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[Last time we left off, the turtles had teleported to Japan in the past.] | |
(all) Ninjas! | |
[They run away screaming] | |
Leo | Where are we? |
Donnie | Not where are we, but when are we? |
[The ninjas started to attack the turtles. Leo got his sword chained and was thrown. Mikey gets cornered by the ninjas. Donnie almost got sliced only saved for his makeshift beard.] | |
Donnie | These guys are good. |
[Raph battles a nearby ninja and throwns them aside. the ninja throws ninja stars at Raph but he disloged it. Leo looked at the ninja star, learning something familiar at the symbol.] | |
Leo | They're not just ninja, they're Hamato clan! Splinter's clan! |
Raph | But the Hamato clan doesn't exist anymore, right?! |
[Raph gets kicked down, his helmet flying off.] | |
Ninja | [speaking Japanese.] What the? What creatures are these? |
NInja 2 | [speaking Japanese.] They are yokai. they will curse us all! |
[Raph puts on his helmet back on before a male voice stops the ninjas.]
Saki: What is going on here?
[The ninjas make way for the man the turtles never expected to see. The man is the Shredder, but by the time he was not the Shredder. He was Oroku Saki. In this 16-year-ago timeline, Saki is young, scarless and has a full head of hair. Saki and the Turtles are shocked to see each other.]
Saki Yokai?
Leo: Shredder?
[Theme song]
Saki: This cannot be.
[Mikey throws down a smoke bomb and he and his brothers disappear. Once the smoke cleared, the turtles were now gone.]
Ninja: Saki-san, what were they?
Saki: I do not know, but I will find out.
[The turtles have retreated, now back in their ninja outfits.]
Mikey: Close call, dudes. Awesome save by Mikey, thank you very much.
Donnie: Oroku Saki was part of the Hamato Clan before he became the Shredder.
Leo: So we're at least sixteen years in the past. But why here? Why now?
Raph: Who knows? Twenty bucks says it's all Renet's fault. She doesn't know the first thing about time travel.
Mikey: Yo, guys, check it. That's Splinter's old dojo, right?
Leo: Come on, ninjas, maybe Splinter's in there.
[The turtles peer inside. Saki was talking to the elderly and malnourished man, wearing the Hamato Clan robe. The old man is Hamato Yuuta, Splinter's biological father and Shredder's adoptive father.]
Saki: I saw it with my own eyes. They were small green men in strange costumes. Clearly the Yokai of legend.
[Yuuta closes his eyes, then his son, Hamato Yoshi enters and laughs. Yoshi is a human, not a mutant rat …yet.]
Yoshi: Yokai? Your imagination has run wild, Saki.
[The Turtles are shocked to see Splinter as a human being..]
Leo: Whoa.... Human Splinter.
Mikey: He looks so weird without fur.
Yoshi: [arrogantly] Small green men? Spirits? Monsters? Your head has always been in the clouds, brother.
Yuuta: Do not be too dismissive of the supernatural world, Yoshi. There are many dimensions, many beings that permeate what we call reality.
Yoshi: [bows, then sits] My apologies, Father. Please continue, Saki. Let us hear more of this interesting tale.
Saki: [angry] Do not mock me, Yoshi. I know what I saw.
Yuuta: Some legends say when the Yokai arrives, tragedy is sure to follow.
MIkey: Dudes, these Yokai sound like trouble.
Raph: He's talking about us, genius.
Donnie: Yokai are mythical Japanese monsters.
[Yuuta leaves with one ninja closing the doors. Yoshi and Saki begin to spar.]
Saki: [sighs.] I tell you, Yoshi, we all saw them.
Yoshi: It reminds me of the Yokai friends we invented as children. Remember, Saki?
[They both begin to train as the turtles watch.]
Saki: [angrily] You never listen to me. Just like… [kicks Yoshi in the groin] Tang Shen.
Yoshi: [angry] Yet again you speak of Shen?
Saki: You care nothing for her. Only for the clan, only for yourself.
[Yoshi overpowers Saki, then throws him to the ground. Glass breaks, indicating that Saki injured himself when falling, causing the turtles to cringe in shock.]
Yoshi: That is not true, brother. I have always been there for you.
[He offers a hand but Saki bitterly slaps him away, harshly upsetting Yoshi, who looks hurt by his friend’s rejection. Saki growls bitterly at Yoshi. Then, he could have sworn he saw shadows.]
Saki: What?
[Yoshi and Saki looked around, but nobody was there. Later that night, the turtles made camp.]
Mikey: We haven't had any real food in days. A turtle can't live on berries alone, bros. I'm feeling weak.
Raph: Is Renet ever gonna find us and bring us home? Seriously. I hate time travel!
Leo: I've been giving it some thought. Kinda seems like more than just coincidence we're here, right?
Donnie: Well, the odds we're in this exact time and place by sheer accident is like eight hundred seventy nine quintillion to one. But if we're here for a reason, what is it?
[Meanwhile, Yoshi and Tang Shen, his wife are on the bridge with her newborn baby, Miwa in her arms.]
Tang Shen: Beautiful night, isn't it?
Yoshi: It is nights like this that I realize how lucky I am to have you and little Miwa.
Shen Yoshi, let's leave this place. Move away from here. I've always wanted to visit America. New York City.
Yoshi: Shen, I have many responsibilities. You know this. With father being ill, the dojo…
Shen: [upset] The dojo... When are you going to leave that life behind? This is the last clan of its kind.
Yoshi: [a bit frustrated] And that is why it must endure. Must I explain this again?
Shen: [now angry] Ninjas have no more place in this world. You must decide. This is no life for Miwa. If she ever followed your path... [begins to leave]
Yoshi: Shen! Let me walk you home.
Shen: I can take care of myself. I always have.
[Shen begins to walk away with her baby daughter, leaving Yoshi to glare at her with an upset expression on his face. Meanwhile, The turtles haven't eaten until Mikey is making something.]
Raph: So hungry. What the heck are you doing?
[Mikey is seen holding a bark covered with worms, mud, spider eggs, berries.]
Mikey: Baking a pizza. Berries, spider eggs, and worms on a thin slice of bark, covered in mud sauce. Here, Raph, try a bite.
[He shoved it into his mouth. Disgusted, Raph covered his mouth. Shen is seen in the woods until she heard something. The two turtles tumble over and are spotted by Shen. She was horrified as her baby started to cry.]
Shen: Yokai!
[Yoshi hears the baby's cries as Leo tries to reason with her.]
Leo: It's okay, it's okay, we're not gonna hurt you.
Raph: Yeah, we're friendly Yokai.
Mikey: Check out the cute eyes.
[Saki starts to arrive and protect Shen while they hide.]
Leo: Mikey, we need an exit.
Mikey: I'm out of smoke bombs, dude.
[Saki begins to punch Raph when he sees them nearby.]
Saki: Fear not, Shen. I will destroy these wretched monsters.
[Mikey grabbed his sword with his chain but he cut Mikey’s nunchaku with his kunai. He throws it at them but Donnie dislodged them and disappear.]
Raph: Now's our chance. We can change the future. We can take Shredder down.
Donnie: No! We can't mess with time. Worse stuff could happen!
[Saki looks back to Shen.]
Saki: Are you all right, Shen?
Shen: Yes, thanks to you.
Saki: I would never let anything hurt you. I overheard your conversation with Yoshi. It is futile, you know. He will never leave the clan.
Shen: Perhaps you speak the truth.
Saki: Shen, take me back. I will help you take care of Miwa. We will go to New York together, the three of us. I'm a different man than the one you once knew. Believe me.
[He kisses her which she smiles. Shen begins to leave. Little did they know that Yoshi has watched them behind the tree and sees that he was betrayed. Yoshi looks hurt and a bit angry, but then leaves. The turtles are on the tree.]
Mikey: Young Oroku Saki is kind of a good guy, right?
Raph: Are you crazy? He's a total creep.
Leo: Maybe we should take Shredder down.
Donnie: If we interfere with history, Splinter will never move to New York and buy four baby turtles. And then who's gonna stop the Kraang invasion, and save all of New York?
Leo: But we've already interfered with history. Shredder just saved Tang Shen from four monsters. Us!
[Donnie takes out his phone and sees that Casey's picture is fading away because time is being altered.]
Donnie: Wait a second. Casey's picture is fading away like we never knew him. Time is already being altered.
Mikey: It's just like that movie! We're doomed, dudes! Doooomed!
Raph: Calm down, man! We just gotta make sure that Tang Shen doesn't like Oroku Saki.
Leo: We have to convince her he's the evil jerk we all know and hate, so history stays on course.
[Later the next day]
Yuuta: Hajime!
[Yoshi and Saki begin training with wooden katanas.]
Yoshi: [angrily] I saw you with her last night in the woods, brother. What did you say to Shen?
[Saki kicks Yoshi away with Saki grabbing Yoshi’s wooden bokken.]
Saki: What concern is it of yours, Yoshi?
Yoshi: Shen is my concern, Saki.
[Saki charges and Yoshi dodges. Yoshi and Saki then dodge each other, but it is obviously clear that their sparring then becomes much heated and violent as Saki kicks in Yoshi’s face, Yoshi responds by punching Saki in the stomach, with Saki viciously clawing Yoshi. Enraged, Yoshi and Saki scream at each other and attempt to attack. Yuuta stops them and strikes them with their nerve points. The duel is over. Saki and Yoshi kneel on the ground, hyperventilating. Saki sees his fallen bokken and attempts to grab it, but then…]
Yuuta: [raising his voice in anger] Enough!!
[Yuuta hits Saki even further, causing Saki to fall.]
Yuuta: End this now. You are brothers. Act like brothers.
[Yuuta leaves. While Yuuta thinks it could have at least stopped their fight, but it becomes clear that their rivalry has deepened as Yoshi and Saki glare at each other bitterly. Meanwhile, The turtles prepare to meet Tang Shen, after their first meeting last night turned out to be a rough patch.]
Leo: Here she comes.
[They leap off from the trees. Shen gasps and tried to run away but they corner her.]
Leo: Tang Shen. Hold on.
Donnie: We come in peace.
Mikey: [hums theme while dancing]
Shen: Oh...
Mikey: It's okay, Tang Shen. We promise we won't hurt you.
Shen: Are you aliens or Yōkai?
Donnie: We're, um, friendly Yōkai, Shen. We need to talk to you.
[At her homeland, Shen is making meals while Leo carries Miwa.]
Shen: I was raised in Fukuoka but my grandfather is Chinese. I moved here to be closer to Yoshi. I've heard Yokai are always hungry. That's why I made a meal all Kappas love.
Leo: Kappa? What's a Kappa?
Shen: Turtle Yōkai. And your favorite food is cucumber. At least that's what the legends say.
Mikey: Cucumber? Little known fact: our favorite food is pizza. Thick crust, thin crust, no crust hook a Turtle up!
Shen: My grandmother told me the story of a Kappa that came out of the river as a young girl was fetching water. The Kappa terrified her. But the girl always carried cucumbers with her to ward off Yokai. The Kappa was so thankful, it told her of a great hurricane that would devastate her village. It saved her people.
[end of flashback]
Raph: That's right, and we want to save you, Tang Shen.
Donnie: Which is why we, um, Kappa have come to talk. We also bring you, um, dire news.
Leo: You can't leave Hamato Yoshi. He's a good man. Oroku Saki is evil.
Shen: No. Saki is a good man.
Donnie: If you choose Oroku Saki, the world itself could be at risk. Take it from us, the Kappa brothers.
Shen: Yoshi is too dedicated to Ninjitsu to raise a family.
Mikey: [eating cucumbers] That's not true. Splinter loves little Miwa. She's so cute!
[Shen is concerned who she will chose.]
Shen: I don't know who I will choose. I must do what's right for my daughter.
Raph: Follow your heart, Shen. You know who the better man is.
Shen: Please, let me get you more cucumbers.
[Donnie looks at his photo]
Donnie: Um, Leo?
[April's image disappears]
Donnie: What's the plan now?
Leo: The only noble thing we can do is finish Shredder once and for all.
[Later that night, Saki is announcing the ninjas. He now wears his Foot Clan robes.]
Saki: The Hamato Clan has gotten weak. It is rotting from the inside. The Foot was the oldest of all ninja clans. But it was wiped out by Hamato Yuuta when he slain its master, Oroku Kaiji, my father. I was adopted by the Hamato Clan as an infant. Raised by my enemy in ignorance. I will have my revenge on them all!
[On cue, he turns the shrine completely and sets the shrine on fire. All the ninjas bow down to their new leader. Suddenly, they looked and saw four shadows, above the burning shrine.]
Shredder: Yokai. Finish them quickly. I have business to attend to.
[ Saki leaves as the ninjas prepare to battle. Meanwhile, Yoshi is talking to Shen.]
Yoshi: I am sorry, Shen. You and Miwa are my life. Without you, I am a shadow.
Shen: Yoshi, I understand your loyalty to the clan.
Yoshi: [worried] Father is growing worse. The dojo is all we have left.
Shen: You have so much more than that, Yoshi.
Yoshi: My love for you and Miwa burns inside my heart brighter than all the stars in the universe.
[Saki arrives, ruining their tender moment and wore he steel claws.]
Saki: Pathetic. I will not abide by this dishonor.
Shen: Saki.
Saki: Shen, I ask you one last time. Make the right choice.
Shen: I have already made it.
[Shen makes it clear that she will always be with Yoshi as she sides with him. She and Yoshi glare at Saki, scowling. Seeing that Shen will never fall with him, Saki growls at them, fuming. Yoshi notices and realizing the worst, he asks Shen to take Miwa and take themselves away from their fight.]
Yoshi: Take Miwa and go, Shen.
Shen: [worriedly] But, Yoshi, Saki, please! You are brothers.
Saki: [coldly] No, we were never blood.
Yoshi: [to Shen; sternly, but calmly] Shen, go now.
[Shen begrudgingly obliges and begins to leave with Miwa. Saki glares at her leaving with a sad, then bitter look on his face. Before she is gone, Shen looks at Yoshi one last time. Yoshi and Shen smiled at each other and then, Shen left.]
Saki: How can one love and hate someone so fiercely? [Raising his Tekko-kagi claws in a fighting stance.]
Yoshi: If your desire is to fall by my hand, brother,[Putting his hands behind his back.] so be it.
[They prepare for battle as Saki roars in anger, then he charges Yoshi. Yoshi catches Saki's bladed claws and gets pinned down on the Dojo's fence. We thought Yoshi's hands were impaled, but Yoshi revealed that he was protected by climbing claws. Saki grunts in anger, then tries to kill Yoshi, but Yoshi begins to dodge Saki's attacks. Saki tries to swipe at Yoshi but misses. Yoshi grabs Saki's arm then shoves him to the dojo's wall. Yoshi tries to back kick Saki, but was grabbed by the later. Saki attempted to slam Yoshi into the Dojo's wall, but Yoshi used both of his hands to prevent the impact and kicked Saki from the chin freeing himself. Yoshi block Saki's attack and grab his arm to incompacitate him temporarily before back-jumping away. Saki tries to swing at Yoshi but ends up lodging his Tekko-kagi claws from the dojo's pillars. Saki wildly slashes the pillar freeing himself. Meanwhile, the turtles circle and confound the ninjas with their movements, their evil laughter filling the air.]
Mikey: Booyakasha!
Ninja: [Speaking Japanese] Kappa! They will steal your soul! RUNNN!!!!
[The ninja throws a cucumber in Mikey's face, but slurps it up.]
Mikey: Mmm. I'm starting to get a taste for these things.
Leo: That's right, ninja. We Yōkai will steal all of your souls... through your butt! [laughs evilly]
[The ninjas are horrified. Raph furiously yells as he knocks several ninjas down. Donnie and Mikey spook out the ninjas by performing twisted moves, laughing evilly while doing so. The ninjas run away in horror.]
Raph: Through your butt?
Leo: What? That comes from real Japanese legend. Come on, let's head for the dojo.
[Yoshi and Saki burst in through the dojo's wall as they continue fighting. We only see Yoshi and Saki as sihouette through the dojo walls as Saki swings wildly at yoshi even trying to kick him. Yoshi kick Saki on the stomach. Scene transiitions from sihouette to clear image as Saki swings at Yoshi wildly ripping one of the dojo walls in the process. Saki knees at Yoshi as he attemped to attack Yoshi. Yoshi grabbed both of Saki's arms incompasitating him.]
Yoshi: We were raised together, Saki. Do not make me fight you.
Saki: [full of rage] How could I not after so many lies? After so much dishonor?
[Yoshi, gaining the upper hand, punches Saki in the stomach, delivering two palm punch combo then throwing Saki into the ground.]
Yoshi: You only dishonor yourself. You were always jealous. Always scheming. [now angrier] Always filled with HATE.
[Triggered, Saki roars in anger and tries swing wildly with his claws at Yoshi in the process, Saki broke the lid candles causing the dojo to be set on fire. The turtles see the dojo engulfed in flames, much to their horror.]
Mikey: [horrified] Guys, you see that? Fire!
[Cut to Leo watching at the dojo in flames. Saki and Yoshi are still fighting in the dojo.]
Yoshi: Please, brother, do not make me do this!
[Yoshi grabs Saki from the arms throwing them away then dodges a swipe from Saki then knee him in the stomach. Saki swipes at Yoshi on the right shoulder causing the latter to scream in pain and bumps into a rack of wooden kendo sticks. Yoshi dodge's Saki's strike, grabbing his arm. Yoshi tried to twist Saki's arm, but he resisted by pulling his arm in and elbowed Yoshi. Yoshi judo flips Saki, hitting him on the floor. Saki persistently recovers and swipes Yoshi off from his footing hitting the ground. Saki wildly tries to stab Yoshi with his claws while on the ground. Yoshi scuttles like a rat, dodging Saki's strikes. Their repeated stabbing on the ground while dodging ended with Yoshi grabbing both of Saki's claws.]
Yoshi:[Pleading.] Saki, this whole place is coming down.
Saki:[Not caring and completely crazed.] Then we shall both perish here!
[Yoshi and Saki continue to fight, then Yoshi kicks Saki away and attempts to get away, but Saki pins him and twists his arm, causing Yoshi to scream in pain. Yoshi notices the katana. Realizing that he can defeat Saki in a fair fight, Yoshi grabs the hilt of the sword, but saki planted his foot on the sword scabbard as yoshi draws the sword and fought Saki. The turtles see Shen running to the house to save her husband from Saki’s wrath.]
Mikey: Tang Shen!
Raph: Shen, wait!
[The turtles attempted to rush in and save Shen, but they were too late. The wooden planks cover up the exit, blocking the turtles’ way as the house begins to collapse.]
Leo: We have to get in there.
[Leo looked to see Miwa crying under the bench, meaning that her mother left her completely unattended. While the dojo is on the brink of collapse, Saki and Yoshi exchanged blows while blocking each others attacks. Yoshi pressured Saki by striking with his sword repeatedly. Saki attempted to knee Yoshi, but the latter dodges it then the two enemies shoved against each other but Saki shoved Yoshi. Everyone tries to pull the debris as Saki disarmed Yoshi and kicks him to the ground. Saki then jumps, screaming in rage and prepares to kill Yoshi. Shen throws herself in front of Saki, and then…...]
Shen: Please, stop!
[Saki suddenly slashes Shen's face with his Tekko-Kagi claws, which leads him to make a fatal mistake by killing Shen as he and Yoshi watch in complete shock and horror. Yoshi yells out and grabs her.]
Yoshi:[Angered and Horrified.] NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Saki: Shen!
[Saki runs towards her, only debris falls on top of Yoshi and the deceased Shen. A flaming debris falls on top of Saki causing him to scream in agony. He exits the dojo then trips toward the ground. Saki is now in pain, his hair brunt and his face scarred. We now learn why Shredder has his horrible scars. Saki's face now became disfigured. Saki hears a cry from a baby. Saki goes to the source of the noise, then finds Miwa. Kneeling, Saki quickly removes his Tekko-kagi to properly carry her.]
Saki: You will be mine to care for now, little one. I will call you Karai.
Leo: Splinter!
[Leo opens the debris and Raph gets Yoshi's unconscious body out of the dojo. Then Mikey and Donnie find Tang Shen's deceased body offscreen. Mikey gasps in horror, then looks at Shen in great grief. The scene cuts with the dojo becoming completely engulfed in flames as we cut to Yoshi waking up. As soon as Yoshi recovers, his disoriented face turns sad as he sees the rose in his hand. Realizing that the love of his life had died and everything he knew is gone, Yoshi, finally coming to the conclusion that he lost everything completely, becomes emotionally shattered and heartbroken. Yoshi finally yells out.]
Yoshi: SHEN!!!!
[Yoshi starts sobbing, The turtles watch sadly at their future heartbroken sensei. They walk away, dejectedly. Then, cut to the next morning, turtles see the photo of April and Casey are back, because they have changed their history.]
Donnie: Everything's back to normal... finally. Except for the part where we're stuck thousands of miles from home and 16 years in the past!
Mikey: We might as well get used to it, guys. Maybe being a Yōkai won't be so bad.
[A portal appears and Renet appears.]
Renet: Yes! Finally, I found you.
Mikey: Renet!
Renet: It's good to see you too, Mikey.
Raph: Where have you been? We've been stuck here for days!
Renet: It's not my fault, seriously. I've spent, like, the last six months trying to hunt you guys down.
Leo: Why? Why did we have to come here? Of all times? Of all places?
Renet: It was the scepter. It brought you here to make sure Splinter survived.
Donnie: Wait. So it's always been this way? We were always destined to come here in time and save Splinter's life?
Raph: Ugh, can you just take us home now? My head is starting to hurt.
Renet: No problem. Future New York, here we come.
[They soon arrive in New York, their timeline.]
Mikey: Will we ever see you again, Renet?
Raph: Let's hope not.
Renet: Maybe someday, Michelangelo. Uh Good-bye, Turtle Warriors. See you in history!
[She leaves through the portal. The turtles look happy as their adventures are now over.]
Mikey: Let's go home, guys. It'll be good to see Master Splinter.