The daily comic strip was a version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that ran in newspapers. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic strip was started on December 10, 1990 by Creators Syndicate as a daily. The strip ceased publication in January 1997. It could formerly be read online at GoComics (dead link).
The strip ran seven days a week, but (at least for part of its run) the Saturday strips consisted only of fan art and was not part of the storyline, which was published Monday—Friday. The Sunday edition featured a mix of puzzles and fan art early on, but later switched entirely to a fan-art format.
Among the creators who worked on the strip were Ryan Brown, Dan Berger, Jim Lawson, Michael Dooney, Steve Lavigne and Stephen Murphy (credited as Dean Clarrain).
Some of the TMNT daily strips have been reprinted in Comics Revue.
There is no officially licensed book reprint collection of the daily comic strips.
TMNT: Comic Strips Introduction[]
(December 9, 1990 to December 15, 1990)
The Last Gaea Tree[]
Part one of Splinter's Quest (December 17, 1990-June 17, 1991)
Splinter’s Quest, part 2[]
(June 18, 1991-September 13, 1991)
Splinter’s Quest, part 3[]
(September 16, 1991-November 15, 1991)
Heaven's In Here[]
(November 18, 1991-March 13, 1992)
The Rat King Gambit[]
(March 16, 1992-February 18, 1993)
Off-World Odyssey[]
(February 19, 1993-January 20, 1994)
Alien Intruders[]
(January 21, 1994-May 27, 1994)
Magic Turnstone[]
(May 30, 1994-February 15, 1995)
The Voyage Home[]
(February 16, 1995-October 3, 1995)
Time Travelling Turtles[]
(October 4, 1995-December 29, 1995)
Hideous Brain Munching Alien Beastie[]
(January 1, 1996-May 17, 1996)
Oopsie Returns[]
(May 20, 1996-December 28, 1996)
Green Tips[]
Saturday filler strips
Self-Contained Sunday Comics[]
Every Sunday during comic strip run
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- Alien Police Officer
- Alim
- Bebop
- Bonehead
- Brak
- Brik
- Cudley
- Dowah
- Elwood
- Foot Soldiers
- Gronkite
- Grump
- Hideous Brain Munching Alien Beastie
- Jess Harley/Leatherhead
- Joe
- Joe’s daughter
- Kak'fa
- King Gorrrge
- Luigi-Sing
- Mary Bones
- Master Mario Chan
- Melbert Bond
- Merpeople
- Mrs. Nacho Dragon
- Morp
- Muhlag
- Mutagen Beastie
- Nacho Dragon
- Nasty Space Pirates
- Oopsie
- Pilot Dude
- Pumarro
- Rat King
- Renet
- Rez
- Robo Judge
- Rocksteady
- Sandhorses
- Santa Claus
- Savanti
- Space Whale
- Mr. Troglodyte
- The Original Slimy Truckin’ Tentacles From 40,000 Leagues Beneath the Awesome Aquatic Ocean
- Winged Bat
- Zontar