Clan Headquarters. Bludgeon hides from Koya and sneaks down to the basement to visit Venus. She has been having trouble concentrating, feeling trapped as Bludgeon has to hide her in the building from the others in the Foot Clan and also by her own fleeting memories of her life as Bonnie. Suddenly, her missing arm regrows instantaneously. Bludgeon hypothesizes that focusing on her memories could be helping her to heal physically as well. To that end, the two of them begin meditating. As memories of her as a human and a Punk Frog fill her mind, she reaches Donatello's consciousness. He asks her where she is and she says she can't tell him, before the two separate in mind.

As Stockman gives his address and implies that the Mutagen bomb victims may be a threat overall or at the very least not to be "trusted", he is attacked live on broadcast by a quartet of fake Ninja Turtles. This disrupts the marketplace where the shoppers are torn between supporting the Splinter Clan and opposing them. A brawl breaks out between the two sides, with Wanda, Lita, and Jenny in the center. Donnie attempts to call Monty, Casey, and Angel for backup, but is only able to reach Angel at Lilja's lab, where she is wielding part of the Nobody armor. Suddenly, an alarm goes off in the lab, and Don sees an energy signal closing in fast. An explosion rocks a wall in the lab, and one of the assailants tells Angel that they mean no harm. She blasts one of them in response, but is then blasted in return, knocking her out. The strangers turn out to be what appears to be a band of mutants, who are hunting Seri.

Notes and trivia[]

  • Seri spots a Space Heroes poster on the wall and wonders aloud if they could help them.
  • After Don's exposition of the events she missed, Carmen asks if Bigfoot is real too, to which Don responds with "Probably."

See also[]
