
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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[Millions of years later.]


Michelangelo "—A watched pot never boils."

Mikey "Whoa."

Leonardo "We're somewhere else. But where?"

Donatello "If I'm guessing, I'm going to go with Japan."

Leo "And you know that how?"

Donnie "The flora and topography make a pretty strong case for it. I mean, I still don't know when we are, but it's sure not the Cretaceous."

Leo "Hm. Check out the ground—"

Leo "—These are grooves in the road. Whenever we are, the wheel's already been invented."

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Mikey "Anyone have an idea why we didn't wind up back in New York?"

Donnie "Well, I'd need to know the specifics of how we've become unstuck in time in the first place. Is it a quantum singularity?"

Donnie "A chronometric energy surge mingling with the remnants of mutagen in our bodies? Or is it—"


Mikey "Dude Renet!"

Donnie "Yes, we know she's involved, but what's the specific mechanism that's—"

Raphael "Oh, pull your head outta yer shell! She's here!"

Leo "REnet, what did you do? How do we get home?"

Renet "Been {GARBLE GARBLE} but still not done with the {GARBLE GARBLE}."

Renet "Oh! {GARBLE GARBLE} you for {GARBLE GARBLE}!"

Mikey "Um... You're welcome?"



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Mikey "Wow... That was so not helpful..."

Leo "No. Better assume we could be here for a while, and do some recon."

Leo "We don't know enough about our surroundings... Or how near we are to any local population. We may need to find some disguises, to be on the safe side."

Raph "Hey, you hear that? Over that way."

Raph "You want disguises, Leo? Looks like this is our lucky day."

Leo "Those are samurai, Raph. We can't steal from—"

Raph "Well it ain't like we can hit a thrift store. 'Sides, they'll be fine."

Leo "Sigh."

Leo "I hate it when you're right..."

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[Meanwhile, a short distance away...]

Foot Ninja A "Hamato Yoshi."

Ninja A "<You need to be reminded of your place.>"

Yoshi "<Do I? And why is it you think so?>"

Ninja A "<You know why. You have been disrespectful towards our jonin.>"

Yoshi "<There has been no disrespect.>"

Ninja A "<You contradict him openly! That is not respect!>"

Yoshi "<I have only suggested different paths to the same goals.>"

Ninja A "<...Perhaps you simply need a more forceful lesson to teach you the difference.>"

Yoshi "<This has gone far enough.>"

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Yoshi "<I will not be threatened by the likes of you!>"

Yoshi "<It is an insult.>"


Ninja A "Aiie!"

Raph "Damn, look at him go."

Mikey "It's still an unfair fight. Think we should even the odds?"

Donnie "We don't want to disrupt history. I mean, we should probably sneak past while everyone's distracted."

Mikey "Trust me, bro, I can hear what they're saying down there."

Mikey "Those dudes are straight-up bullies."

Donnie "Wait! We can't just—"

Mikey "And bullies suck!"

Leo "Well, nertz."

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Raph "Relax. The universe ain't gonna blow up if we throw a couple of punches."

Donnie "Oh yeah? Did you pull that out of your deep understanding of quantum mechanics, or did you pull it out of your—"

Ninja A "Akuma!"

Yoshi "Kiyaai!"

Ninja A "<We have awoken a horde of demons! We must flee!>"

Ninja A "<Vanish!>"

Leo "They're gone. But are they regrouping, or—"

Mikey "No, dude, they think we're demons. They split."

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Yoshi "<I thank you for your assistance, though I do not understand why you gave it.>"

Mikey "<Well, it didn't seem like a fair fight.>"

Yoshi "<I was not aware demons gave consideration to such things.>"

Leo "Man... Real samurai armor, ninjas... This feels almost like coming home."

Donnie "I just wish Mikey wasn't the only one of us who can speak Japanese."

Raph "Yeah—being this dependent on him... I have nightmares that start like that."

Mikey "<Um, why do you think we're demons?>"

Yoshi "<Because your comrades speak in an unfamiliar tongue...>"

Yoshi "<...And because men have more fingers.>"

Yoshi "<But I have been impolite. You came to my aid... The least I can offer in thanks is a meal.>"

Yoshi "<Let it never be said that Hamato Yoshi is an ingrate.>"

Donnie "Did he just say "Hamato Yoshi—?" "

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Leo "This is so weird."

Orange Son "Whee!"

Raph "What, the part about Mikey playing airplane with a baby human version of himself, or the part about random time travel dropping us specifically here?"

Leo "I wouldn't expect you to understand."

Raph "Moping in a corner? You're right, that's totally outside my wheelhouse."

Raph "Now will you tell me what's eatin' you already?"

Leo "{Sigh}"

Leo "Look at them."

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Raph "You mean 'cause the human you is giving us the hairy eyeball? Nice to know some things'll never change."

Raph "If you could see your face right now, you'd know I'm right."

Leo "Stop joking!"

Leo "You know what's going to happen to them!"

Leo "We all know."

Raph "Yeah, we do. But it ain't like there's much we can do about it."

Leo "..."

Leo "Isn't there?"

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[The next morning.]

Mikey "Yawn."

Tang Shen "<You are awake. Would you like some tea?>"

Mikey "<That sounds so good.>"

Shen "<You slept well?>"

Mikey "<Totally. I always do. Is Splint—ah, I mean is Yoshi-san awake?>"

Shen "<He was summoned by the jonin early this morning.>"

Mikey "<Does that happen a lot?>"

Shen "<It is a game they play. There will be a disagreement, then the jonin will exert his authority by assigning Yoshi a mission suited to a lesser man... And then all is forgotten, until the next time.>"

Shen "<I do sometimes worry that Yoshi will push the jonin too far. You are a demon. Can you see the future? Will that ever happen?>"

Mikey "<The future? Um, I—>"

Raph "Mikey..."

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Mikey "You got killer timing, dude."

Raph "Yeah, I know. Where's Leo?"

Mikey "Haven't seen him since I got up."

Raph "Leo? Leo!"

Raph "Oh man, I got a bad feelin' about this."

Donnie "Why?"

Raph "Something he said last night. I think he's got ideas about stopping Shredder from killin' us. Human us, I mean."

Donnie "What?! He can't do that! That could cause irreparable damage to the space-time continuum—even worse than if Father had seen enough of our faces to remember us in the future!"

Raph "This time travel crap is giving me a headache."

Donnie "Mikey! We need to find Leo, before he does anything! See if you can get directions for us."

Mikey "<Our brother is gone. We think he... Uh... Saw the future, but we don't think it was the right one?>"

Shen "<That does not make sense.>"

Mikey "<I know. It's complicated. I'd let someone else explain it if I could, but there's no time.>"

Mikey "<We really need to find our brother before something bad happens.>"

Mikey "<Please, will you help?>"

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Shen "<I-I don't know why, but there is something in me that says I should trust you. How can I help?>"

Mikey "<We need to know where to find the Foot Clan... And can we maybe borrow the horses you guys have out back?>"

Shen "<Well... Very well, yes.>"

Mikey "Thanks, Mom!"

Shen "<What?>"

Mikey "<Sorry. Didn't mean to be rude. I'm just really excited to ride a horse.>"

Mikey "And that I got to hug my mom!"

[A short time later.]

[The Foot Clan's compound.]

Oroku Saki "<Do you know why you are here, Kimura?>"

Saki "<You are here because you have failed the Foot Clan. Repeatedly.>"

Saki "<I have sent Hamato Yoshi to correct your most recent mistake.>"

Kimura "<I'm sorry, My Lord, but I—>"

Saki "<I don't care to hear your excuses, Kimura. You are an embarrassment.>"

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Saki "<And that will no longer be ignored!>"

Leo "No!"

Kimura "<What—?!>"

Leo "Go."

Kimura "<Demon!>"

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Leo "Kiyaii!"

Saki "Arrrrh!"


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[Meanwhile, outside.]

Foot Ninja B "<And so I say to Muraka, "You can't talk to me that way—">"

Foot Ninja A "<Quiet! Someone's coming. I can't quite see who it is...>"

Ninja A "<No!>"

Ninja A "<The demons! The demons are coming for us all!>"

Ninja B "<I only see three riders.>"

Ninja B "<And no one would attack us in broad...>"

Ninja B "Aiiiagh!"

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Saki "<Who are you? What fool would dare attack me?>"

Leo "Whatever you just said, it doesn't matter."

Leo "Neither one of us is going to leave this room alive."

Mikey "So whose plan was it to charge the front gate again?"

Donnie "We need them focused on us."

Raph "Yup. I'm gonna look for Leo. If I don't find him, I'll circle back and we can blow this popstand."

Raph "Cover for me!"

Donnie "Oh sure, no problem. It's just a horde of ninjas."

Mikey "Yeah, piece of cake."

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Leo "Do you even know what you've done? How many lives you've ruined? You killed my whole family. You killed me!"

Leo "And then you followed us into the future and tried to do it again."

Saki "<Stop babbling in your demon tongue and fight!>"


Leo "—Ngh!"

Leo "You're a better fighter than I am. But the way I see it, I have a major advantage."

Leo "You're fighting to kill me and stay alive. But me?"

Leo "I'm fighting for more than just my life."

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Saki "Gaah!"


Leo "Getting frustrated? Good."

Leo "That'll make this even easier."

Leo "Kiyai!"

Raph "Leo!"

Raph "Think about what you're doing."

Leo "You shouldn't be here, Raph."

Raph "Yeah? Neither should you."

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Saki "<I will kill you both!>"

Leo "Go away!"


Leo "Ngh—You can't stop me from doing this!"

Raph "I'm not gonna fight you over this, Leo. I just want you to think. You kill him, you're not just tradin' your life as it is now for all the ones he took."

"You're trading our lives, too."

"Well, more than that."

"Think of all the lives we've saved. They'd be gone, too. Krang wants to wipe out the whole planet, remember? Who's gonna stand in his way?"

Raph "I know you, Leo. Sacrificing yourself might seem noble to ya, but you know it ain't right to sacrifice everybody else. Not for this."

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Leo "Gaaaah!"


Leo "You—"

Leo "You're right. It's not worth the price."

Leo "You know what this means, don't you?"

Raph "Yeah, that things'll turn out like they were—"

Raph "Leo! Look out!"

Leo "Eh?"

Saki "<Die!>"


Saki "<What?! You—You're not a man!>"

Leo "Guess the guys you usually stab in the back don't have shells, huh?"

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Leo "Kiyai!"


Leo "And yes, he's still alive. I hope you're happy."

Raph " 'Course I am. I got to keep my pretty face, and you ain't got all that blood on your hands."

Leo "Where are the others?"

Raph "Oh, crap. They're outside fighting off, y'know, everyone."

Leo "We better get out there!"

Mikey "Man, there are a million of these guys!"

Donnie "Just hang on, Mikey. I see Raph and Leo coming this—"


Ninja A "<They're—They're gone!>"

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Kitsune "<You are troubled.>"

Saki "<My clan was attacked by demons, Kitsune. I want to know why.>"

Kitsune "<Demons are capricious. That is reason enough.>"

Kitsune "<Oh!>"

Saki "<Perhaps you can also answer why these demons were so well-versed in the specific style of the Foot Clan? Well?>"

Kitsune "<I believe... I believe it is an omen.>"

Saki "<Of what?>"

Kitsune "<Why else would these demons attack with a style not known to other men? It is a warning of treachery to come. Of a traitor in your house. You must be careful...>"

Saki "<I will tolerate no more disobedience, Kitsune. No disloyalty whatsoever.>"

Saki "<The next time one of my own crosses me—>"

Saki "<—I will see them dead.>"
