Technodrome (Shredderville) 2
Production information
Technical specifications

Rock Soldiers

Other systems



1987 series


This version of the Technodrome sits in the middle of Shredderville and is a dilapidated piece of machinery that is barely functional. It is the home and base of operations for Krang, Traag, and the Rock Soldiers.

The Turtles first spot the Technodrome as they are escaping the Channel 6 building, which is the headquarters of the Shredder. Deciding that Krang is responsible for the general state of disrepair that has overtaken the entire city, the Turtles head for the Technodrome to confront him.

As the Turtles approach the Technodrome, they see Zach spray painting the words "Krang Go Home" on its side. A Rock Soldier grabs the boy, but the Turtles rescue him. Though Zach has been brainwashed by Shredder into believing that all of the cities problems are caused by mutants, he helps the Turtles gain entry into the Technodrome as a thanks for saving him.

Once inside, the Turtles find Krang, sans his robotic body lamenting the Technodrome's state of disrepair. Krang blames this on the treasonous ninja Shredder. Donatello discovers that the power generators are seriously overheating, and Krang informs him that there is nothing he can do as Shredder is diverting all the coolants for his own use at his headquarters.

Krang begs the Turtles to make repairs, but they leave in order to confront Shredder. Later, an explosion drives Krang and the Rock Soldiers from the Technodrome. The Turtles encounter him on the street, where Krang informs them that "The power generators have overloaded. They're going to self-destruct."

Rather than helping to resolve the situation, Krang flees. The Turtles make it to Shredder's office but learn that he is as helpless to make repairs as everyone else, and can do nothing about the Technodrome.

The building begins to collapse around them and the Technodrome is about to explode when the turtles are awakened by Splinter, who informs them that they were having a shared dream.
