
Tang Jar was a food critic and writer of a newspaper restaurant guide. Oroku Noogy and Master Sushi competed against one another in order to receive a four star rating in her restaurant guide.

Sushi began a relationship with Tang Jar, sleeping his way to a good rating. This infuriated Oroku Noogy, who railed against the pair. The humiliation of earning Tang Jar’s highest rating by such dubious means was more than Sushi could bear. He killed Noogy and ran away to the U.S. with Tang Jar and his little rat, Match-Stik.

Oroku Soggy, Oroku Noogy’s brother, vowed vengeance. Plotting to blow holes in the raw fish trade, Soggy created bat sushi. However, his dish was rejected by Tang Jar. Fearing a bad review would soon appear in her newspaper column, Soggy killed Tang Jar. Master Sushi walked in and Soggy killed him too.

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