Tcri sma

'T.C.R.I. (Techno Cosmic Research Institute) is a scientific corporation/organization with a multistory facility located in New York City. It appears in the Saturday Morning Adventures comics.


Professor Albert McGuffin is interviewed in his lab at the TCRI complex by April O'Neil. Having heard about the new device Professor McGuffin has developed, Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady and Thrum arrive to steal it. Security guards, employed by TCRI, attempt to stop them, but they are easily subdued by Bebop and Rocksteady. For Those About to Rock

Out chasing criminals one night, Casey Jones takes a shortcut across the testing grounds at the TCRI laboratories. Professor McGuffin tries to warn him off, but he's too late, as Casey is hit by a strange energy which gave him superpowers. April and the Turtles visit McGuffin to try to learn what happened. McGuffin tells them that there is an antidote, but Casey must ingest it by midnight or his changes will be permanent. SuperCasey

Mind-controlled by the Rat King, the Turtles break into the TCRI building with him in order to acquire weapons. They encounter no guards, because Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady have already dealt with them. After a short fight, the trio escape, but Rat King doesn't bother to go after them. Instead, he has the Turtles go the TCRI's psychological warfare lab and don rodent-like metallic suits. The Turtle King, Part One

