Would anyone be creeped out if they make Pimiko and Karai lovers instead of mother and daughter?[]

I notice that Karai is much younger in the more recent incarnation (i.e. Nick TMNT series and the IDW TMNT comics). So there is no way Karai can have grown daughter so if they ever were to bring back Pimiko there is no way she can be Karai's daughter. Also, the Shredder already has a daughter in Karai so there is no way that Pimiko can be the daughter of Oroku Saki unless he has two daughters instead of just one (but that would raise a lot of questions that probably won't have any logical answers). The only way that I can think they can bring back Pimiko and still have connection to Karai is if they were lovers instead of mother and daughter. If they would to do that would make Karai a lesbian or bi but I think fans would be okay with that since they already shipping April and Karai (a pairing that I just don't see but whatever). Let's for the sake of argument consider Pimiko and Karia as lovers... would anyone be creeped out by that given their past iterations as mother and daughter? Or would you embrace it as new iteration that has no connection the Image comics?

--AllStarTMNT2 (talk) 23:06, April 23, 2015 (UTC)

Actually, if I recall correctly, Tang Amaya was Pimiko's mother. Not Karai. - Gilgamesh (talk) 23:50, April 23, 2015 (UTC)

Well, no it was intended for Pimiko to be the daughter of Karai in the Image comics according to Gary Carlson. --AllStarTMNT2 (talk) 00:20, April 24, 2015 (UTC)

Intended, but not materialized. By the time Volume 3 finally wrapped up in 2011, there was a whole Volume 4 and Tales Volume 2 that fundamentally contradicted it in too many ways, so these details had to change. Volume 3 has already been declared non-canon as it is when Peter Laird decreed that only stories written in-house at Mirage (with a few specific exceptions) could be considered canon—this also gutted the canonicity of most of the Guest Era. Volume 3's final two online issues (which Kevin Eastman even contributed to) only wrapped it up in a way that still made it theoretically compatible with Volume 4 (with many smaller lingering plot holes), which Gary Carlson may or may not have accepted, but it was the only way to fix Volume 3's plausibility in the Mirage narrative at all. - Gilgamesh (talk) 07:10, April 24, 2015 (UTC)

You're telling me something that I already know, but if you're not aware there was fan comic by Andrew Modeen which bridge the gap between Image and Mirage comics. And in those comics the idea did in fact materialize. You can argue that it's not canon but since Modeen enlisted the help of several Mirage and Image writers and artists his work could be consider semi-canon. If don't want to accept Modeen's work as even slightly relevant fine, but don't claim that gutting the Volume 3 was the only way to resolve the issue. When Modeen offerend a solution to problem which harmonized Mirage canon with the Image canon. I can think of no reason as to why Carlson wouldn't not have accepted synthesizing the two. But you arguing that Carlson's ideas never materialized but it clearly did in Modeen's run in the comics so I don't know what you're objecting to. --AllStarTMNT2 (talk) 15:19, April 24, 2015 (UTC)

Well, I actually didn't read Volume 3 until a year or two ago. I'd avoided it for years because it was non-canon and there didn't seem any point in investing in a story that would just be massively contradicted by Volume 4 and Tales Volume 2 anyway. So when I did read Volume 3, I read it all at once, including issues 24 and 25. - Gilgamesh (talk) 16:12, April 24, 2015 (UTC)
Anyway, no, I do not object to the idea of Karai and Pimiko being lovers, for the simple fact that Pimiko can't be her daughter anyway. Karai's only teenage daughter was killed during the City at War incident, and Pimiko certainly wasn't born after that. Whether or not Gary Carlson imagined Karai as a duplicitous future villain, Mirage canon has Karai consistently honoring her peace treaty with the turtles, only beginning to slip much later on when she's very elderly and possibly senile. (By then she has a grandchild, but Karai is old enough to have had more children after her daughter's death who could have become that child's parent—none of which can be nearly as old as Pimiko was.) As such, Karai cannot be Lady Shredder either. - Gilgamesh (talk) 06:20, April 25, 2015 (UTC)