
"Eric Sachs - Crime, violence and fear have run rampant, our great city is being destroyed. People want justice restored to this world, people want heroes, Ms. O'Neil. But heroes aren't born, they're created. That's what your father and I were trying to do, create heroes."

"Splinter - You live, you die, you fight... As brothers. Remember, nothing is as strong as family."

"Vernon - Four Turtles, one's fighting a robot samurai. Why not?"

"Michelangelo - Oh no, no. No, no. Woah, chill. It's just a mask, see? Don't freak out, right?"

"Donatello - Surveillance is showing heavy foot clan activity

Raphael - They're taking hostages

Leonardo - Let's Rock N' Roll"

"Raphael - This is our city."

"Raphael - That's what I'm talking about. Like shadows in the night.

Michelangelo - Yeah.

Raphael - Copletely unseen. (flash)

Michelangelo - What was that?

Donatello - It's a camera flash."

"'Raphael' - Give me the camera.

Michelangelo - Oh look, he's doing his Batman voice.

Leonardo - Back off, Raph."

"Leonardo - Do not say a word about this to anyone. If you do, we WILL find you.

Michelangelo - Yeeeaah, we'll find you. I'm sorry that came across super creepy. Okay? That's……We will find you though."

"Splinter - My sons, I have trained you your whole lives to protect the city above. But I fear your not ready for its greatest threat... Shredder"

"Eric Sachs - We're taking your armor to the next level."

"Splinter - You must stop Shredder."

"Splinter - Together you're stronger than he can ever be."

"Raphael - Let's go save my brothers."

"Bernardette - You are now telling me, that there are four, 6 foot talking turtles walking around New York City and no one had seen them but you?!

April - That's what I'm telling you.

Bernardette - Is there anything else we should know about them?

April - They're ninjas."

"Vernon - So they're aliens?

April - No that's stupid. They're turtles."

"Leonardo - We were created as weapons and we knew the world would never accept us, but one day it would need us."

"Raphael - Drive.

Vernon - You're a talking turtle."

"Donatello - Allow me to be the bad-ass for once"

"Splinter - Your Training is not yet complete, but you will be the warriors that legends are made of."

"Leonardo - Donnie, what are the odds of us surviving?

Donatello - 0.000003%."

"Leonardo - Raph, take them out."

"Raphael - Now that we've got that out of the way, hit it!"

"Michelagelo - My bad... still figuring out the buttons."

"Vernon - O'Neil, what are you doing? Yeah, that's good. Make sure you're getting everything."

"April - What are you?

Leonardo - We are ninjas.

Raphael - We're mutants

Donatello - Well, technically we're turtles.

Michelangelo - Oh, and we're teenagers.

April - Ninja mutant turtle teenagers?

Donatello - When you put it like that it sounds ridiculous."

"Donatello - Oh my gosh, they have guns."

"Raphael - Why are you always telling me what to do?"
