

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


The TMNT and their Mutant Town neighbors celebrate the holidays, but not everyone is enjoying the times. The Turtles feel the absence of Master Splinter, tensions are rising in the neighborhood, and a new threat is emerging. Can the Turtles find their way back to the spirit of the season before disaster strikes?

Appearing in #124[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


The Splinter Clan have gone out looking for the weasels, canvasing the neighborhood and putting up missing posters. Unfortunately, none have seen them. It begins to snow and the group heads back home.

Leo sits staring out the window, thinking about the weasels and potentially blaming himself for their disappearance, at least in part. Lita interrupts his brooding with a steaming mug, and they rejoin the rest of the family.

Alopex sets out solo to look for the weasles. After Raphael hugs her goodbye, he stands at the door and reminiscences about Splinter. He heads into the armory to light candles and grabs Splinter's stick and his own sai, while unbeknownst to him, Oroku Saki watches.

Alopex runs through the streets, calling for the weasels and searching for them. She recalls the future Lita as she does. She also passes a number of the locals spending time together indoors. Saki follows her from a distance, before moving on to look for the weasels himself. He passes a troupe of mutant frogs walking the streets before he comes upon where Old Hob and the weasels are. The weasels play-attack Hob, and Saki realizes they are in no danger.

Saki leaves a note on the dōjō door reading that Hob has the weasels and they are happy - it is signed "a friend". Al finds it and brings it inside, and shows the rest of the clan.

Donatello brings out a photo album and the Turtles sit around looking through it, seeing many pictures of their departed father, particularly at Christmas time. The Turtles remember their father in their own ways.

There is a sudden knock at the door, and Raph answers, ready for an ambush, but it's just Angel and Woody with pizza. The clan and their comrades sit at the low table in the living room and share pizza and memories.

See also[]

Notes and trivia[]

  • This is the first issue of the IDW continuity to have no spoken dialogue.
    • Since regular series letterer Shawn Lee does not contribute to the issue because of this, he is given a short piece in place of the letters section to address the readers.
  • The Ninja Notes also indicates that the next issue will be Bobby Curnow's final sole issue as editor before transitioning into a co-editor with another person for a while, before leaving the book altogether.
  • "Chet" appears on as grafitti on page 9.