

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Deviations is a one-shot issue from IDW Publishing. It is part of the Deviations line, a series similar to Marvel's "What If?" line - detailing an alternate scenario in a previous storyline.

In TMNT: Deviations, Shredder and Kitsune brainwash all four Ninja Turtles, as opposed to just Leonardo. Splinter must gather together a team to defend against Shredder and his new chunin.


In a world where Shredder leads the Turtles, all hope seems lost! With the Turtles brainwashed to follow Shredder, Splinter forms a new group in a last ditch effort to save his sons… and New York City!

Appearing in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Deviations[]

Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]



Objects and Vehicles[]


Splinter is seen fleeing from his brainwashed sons as they try to capture him. Interspersed with those scenes are flashbacks to Old Hob, who is tied to a chair and has been beaten by the Ninja Turtles until he gives up Splinter's location. His only caveat is that they must take him with them so he can enjoy the show.

A chase ensues, with Splinter trying to avoid fighting his sons, though they have no problem with brutalizing him. Under orders from Shredder, they are not allowed to kill him. The Turtles finally capture Splinter and when Donatello asks what they do about Old Hob, Leonardo says to let him go.

At Foot headquarters, the Turtles drag Splinter before Shredder, who is seated on his throne with his wife Kitsune standing next to him. Shredder tells the Turtles he does not want to kill Splinter right away, though Kitsune questions if that is a wise choice. Shredder scoffs, stating that Splinter is defeated and no threat to them. He wants Splinter to see his sons marching at the forefront of the Foot Clans rise to power.

In a side room, Karai and Alopex are listening to the entire exchange. Karai is disgusted by it all, seeing the Turtles as cretins who dishonor the clan. She wants to know how her grandfather could let it continue, to which Alopex responds that Shredder has traded respect for results. Alopex goes on the explain that the four Turtles have been promoted to Chunin, while Karai has been demoted to common soldier rank because they have delivered what Karai could not - the rat. Karai tells Alopex that her seeming lack of concern at the turn of events doesn't fool her, that she knows Alopex has no real loyalty to Shredder. Alopex responds with "so what", that there is nothing she can do about it now, to which Karai replies that the winds of change will soon blow in a new direction and asks whose side Alopex will take when they do.

Cut to the Skara Brae bar. Inside, seated at the bar, Arnold Jones is holding the blood-stained hockey mask which belonged to his deceased son, Casey Jones. His friend and bar owner, Brooklyn Bridge pours out a drink on the house, and the other patrons tell Arnold that they'll raise a toast to Casey. Arnold angrily says he wants none of their toasts or sympathy and then smashes aside the glass, yelling that he doesn't want booze either. Brooklyn asks what the hell does he want. Arnold says he wants to get the old gang back together - he wants payback; he wants the Shredder dead.

Back at Foot headquarters, Shredder orders the Turtles to report. Leonardo tells him that the Savate have been defeated. Raphael reports that the Ghosts Boys are ghosts too. Michelangelo states that he wiped up the floor with Lupo and the other wise guys, while Donatello says that he took care of a new gang outfit called the Street Phantoms.

Rising from his throne, a pleased Shredder says that since it appears that the Foot Clan has control of the city, there is only one order of business left before their reign begins. Shredder stands over Splinter, sword drawn, and tells him that he thought he'd killed him once and was mistaken, but he will not make the same mistake twice. As he is about to strike a killing blow, a wall is suddenly blown open.

Standing in the new opening are Old Hob and Slash. Hob is heavily armed and apologizes to Splinter for being a little late because it took longer to whack the guards outside. Splinter says that he was actually going to commend Hob for his opportune timing and it becomes clear that Splinter's capture was part of an elaborate plan made by the two of them. Incensed, Shredder leaps at Splinter and swings his sword, but the weapon doesn't reach its target, instead being stopped by another katana.

It is Karai, who tells her grandfather that it was not only Splinter's plan. Alopex stands with her. Shredder quickly orders the Turtles to destroy the invaders. Hob taunts them, saying four little Turtles against a humongous Slash doesn't seem fair, but then Leonardo orders the Foot to attack.

Still bound, Splinter watches the fight begin. Kitsune, now wearing her fox mask, asks if he truly believes the motley group he's assembled can possibly save him. Splinter tells her that they are not there to save him, that he is there to save his sons. She reacts with surprise as he lifts his head to meditate and enter the astral plane.

Meanwhile, Hob and Slash are being overrun by the sheer number of Foot soldiers. Suddenly there is shooting from nearby and Jones arrives with the Purple Dragons. When Brooklyn addresses him as Arnie, Jones says that tonight he is Hun. Shouting "For Casey!", Hun runs into the chamber with his guns blazing.

Shredder continues to battle both Karai and Alopex. They are no match for him though, and he kills both. On the astral plane, Splinter, armed with a sword, faces off with Kitsune. She tells him that he stands no chance against her in her domain, to which he replies that he is quite familiar with this plane. Kitsune suddenly takes on her huge fox form and states that familiarity is one thing, and mastery another.

With a pile of fallen Foot soldiers all around them, Hob tells the Turtles that this battle doesn't need to go further. He says that their father set this all up to pull them out of this mess and that he's doing his part and the Turtles should do theirs by getting out of the way. Raphael says that since Hob really can't stay - "Here's a goin' away present!" and throws his sai into Hob's chest.

Slash cradles Hob and begs him not to go away, but Hob tells him it's okay, that he's had it coming for a while. In the astral plane, Kitsune has caught Splinter in her jaws and is crushing him. Suddenly a voice orders Kitsune to "Release my husband, foul witch". It is Tang Shen. Her arrival bolsters Splinter and startles Kitsune long enough for the aged rat to twist in her mouth and stab her with his katana.

Both exit the astral plane and Kitsune falls dead. Shredder goes to her side. Meanwhile, an angered Slash has snatched up Raphael and is squeezing him in one giant fist. Michelangelo stumbles back as the effects of the brainwashing wear off. He asks Slash how they got there and Slash asks "Good Mikey back?"

Behind them, Shredder approaches the mortally wounded Splinter and lifts his sword to finish him. He swings his sword, but is suddenly strike in the head and knocked down by Hun. Lifting a hand towards the man, Shredder asks "Who-". Hun replies that he's Arnold Jones and that Shredder killed his boy and has to pay. He then blasts Shredder with both barrels of his shotgun. Succumbing to his own injuries, Hun then drops dead.

Leonardo turns to Splinter and asks what happened. Splinter says that they were lost, but now they are found. He is now going to go be with their mother. He tells his sons that freedom awaits them and as he fades, asks what will they do with such responsibility. Then he is gone.

See also[]


  • Despite appearing on the alternate cover, Bebop and Rocksteady do not feature in this issue.
    • Casey, too, appears on this same cover in the heap of defeated heroes, despite having been killed prior to the events of the issue.