Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics synthesize and remix 40 years of Turtles lore and transform it into a single sprawling epic! This sourcebook collects and catalogs every character, every location, and every notable event into four issues by writer Patrick Ehlers and serves as a comprehensive companion to that epic. This volume explores the deepest depths of Dimension X, imposing order on a war that has consumed countless planets for hundreds of years. This is a complete account of a dangerous and uncanny sci-fi galaxy: from Krang and the Utrom Empire to the Princess Trib and Neutrino resistance, from Rock Soldiers to sentient plants, from Triceraton invaders to shady G-Men defending the planet!`
Table of contents[]
- Included in this issue
Planets of Dimension X[]
- Utrominon
- Planet Neutrino
- Morbus
- Planet Aerwyl
- Balaraphon
- Hexa and Parcinon
- Astraea Asteroid Belt
- Go'mo
- Akebono
- Palmadise
- Totus
Scion of the Utrom Empire[]
- Utroms
- Quanin
- General Krang
- Early Utrom Activity on Earth
- The Fall of the Utrom Empire
- Krang and Dr. Stockman
- Stone Soldiers
The Neutrinos[]
- Fugitoid/Professor Honeycutt
- The Neutrino Resistance Fighters
- Princess Trib
- King Zenter and Queen Gizzla
- Turtles, Heroes of the Krang War
Utrom Exile[]
- Burnow Island
- The Technodrome
- Utrom Life Raft
- Shredder and Krang
- Ooze
- The Attack on the Technodrome
- Krang Captured
- Fugitoid and Utroms in Cryostasis
- The Murder of Councilor Lorqa
- Ma'riell
- Lieutenant Kleve
- Corporal Montuoro
- Utrom Citizenry
- Leatherhead
The Trial of Krang[]
- Vin-Bini
- Counselor Apap
- Judge Gorath
- Witnesses to War Crimes
- Hakk-R
- B'een Go
- Anemon and Eymo
- Stump and Sling
- Grappleganza
- Manfred Manos III
- Antrax
- Cryin' Hound
- El Samurai and Super Star Donnie
- The Stump-Thumpers
- Ace Duck
- Poly-95480
- Maligna and the Malignoid Swarm
- Justice
G-Men, Monsters, and Hunters[]
- Darkwater
- Sergeant Alex Winter
- Colonel Wesley Knight
- Detective Kara Lewis
- Agent John Bishop
- The Earth Protection Force (E.P.F.)
- Wayne Bishop
- The Slash Weapon
- Dr. Shevlin
- Special Agent Ravenwood
- Bebop and Rocksteady vs. the E.P.F.
- Officer Maureen Lin
- Wyrm
- Hector Barrales
- Wingnut & Screwloose
- Dreadmon
- LeatherKrang
The Triceratons[]
- The Triceraton Army
- General Zog
- Commander Zom
- Triceratons in New York
- Utrom-Triceraton Unification
- Bishop on Burnow Island
- Triceraton Citizenry
The Last Utrom War[]
- Colonel Ch'rell
- Crisis of Reproduction
- Regenta Seri
- Seri in Exile
- The Triceraton Body Problem
- MetalKrang
- The Nova Squadron/The Nova Posse
- Members of the Nova Posse
- Torbin Zixx
- Grybyx
- Utrom Invasion
- Seri Strikes Back
- Krang's Last Gambit
See also[]
- Book gallery