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[The episode started off with Karai kneeling in front of a projection of Shredder. Shredder wasn't happy because Karai disobeyed his orders.]
Shredder: So, daughter, not only do you disobey my orders in my absence, your petty scheme failed miserably.
Karai: It was those stupid Footbots. They couldn't keep up with the turtles.[Looking up to shredder.] But one good thing the Kraang have been upgrading them, so ...
Shredder: Hear me, Karai. You will have no more dealings with the Kraang until I return.
Karai:[Bowing down] Understood, father.
Shredder: Wait for my command, and do not defy me again. The consequences would be unfortunate.
[Karai clenched her fist while scowling.]
[Later, Karai walks into the Kraang’s facility and looks over at the new robot, it looks a lot like Chris Bradford’s armor but it was a droid.]
Karai: Not bad. How soon until it's online?
Kraang Droid: By Kraang's calculations, nine Earth hour units before-
Karai: Nine hours? I want to test it on someone now! And I've got the perfect target, too. April O'Neil.
[All of the kraang working shocked at what Karai just said.]
Karai: Is there a problem with that?
Kraang Droid: Kraang sees no foreseeable problem, one called Karai.
Karai: Good. Now, let's speed up the process. You don't want to keep the Shredder waiting, now, do you?
[Theme song]
[April is walking home at night while doing a few of her duties, with someone following her at close proximity. She looks but finds no one as she walked into the alley. April soon senses that someone is following her.]
April: I know you're following me. Come out so I can see you!
[She tosses her Tessen behind a trash can which reveals her stalker's identity.]
April: Donnie?
Donnie: Funny us both passing through this shady back alley at the same exact time, huh?
[April is still annoyed, because he and his brothers are responsible for turning her father into a mutant bat.]
Donnie: So, um, h-how have you been?
April: [annoyed] Oh, you know, the usual. Homework, chess club, [now angrily] dealing with a father who turned into a homicidal mutant bat!
Donnie: April, it wasn't completely our fault. But I'm sorry that-
April: Not as sorry as I am! I want to be left alone, Donnie. No more talking mutants in my life. I never want to see you again!
Donnie: April? Some things are just beyond our control.
[April gives him a reluctant look and leaves, Donnie looks down in shame and is heartbroken.]
[Back in the lair, the turtles watch TV, Mikey throws a popcorn kernel in the air only for Raph to steal it. Mikey throws another one in the air but Raph does the same thing. Mikey throws another one in the and bites Raph's hand. Raph makes Mikey flinch causing Mikey to hide in his shell. Donnie appears.]
Coolstar: Unleash mighty super robo mecha laser-force energy blast now!
[They defeat their enemy and cheer.]
Blip: Hmm, why not laughter and merriment, Princess, eh?
Zee: [upset] You have all forgotten my glorious royal birthday, Dr. Blip. I am hurt beyond all recognition. I never want to speak to you agaaaaain!
[Zee detached her part off the mech and flies off.]
Blip: Princess Zeeeeee!
Mikey: Whoa, dude. This show, like, totally paradoxes your life. Kinda owie in the corazon. That means heart.
Donnie: It's "parallels", and it does not, okay? It's just a cartoon.
Leo: Besides, the Princess has quit the team, like, twenty seven times. She always comes back.
Raph: Yeah, but let's face reality. April's gone for good. We'll probably never see her again.
Donnie: I'll... be in my lab.
[In his lab, the orb is humming.]
Donnie: Oh, no. The Kraang communicator. How long's it been going off? Guys, we have a problem!
[Later outside in the Shellraiser.]
Donnie: From what I could translate from the orb, it seems the Kraang are building some kind of advanced heavy weaponry.
Leo: Any guess what it could be?
Mikey: Ooh! Lasers disguised as burritos! Yes! It all makes sense now.
Raph: It does make sense. If you have the brain of an avocado!
Leo: All right, guys, stay focused. We find the weapon, and we destroy it. And then we get Mexican - - pizza.
[At the hockey building, April arrived to see Casey practicing on the ice rink.]
Casey: Red? Ah, I miss a study session again?
April: No, I'm just here to hang out.
Casey: With the infamous Casey Jones?
April: Unless you only like me for my trigonometry.
Casey: [skates torward her] So what's your deal? Never see you hanging out with anybody. Antisocial much?
April: Not really. I-I had four really close friends. I don't talk to them anymore.
Casey: It happens. Me and my best friend Nick were up against tromatown in last year's playoffs, right? He came up behind me just as I was about to sink the winning goal, and wham! Smacked his helmet straight off. Swollen face, split lip- my best friend since second grade. Never spoke to me again.
April: Oh, but it's not like you meant it.
Casey: Right. Some stuff is just beyond our control. [exits out of the ice rink] Give me a sec to grab my gear. We can get something to eat. Pizza.
[April frowned, remembering about the turtles and looked at her T-Phone.]
April: Donnie.
[Before she could do something, a massive explosion caused her to shield her face. Foot soldiers appear.]
April: Foot soldiers?
[The robots start to charge and attack April. April dodges the footbots, as they turn around with extra pair of arms wielding blades and maces come out from their backs.]
April: Uh, didn't you guys used to be human?
[She climbed into the ice rink. But due to the ice, it was too slippery for the foot bots but they managed to learn how to skate.]
Casey: Yo! If there's one thing Casey Jones has, it's crackerjack timing.
April: Casey, run!
Casey: [leaps onto the rink] What, so you get all the fun?
[He throws two pucks at the bots, knocking them down.]
Casey: I got 'em! You go!
April: No, I got 'em. You go!
[Casey continued throwing pucks with his hockey stick and knocked them.]
Casey: Cross checking. Two minutes. High sticking. It ain't a penalty if they deserve it, right?
[ A Footbot trips Casey, but April stabs it in the chest with a sickle.]
Casey: You got some rink rage, Red.
April: You should see me play Ping-Pong.
Casey: So you owe these guys money or something?
[More foot bots arrived and started to fall on the ice rink and skate.]
April: Or something. Casey, just go. I didn't mean to get you into this.
Casey: [determined] Are you kidding me? Do you know what this is? This is Casey Jones vs evil robo ninjas. Coolest freaking thing in the universe! Goongala!
[Casey starts to fight the robots. While he fought, April started to slide past the foot bots.]
April: Hey, foot bots! You want me? Come and get me!
Casey: April!
[Apri begins to leave the ice rink.]
Casey: [grabs another new hockey stick.] Nice. Now the fight's fair. Eat this!
[April continues on leading the robots away while Karai who is on the roof watches using the binoculars.]
Karai: She's traveling North on the rooftops. Move.
Leo: There's our entry point. We just need a distraction.
Mikey: Dude, I got the best plan! [leaps onto a billboard and pull down a lamp]
Raph: Why do I feel slightly nauseated?
Mikey: Check it out. I’ve been practicing.
[He began to use shadow puppets distracting the Norman Krangs. He makes his hands into a rabbit.]
Kraang: Kraang, creatures known as rabbits have infiltrated Kraang's lab.
[Then Mikey turns his hands into an elephant.]
Kraang 2: No, Kraang, clearly a small, but obese pachyderm has breached Kraang's security.
[Now it changes into a dancing woman.]
Krang: Kraang are both wrong. It is a belly dancer wearing what is known as a flamenco dress.
[Leo, Raph, and Donnie beat down the Krrang.]
Leo: Wow, Mikey, you've got mad shadow puppetry skills.
Mikey: Like a turtle do!
[They get inside the kraang hideout. Inside there was the droid that looks human Chris Bradford.]
Donnie: I'm guessing we just found the secret weapon.
Leo: All right, Donnie, we need you to shut that thing down.
Donnie: No problem.
[Donnie's phone began to ring.]
Mikey: Dude, you're vibrating.
Donnie: [takes out his phone] It's April! Ahem. Hi, this is Donay- Diner- Dono- Dano- Dinomi-
April: Donnie, remember how you said sometimes things are out of our control? [Ducks and runs] You were right. Aah! Things are really out of control right now!
[April runs away from the foot bot.]
Donnie: She needs me, guys. I gotta go! Hold on, April! I'll be right there!
Leo: Donnie, we need your help.
[Donnie leaves.]
Raph: He ditched us?!
[Alarm begins.]
Campbell: Alerting of one known as "the intruder."
[Kraang started to fire.]
Leo: Turtles, attack!
[Casey continues battling the foot bots.]
Casey: Wrist shot, slap shot! You might want to get that looked at.
[Foot bots fire kunai.]
Casey: One-zip. Home ice leads. Who's next? Come get some.
[April arrives at the park trying to invade but she is surrounded.]
April: Fine, you want a fight?
[April pulls out her tessen, but a footbot grabs her. Another approches her, but Donnie stabs it with his naginata blade.]
April: Donnie!
[Donnie battles them and April is released.]
April: Ugh, took you long enough.
Donnie: I'm sorry. I had to figure out your coordinates with the T-Phone-
[A shuriken struck, causing Donnie to deflect.]
Donnie: Karai.
Karai: Well, I was hoping for all the turtles to see this. But I guess one's good enough. Your rat master took away someone I cared about so I'm returning the favor.
[Donnie takes the foot bot head off his bo before Karai charges at them. The turtles continue on battling the robots.]
Mikey: Whoa, that thing is awesome! In an evil kind of way.
[The robot opened up its eyes and was released from its tubes.]
Leo: Um, guys, giant freaky robo-ninja just finished charging!
Mikey: You don't look so tough!
[Mikey charged but Chrome used his whip and knocked Mikey.]
Raph: Mikey!
[It began to fire laser eyes at them and Raph tried to stab him but got thrown up in the air and landed on the ground. Leo gets himself wrapped up and thrown aside in its whip.]
Leo: Let me go!
Chrome Dome: Subroutine program taking over. Target April O'Neil located.
[The robot rockets off, releasing Leo.]
Raph: It's going after April! Come on!
[They begin leave and Mikey sees a blaster on the ground.]
Mikey: Too awesome!
[ Mikey accidentally almost shoots Leo and Raph. They both angrily look back and Mikey drops the blaster. Meanwhile, Donnie and April stare at the robots.]
Donnie: Stay away from April!
Karai: Footbots, keep the turtle busy.
[The footbots begin to attack Donnie. While he fights, Karai takes on April.]
Karai: This is between us girls.
[Karai begins to attack April. April throws her tessen.]
Karai: Your skills are weak, April. I've had years of training.
[The tessen knocked Karai.]
April: You talk too much.
[Donnie comes in and helps April before she could be slayed by Karai.]
Donnie: You're not gonna touch her!
[He beats her down until Chrome Dome arrives.]
April: Um, Donnie, I'm thinking retreat.
Karai: Like my new little toy? Robot, eliminate the girl.
[Chrome looked at April and Donnie charged forward but the robot knocked him away and grabbed April with his whip.]
April: Let me go!
Chrome Dome: System override. Do not destroy April O'Neil. Capture for the Kraang.
Karai: What?
[Karai leaps and stops the robot. April gets released. Chrome Dome turned around facing Karai.]
Chrome Dome: Threat detected. Eliminate threat.
Donnie: You okay?
April: For once, I'm actually glad the Kraang want to kidnap me.
Raph: Left, Leo! I'm getting a signal!
[Karai is fighting Chrome dome until the Shellraiser knocks Chrome Dome down.]
Mikey: Oh, yeah! Firing manhole covers! Eat it, Chrome dome! [shoots manhole cover cannons.]
[The robot shoots lasers from its eyes at the manhole covers, launches MIkey with his whip, and turns over the Shellraiser. Leo and Raph jump out.]
Leo: Aw, I just waxed her, too!
Mikey: Dude, I so want plasma chucks! Donnie, can you hook a turtle up?
[Chrome Dome rips a footbot apart. Donnie sees a cut on Chrome Dome's back.]
Donnie: Guys, I think I know how we can take that thing down.
Raph: Oh, are you on this team?
Leo: Yeah, way to ditch us, dude.
Mikey: (Blows raspberry)
April: Go easy on him, guys. If it wasn't for Donnie, I would have-
[April gets kicked down by Karai.]
Karai: I don't need that stupid robot to finish you.
Donnie: April!
Leo: I'll help April. You guys take down-
Mikey: Chrome dome!
[Chrome Donme decapitates another footbot. The three turtles look at Chrome Dome, and their eyes turn white. They charge at Chrome Dome. Mikey leaps into the air and wraps him up with his kusarigama chain while Raph uses the other. Donnie gets on top and pulls the wires out of Chrome Dome's back.]
Chrome Dome: Error, error,
[Chrome Dome started to spin around violently, causing the Raph and Mikey to drag off and spin around before flying off. Mikey sees Donnie still spinning and looks at Karai, who is still battling Leo and April. Miket grabbed the plasma sword and impaled Chrome Dome. Meanwhile Leo managed to defeat Karai.]
Leo: It's over, Karai.
Karai: For now!
[She disappears using a smoke bomb. Chrome Dome collapses.]
Mikey: (holding plasma sword) Can I keep it? Can I keep it?!
[Mikey tries to test out the plasma sword but nearly decapitates Raph and Donnie. They both angrily glare at him. Leo helps April up.]
April: That wasn't too difficult.
Leo: You all right? Easy does it, April. It's over now.
April: I just need to catch my breath. Thanks, guys. I just wanted to say... [remembers] Oh, my gosh! I forgot about Casey!
[April leaves them.]
Donnie: That's what she wanted to say?
[As she made it, Casey had defeated the robots.]
Casey: And that is how you play hockey!
April: Casey! Are you okay?
[She hops onto the ice rink and Casey catches her.]
Casey: Of course I am. Hey! Whoa, steady there, Red.
[Donnie watches April and Casey. He is saddened by this. The turtles is watching SRMFF.]
[Later, April had arrived at the lair.]
April: Hey, guys.
Leo: April.
Raph: You're back!
Mikey: What up?
Splinter: Hmm, it is very good to see you, April.
April: I missed you, Master Splinter. I hope we can start training again soon.
Splinter: Of course. Whenever you wish.
April: I never got a chance to tell you guys that I'm sorry for everything.
Leo: You're sorry? But we were the ones that screwed up.
April: It was an accident, and more importantly, you're my friends. I don't ever want to hold a grudge ever again.
Mikey: You da best, April. To mark this day, I offer you the slice of eternal reunion. (shows a moldy pizza slice)
April: It has lint and dead bugs all over it!
Mikey: I know. I just found it under my bed. It's eternal. Mm, good.
April: Thanks, Donnie, for always being there, even when I didn't want you to be. [She gave him a hug and a kiss, causing his eyes to go white.]
Donnie: Ah! So awesome.
[Donnie is so happy that he dreams about flying around the world.]
Donnie [Happy, joyful and triumphant]: I LOVE BEING A TURTLE!!!!!!
[Episode ends happily with Donnie.]