

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics synthesize and remix 40 years of Turtles lore and transform it into a single sprawling epic! This sourcebook collects and catalogs every character, every location, and every notable event into four issues by writer Patrick Ehlers and serves as a comprehensive companion to that epic. This volume explores the deepest depths of Dimension X, imposing order on a war that has consumed countless planets for hundreds of years. This is a complete account of a dangerous and uncanny sci-fi galaxy: from Krang and the Utrom Empire to the Princess Trib and Neutrino resistance, from Rock Soldiers to sentient plants, from Triceraton invaders to shady G-Men defending the planet!`

Table of contents[]

  • Included in this issue

Planets of Dimension X[]

Scion of the Utrom Empire[]

The Neutrinos[]

Utrom Exile[]

The Trial of Krang[]

G-Men, Monsters, and Hunters[]

The Triceratons[]

  • The Triceraton Army
  • General Zog
  • Commander Zom
  • Triceratons in New York
  • Utrom-Triceraton Unification
  • Bishop on Burnow Island
  • Triceraton Citizenry
    • Lieutenant Trokk
    • Corporal Shep
    • Science Specialist Sergeant Gord
    • Corporal Drel
    • Food Production Scientist Yot
    • Dr. Zura

The Last Utrom War[]

See also[]

  • Book gallery