Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Double Damage is a 2009 online Flash game developed by Urban Squall as a promotional tool for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash-Up. It was playable at many websites, including, following their acquisition of the brand, the official Nickelodeon website. Since Flash's demise, it is no longer playable by conventional means and must be played via emulators.
The game uses more 1987/2007-esque appearances for the Turtles, but most other characters take after their 2003 counterparts.
Each Turtle has his advantages. Leonardo and Raphael are more effective in fighting Foot Ninja, while Donatello and Michelangelo are efficient in battling machines/robots. Leo and Don have long-range weapons, and Mike and Raph have stronger weapons.
After choosing his or her Turtle, the player is able to choose a support character from the four Turtles, a "Pizza Delivery Guy", Splinter, and Casey Jones.
The game's bosses include Hun, The Utrom Shredder, and Tengu Shredder. The game also features multi-colored 2003 styled Foot Ninja, as would the later Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack.
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