
TMHT Poster Mag issue 4 is a Fleetway comic, published on August 17, 1991.

Appearing in Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Poster Mag issue 4[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Inside their temporary base of operations, Shredder points to a picture of the Turtles and informs Bebop and Rocksteady that they are their targets. He instructs them to use their initiative to trap them, but of course neither of the mutants know what the word means. Shredder berates them, telling them to use their brains and take the Turtles by surprise. Shredder then leaves the two thugs to sort it out on their own. When they find a leftover container of mutagen, they decide to pour some over the Turtles.

As Bebop and Rocksteady prepare to enter the sewers with the container of mutagen. By chance, the Turtles are looking up through a manhole and see them coming. After entering the sewer tunnels, the two mutants set the container down beneath a sewer drain (by happenstance the same sewer drain the turtles fell through when they were hatchlings). The Turtles attack and easily handle the pair, sending them running away, tied together and with a sign attached to Bebop which reads “We’re Stupid”. What the green team do not know is that the pair of delinquents have left the open container of mutagen behind.

At that moment, in outer space, a fleet of alien galactic transporters are passing over the Earth. One of the vessels encounters steering beam alignment problems and bumps into another. The hull of the ship which contains eggs for a breeding program is punctured and one of the eggs is sucked out into space. It falls to Earth and lands in New York City, its hard carbonite shell protecting it from damage. The egg rolls along the side of the street and then falls through the same storm drain under which is the container of mutagen. It lands in the container and begins to grow.

Hearing a loud noise, the Turtles decide to investigate and arrive in time to find the egg hatching. A giant baby dragon emerges. Though the dragon is sweet, it is also wild, and it soon escapes to the streets above. In its rampage, it happens upon the warehouse that Shredder is using as a temporary base and destroys the Foot Clan’s operations. While examining the base, Donatello happens upon a can of anti-mutagen and comes up with a plan.

Setting out several boxes of pizza, the Turtles lure the giant dragon into the park. The Turtles are hiding behind a fence and Don readies the spray canister of anti-mutagen as the dragon approaches. When it is close enough, Don sprays the dragon and it reverts back to the tiny baby dragon it was supposed to be. Then a ray shoots down from the sky onto the dragon, beaming it back into the transporter ship. When it is gone, the Turtles decide that is for the best, as New Yorkers aren’t ready for dragons yet. New Yorkers are barely ready for Turtles!

See also[]
