

Usagi Yojimbo, honorable samurai and rabbit out of time, has been stuck in New York City ever since one of Donatello’s experiments with a transdimensional portal went awry. Usagi has grown to appreciate the city, his friends in the Turtles, and most of all, pizza, but he still wants to return to his own dimension more than anything. When Donatello finally finds a way for Usagi to do just that, the rabbit warrior invites the Turtles to visit his home… where they find a dangerous new enemy. It’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Usagi Yojimbo together again in a whole new dimension!

Appearing in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: Saturday Morning Adventures[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects, vehicles, and weapons[]


Open in New York City at night. Three members of the Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang are cutting the padlock off a corner market as they prepare to break in. They are suddenly startled by the appearance of Usagi Yojimbo who tells them the neighborhood is under his protection and they should leave now. The three men start laughing at the "itsy-bitsy bunny wabbit", but their laughter is short lived as Usagi leaps into action and quickly defeats the trio, leaving them unconscious on the ground.

The sound of clapping causes Usagi to spin around quickly and he realizes that he has had an audience - the Ninja Turtles. Usagi asks what brings them to this part of the city and Leonardo answers that they came to see him. They have big news for Usagi and couldn't wait to share. Donatello says that Usagi has been stuck in New York for a long time and the Turtles were wondering if he'd like to go home.

Later, in Donatello's lab, the genius Turtle explains that he has finally found the right dimensional address to Usagi's dimension. Donatello presses a button on his Trans-Dimensional Portal and an image of a forest on Usagi's world appears. The forest is one that Usagi recognizes and he bows to Donatello and then asks the Turtles if they would like to come with him for a visit. Splinter thinks that it's a good idea, since they can always make use of the perspective gained from a new environment.

A short while later, Donatello has explained to Splinter how to maintain the portal's integrity. He shows his sensei the button to press in two days in order to open a portal so that the Turtles can come back home. Splinter says that he understands and Donatello says that just in case, he has connected the Turtlecoms to the Dimensional Portal's systems. Donatello tells Splinter that if he has any problems, to just give them a call. Raphael congratulates Donatello on his good thinking, because they don't want to get stuck in the other dimension, but Michelangelo calls his brother a pessimist. All four Turtles and Usagi leap through the portal gateway and enter Usagi's world.

As the group walks through the forest, Leonardo thinks that it's great, but Raphael doesn't understand what it has that Central Park doesn't. Leonardo tells him that it's the peace and quiet. Usagi tells the Turtles of a nearby village with the tastiest... he suddenly stops talking and draws his sword, informing his friends that they are not alone. Usagi engages in a sword fight with a dark figure who has suddenly appeared and as he battles the fast moving opponent, Leonardo states that they need to help their friend. Raphael says that the two combatants are moving too fast and Michelangelo points out that he can hardly see the bad guy with all the shadows.

Donatello makes a quick adjustment to his Turtlecom and rushes forward. He turns a bright light on the Shadow Warrior, who hisses and recoils, giving Usagi a chance to deliver a hard kick. On he ground, the Shadow Warrior grimaces and then turns to smoke. Donatello explains that he increased the output on the Turtlecom viewscreen and made it into a spotlight in order to help Usagi see his opponent better, but the light actually revealed he was fighting a shadow creature. Leonardo asks if Usagi has ever seen such a creature before and Usagi says that he has not.

Believing that one of the villagers might be able to explain, the group continues their journey. Arriving at the village, Usagi calls out, wanting to know if anyone is there. A resident named Kai appears and Usagi introduces his friends before asking what happened to everyone. Kai explains that they are gone because the Shadow Warriors captured everyone but him. Usagi asks where the Shadow Warriors came from, but Kai doesn't know. They arrived in force soon after Usagi vanished, bringing an unending night with them. Even the Shogun's elite warriors were no match for the Shadow Army. Kai says that their master is called Lord Desmodus. He declared himself ruler, erected a castle east of the village, and captured all who might oppose him.

Usagi apologizes, stating it's his fault for rashly leaping into another world and becoming trapped there. If he had only stayed... but Kai interrupts to say that he might have been one of the first to be captured. Usagi then turns to the Turtles, saying that he hoped to be able to show them around, but he now has an important matter to attend to. He tells them they should go home now. The Turtles have other ideas, saying that they owe Usagi for his help on their world. Raphael adds that he's never kicked a shadow's butt before.

Cut to Lord Desmodus' fortress. Lord Desmodus is gloating at having been vindicated in his use of magic as a weapon. His magical army has taken over half of the world and he'll soon be able to use it's resources to conquer his home planet. An alert begins to sound from his computer and he comments to himself that magic is great, but there's always room for technology. Desmodus asks the computer to explain the reason for the alert and it says that it detected the presence of artificial light exceeding 2,000 lumens within sensor range. Though Desmodus believed that artificial light doesn't exist on this primitive world, he can't afford to take a chance and decides to investigate.

Back in the forest, Raphael complains that they've been walking for an hour and thinks they're lost. Usagi assures him they are headed in the right direction. Suddenly, a voice calls out for help and the group runs to offer aid. They soon come upon a lone, cloaked figure being menaced by a large group of Shadow Warriors. Michelangelo leaps to attack, but merely bounces off one of the warriors. He hits the ground and tells Donatello that they need another spotlight. Donatello is already working on it, but the last use did a number on the battery.

The cloaked stranger thanks them for coming his aid, but fears they are no match for the Shadow Warriors, as they are invincible. Raphael grows suspicious of the stranger, but Leonardo is focused on the fight and asks if Donatello is ready. Having set the Turtlecom, Donatello lifts it high and shines a bright beam on the Shadow Warriors, who draw back from the light. Now when Usagi and the Turtles kick and punch them, the warriors vanish into smoke.

With the Shadow Warriors gone, the cloaked stranger tells Donatello that he thought only the sun could emit such a bright light. He asks if he can see the Turtlecom, so Donatello hands it to him. However, during the handoff, the stranger drops the device and it breaks into pieces. The stranger apologizes for having destroyed their only defense against the Shadow Warriors, but Donatello says that though it’s not ideal, he can rig up another. The stranger suddenly throws off his cloak, revealing that he is actually Desmodus, and says it’s a pity Donatello won’t be given the chance. The evil alien bat calls to his Shadow Warriors, who appear and surround the heroes.

Desmodus tells the heroes that their one advantage has been destroyed and they won’t be given a chance to build another. While he speaks, Donatello is deep in thought. When Desmodus says that they must surrender and live as his servants, Donatello suddenly shouts that they surrender, to the intense surprise of Raphael and Leonardo. In an undertone, Donatello tells Leonardo to trust him and then turns to Desmodus and asks to be taken to his dungeon.

Later, after they are locked up in a cell in the fortress, Leonardo asks for an explanation. Donatello explains that when the bad guy revealed himself, he gave everything away. Alternate universes are more similar to their own than not. Donatello says that Usagi’s world is a lot like Earth and it’s not a stretch to think that there is an alternate version of Flagenon. When Usagi asks about Flagenon, Donatello says that it’s another planet with a race of bat-like people. They have dealt with one of them before, an alien named Wingnut. Donatello says that he never forgets technology, and Desmodus’ armor is obviously Flagenonic.

Raphael complains that they are still stuck in the cell, but Donatello reminds him of the ninjutsu art of invisibility and concealment. He opens the initial buckle on his belt and reveals a small tool kit. Using his mini-torch, Donatello blasts the door controls and the door opens. All of their weapons sit on a nearby shelf and the heroes quickly arm themselves. Donatello then says that Kai told them it’s been nighttime since Desmodus arrived, so there must be a device in the castle. Usagi can’t believe victory could be so simple, but Donatello says that Flagenonins aren’t known for complex plans.

An alarm suddenly sounds, indicating their escape. Leonardo tells Donatello and Michelangelo to find and disable the night generator while the rest of them deal with Desmodus. After a few wrong turns, Donatello and Michelangelo finally locate the room where the perpetual night machine is located. Unfortunately, the device is guarded by robots armed with long, sharp claws. Michelangelo finds himself wishing he’d gone with Leonardo.

Meanwhile, the other three heroes have made it to Desmodus’ throne room where they are battling the Shadow Warriors. Seated on his throne, Desmodus taunts them, saying they will be destroyed. Leonardo retorts that they came prepared and shines a bright light from his Turtlecom. However, the light lasts only a second and then goes out. Usagi and the two Turtles go back to fighting, while in the control room, Michelangelo tries to keep the robots away from Donatello so he has a chance to figure out how to turn off the night generator.

Donatello finds the technology fascinating, but can’t find any wires or circuit boards, just little wooden tiles with holograms floating over them. Michelangelo wraps his Turtle Line around a robot that is about to attack his brother, and pulls the robot into another. He tells Donatello to figure it out soon. Back in the throne room, Raphael promises to glare at Master Splinter for suggesting they visit this dimension. Desmodus is highly entertained by how well they fight and Leonardo tells him to come fight them himself. Desmodus says that perhaps after they defeat his army, which they won’t do without a light that’s brighter than any primitive lantern.

Cut to the control room, where Michelangelo is fighting a losing battle with the robots. Donatello finally admits he can’t figure out the night machine and Michelangelo yells at him to just do something. With no other options, Donatello begins sweeping the tiles off the panel and to his surprise, that works.

Sunshine begins streaming through the windows in the throne room. Desmodus covers his eyes and the Shadow Warriors shrink away from the light. As Usagi begins destroying the warriors, he tells Desmodus to release his captives and then leave. Desmodus pulls his sword, vowing to never leave because he wants this world’s resources, which he’ll use to conquer his home planet. He swings his sword at Usagi, who traps it between his own and then flips Desmodus’ sword away. With several fast cuts, Usagi strips Desmodus of his armor and then tells him to surrender.

Making a dash for his throne, Desmodus shouts for his escape shuttle to activate. The throne transforms into a mini-rocket ship and Desmodus tells the computer to set a course for Planet Flagenon. As the shuttle blasts through the roof of the castle, Desmodus shouts that they will meet again. Raphael starts to kid around with Leonardo, but Usagi interrupts to say that their task is not over. They must free the villagers and secure the castle. With Desmodus gone, old foes will return, and he can’t allow them access to any alien technology that might have been left behind. Michelangelo and Donatello enter the room and the latter tells Usagi that shouldn’t be a problem. He says that the one thing he’s learned about megalomaniacal alien bad guys is that their bases always include a self-destruct feature.

With everyone, including the captive villagers outside, the fortress is destroyed in a huge explosion. Usagi apologizes to the Turtles, saying he meant to show them the quiet beauty of his world, not explosions and alien warlords. Leonardo tells him that they will always be there when he needs them. Donatello then hands Usagi a repaired Turtlecom which he can use to contact them through the dimensional portal. Usagi says that he doesn’t know how to thank them, and Michelangelo asks if he thinks the restaurant he mentioned could figure out how to make pizza, because he’s starving.

See also[]
