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[At Shredder's mansion.]

Super Shredder: We must continue the search for Karai. She is out there somewhere.

Tiger Claw: [Sharpening his Machete.] I do not think she is with the Turtles. She and Shinigami have often been spotted alone.

Super Shredder: We must not waste any more time. Now is the… ah! Ah!

[Shredder groans in pain.]

Tiger Claw: Master!

Super Shredder: Stockman is on the verge of stabilizing me.

Tiger Claw: He has been saying that for months.

Super Shredder: I will soon be ready to face Splinter again. But for now, I want the Turtles.

[Super Shredder is actually a hologram by Mousers. Tiger Claw growls and sniffs the plant, until to his surprise, Bebop And Rocksteady enter.]

Tiger Claw: What are you two doing here? I asked to see Xever and Bradford.

Bebop: Sorry, T. C. , those two foolios are on guard duty. But you got us!

Rocksteady: [drops vase] Oopsie!

Tiger Claw: Get your gear. We're going-

[He suddenly senses something.]

Tiger Claw: I sense something. Something I've not felt in many years.

Rocksteady: What is matter with kitty cat man?

Bebop: Maybe ol' T. C. been hitting that catnip too much. Chill, kitty cat!

[Tiger Claw can sense a figure with amber eyes.]

Tiger Claw: The one who took my tail has finally come for me.

[Theme song.]

Leo: Master, I think you forgot your sword.

Splinter: Perhaps I don't need a sword.

[He pulls out a gourd and drinks it. Leo looks at Raph who shrugged. Casey goes first to attack but he gets pushed by Raph who catches him. Raph goes next but he gets pushed and falls. Mikey went next but he stumbled backwards. Donnie gets dragged by Splinter and thrown to Mikey. Leo charged but Splinter leaped and landed on him before he collapsed. The turtles get back up and sit down.]

Splinter: [slurring] Unorthodox methods may sometimes be necessary in order to defeat the enemy. Yet you should also be prepared for your enemy to do the same. Therefore, you all must learn to hone your intuition. Leonardo and Michelangelo have the strongest ability to sharpen their intuition. Anger clouds too much of Raphael's foresight. Donatello's too grounded in his rational mind. Only April is near perfection. Casey, your intuition is basically 0. 0.

Casey: [frowning] Casey Jones is a born warrior. I got tons of intuition, yo. [Gets whacked]

Splinter: Did you intuit that? Now you have graduated to the next dan. There is nothing to give you, only wisdom: listen to the silent part of yourself, which was never born into the world.

Mikey: That is deep, yo. See, Raph, I got insight into that knowledge Splinter just dropped 'cause I'm more spiritual than you.

[April gasps loudly]

Splinter: April?

[April sees a vision of a dead skeleton.]

Donnie: April.. What happened?

April: I..I had a premonition of some kind. There were these twin blades. Casey, you need to be careful. Very careful.

Casey: Casey Jones doesn't do careful.

[In the lab, Donnie turns the knob on the machine.]

Donnie: Your power levels are augmented, but definitely not as powerful as they were when you had the crystal.

Leo: You up for patrol, April? We're searching for any new leads to help find Super Shredder's secret lair.

April: I'm good to go. [puts the helmet on Donnie]

Leo: All right. Raph, you're with Casey. Mikey, with me. April, with Donnie. [Casey moans as Donnie casually rests his hands behind his head and blows a raspberry at Casey]

[Later outside, Mikey and Leo are in the wagon.]

Leo: We should swing by the Mighty Mutanimals and check in with Karai.

Mikey: I still don't get why Karai doesn't stay with us in the sewers.

Leo: Karai's not a kid anymore. She wants her independence. I get that.

Mikey: Or it could be the smell. You're either born into the sewer life, or you're not.

Leo: Picking up something up ahead moving fast oh, no missile!

[An orange blur whizzed past.]

Mikey: Holy chipotle!

Leo: Raph, Casey, unknown fast-moving object heading your way!

Raph: Donnie, April, lock on my T-Phone signal and get over here now!

[They drive off]


Bebop: Turtle hunt's not happening, T. C. How 'bout some tunes? I just made a dope mixtape.

Rocksteady: Ooh, da! Is funky fresh beats? Listen to this! [beatboxing.] Rhino Rocksteady! R-r-represent!

Tiger Claw: [annoyed] Will you two morons be quiet--

[He pauses again, his vision seeing two blades]

Bebop: You all good in the mutant hood, Tiger Claw?

Tiger Claw: Just drive. And shut up.

[They arrive at the Chinese museum as the unseen form took the two blades from a display. Casey and Raph had arrived to comfort the mysterious form.]

Raph: Drop the blades, sweetheart.

[The figure reveals herself to be a vixen fox. She wore a purple hachigane, a long red bandana around her neck, a light purple, long sleeve shirt with net opening and large holes on the sleeves, a brown breastplate on her chest.]

Alopex: My name is Alopex, turtle boy.

Casey: Ha ha! Turtle boy!

Raph: [irritated] It's Raphael! Now put 'em down.

Alopex: Well, Raphael, allow me to give you a history lesson on the Blades of Vengeance. Centuries ago, they were owned by twin sisters. They used them against an evil warlord who had slain their family. The blades cursed any man who was even scratched by their steel.

Casey: Put 'em back or face justice.

Raph: [coughing] Lame.

Casey: Goongala!

[He charged but she quickly whizzed past.]

Casey: What the heck?

Alopex: Looking for this?

[She starts to whiz past him, causing him to get hit. Alopex held up all of Casey's gear]

Alopex: What is all of this junk?

Casey: That's it!

[He electrocuted her with his taser.]

Alopex: Filthy normal.

[She starts to attack Casey and then using the blades, she scratches him. Raph gives in and starts to attack. Before she could strike, she stopped.]

Alopex: He's here.

[She leaves, Casey gets up with a scar on his cheek.]

Casey: Oh, man. That smarts.

[Alopex comforts Tiger Claw.]

Alopex: Tiger Claw.

Tiger Claw: Alopex. You hang my tail like a trophy?

Alopex: I'm going to remove your head next.

[She attacks him. Tiger Claw started to fire his blasters as Alopex dodged and attacks. Rocksteady and Bebop watch from below.]

Bebop: Peekaboo, I see you.

[He laughed and used his plasma to attack. She gets knocked to the ground and grabbed by Rocksteady.]

Rocksteady: Hold still, foxy!

[She punches Rocksteady in the face before charging at Bebop, kicking him, Bebop attacks but she disappears and kicked Bebop.]

Alopex: I'll be back for you, Tiger Claw.

[She runs off.]

Tiger Claw: And I will be waiting, Alopex.

[Donnie and April saw something ahead.]

Donnie: Hang on!

[The orange blur whizzed past, Donnie quickly seperated the go karts and crashed. Later, the teens meet up]

Donnie: What the heck was that?

Mikey: Mutant fox, dude.

Raph: Her name is Alopex.

April: Casey, what happened?

Casey: I got cut by one of those blades she stole, but it's nothing, yo. Barely a scratch.

April: You've got to be more careful.

Casey: Ha, I didn't know you cared, Red.

Raph: Casey!

[Air vent fell and he pushed Casey out of the way.]

Casey: Whew. Thanks, Raph. That was close.

Leo: Yeah. Too close.

[Later in the lab, Donnie fixes the kart.]

Donnie: This is gonna take a while. Alopex literally blew us off the road.

Raph: That Alopex is really something, Chompy. But she's no Mona Lisa.

[Leo looks over on the laptop about the cursed blades.]

Leo: So check it out: the twin blades Alopex stole really are said to be cursed. But it doesn't say what the curse is.

Splinter: Because they are only known to ninja. These are the Cursed Blades of Vengeance. A person wounded by them, even the smallest cut, will be cursed to fatal misfortune.

Casey: Death curse? For real? That's redonkulous.

April: I don't think so. Casey, this may sound weird, but your aura? It's just all kinds of wrong.

[Mikey accidently activated the cog. Casey bends down which the cog almost struck him.]

Mikey: Whoa. It's the curse, dude!

Casey: I don't… I don't believe in curses. Sure, Ancient Chinese Spirits, Dream Beavers, interdimensional aliens but curses? Puh-lease!

[Some chemicals burst to flames, making him scream. He gets the fire out.]

April: Now do you believe?

Casey: Okay! I believe! I believe! I don't want to be cursed. Being cursed sucks worse than being poisoned by Karai. Actually, the getting poisoned part was pretty sweet. [Slapped by April.]

Splinter: According to lore, the only way to reverse the curse is to use the blades on the one who inflicted the curse, passing it back to them.

Leo: Then let's go fox hunting.


Rocksteady: So who is the Alopex, Comrade Claw?

Bebop: Yeah, and why are you so afraid of her, dude?

Tiger Claw: I am not afraid of her. It is much more complex than that. Listen well.

[His flashback started when he and Alopex used to be human children until they got captured and mutated by the Krang.]

Tiger Claw: We were children. A portal opened in our small village, and thinking it was a magic door, we entered. The Kraang mutated and experimented on us. But after many months of hardships, we escaped through a portal back to Earth. But we were monsters now. We could not return home. And so we fled. We found refuge in a circus sideshow. But our skills were much too valuable. So we became top-level assassins in the criminal underworld. We were notorious and feared. But then...She turned on me! And tried to kill me, but only ended up cutting off my tail. Although she escaped, I was certain the wounds I inflicted upon her were far too grave for her to survive. I was wrong. [End of flashback] She believes that I destroyed her life. She must have spent years searching for me. But now, it is I that will have vengeance.

Donnie: Alopex should be just up ahead.

[A truck accidentally crashed into them.]

Driver: Hey. Are you alright in there?

Mikey: It's all good, brah. We're cool.

[They drive off, and the man is completely bewildered.]

Raph: You're gonna get us all killed. You should have stayed home, Casey. Or should I call you "Cursey"?

Casey: Dude, I got to be the one to use the blades and cut Alopex to pass the curse. So back off me, brah!

[Alopex is on the water tower.]

Alopex: Where are you, Takeshi? You are close. I can feel it.

[She leaves and starts to encounter the turtles.]

Leo: Alopex. Give us the blades. Now. We don't want to hurt you.

Alopex: Believe me, you won't.

[She attacks and pins Leo, Casey begins to dodge the ninja stars as the turtles fight her. Alopex became lifted in the air by April.]

Alopex: What is going on?

April: That's what we want to know. Talk.

Alopex: I'm on a mission to destroy the one mutant who ruined my life. Tiger Claw. My brother.

[Everyone gasps.]

Casey: Oh, snap.

Mikey: Brother?

Alopex: It's his fault we were mutated. And then he turned us to a life of crime. He made me do terrible things to people.

[Leo comforts the guilt ridden fox.]

Leo: Alopex, our Sensei once told us revenge just leads to more pain.

[She used her kunai but April stopped it. Then free, she kicked the teens.]

Alopex: I want my brother to feel that pain. With these blades, I'll take more than his tail.

Casey: We're not your enemy, Alopex. Please, help me lift the curse.

Alopex: The only way is to use the blades against me or destroy the steel. And until I have my revenge against my brother, that will not happen.

Casey: Deep. This curse is the worst.

Donnie: My bad.

Leo: Come on, guys, every second we waste, Casey could end up street pizza.

[They climb into the shellraiser.]

Mikey: One of my favorite kinds of pizza.

Bebop: Here she comes, Cat-Man-Du. Get ready to pounce.

Alopex: Takeshi.

Tiger Claw: Sister, before you attack, let us talk.

Alopex: No, Takeshi. The twin swords work. A worthy curse for a monster such as you.

[She charges at him. Tiger Claw lifted his sword and deflected her attack.]

Tiger Claw: I know how you fight, Alopex. I taught you how, remember?

Alopex: I know the truth about our parents. You were responsible. You took everyone away from me!

[Tiger Claw knocked her down the roof and into the alley. She is met up with several traps and is encased in a M.O.U.S.E.R cage.]

Alopex: RAAAHH! No! Let me go!

Tiger Claw: Sister, all I ever tried to do was protect you from a world that would never accept us. You leave me no choice except to destroy you!

[Someone discharms the blade.]

Tiger Claw: Ah! What?

Raph: Back off, Tony.

[Everyone charged at Tiger Claw with Donnie and Mikey restraining him down with the chains.]

Tiger Claw: Get these chains off of me, turtle scum!

[April and Casey get Alopex free.]

Alopex: Thank you.

Leo: We helped save you. Now we need your help to save one of us.

[She nods and gives the blade to Casey.]

Casey: Dope!

Rocksteady: Ah, now you will all be destructions.

Alopex: I'll handle the laser.

[She charges at Rocksteady. Tiger Claw get himself free and starts to attack Alopex.]

Casey: Hey! Give me that sword. Get back here.

[He trips, dropping the blade.]

Bebop: You can't touch what you can't see. Where am I?

[Mikey begins to attack Bebop. Tiger Claw began to attack Alopex.]

April: Oh, no you don't.

[April fired the ice blaster onto the blade. In the process, one of the blades breaks into pieces. Seizing his chance, he starts to run to the blade while avoiding the lasers and grabs the blade.]

Casey: I got it! Goongala!

[April shoots and freezes the blade. Then Casey smashes it.]

Casey: Yes! I did it!

April: Your aura's looking good, Jones.

Casey: Check me out, yo. Casey Jones is cursed no more. What, what?

[Alopex continues to dodge and pins him down.]

Alopex: You're the only family I have left. Walk away from your wicked path, or next time, there is no mercy. You've been warned.

[Alopex leaves in anger. Tiger Claw, who has not taken his sister's tense warning seriously, uses his shotgun to shoot her, but Alopex knows her brother's intentions, so she evades it and a very shocking thing happens. She chops Tiger Claw's right hand off, Tiger Claw shrieks in pain as the turtle looks on in shock.]

Mikey: Holy chalupa!

Alopex: Never forget, I could have taken your life.

[She leaves. Tiger Claw starts grunting in unbearable pain as we see Tiger Claw’s chopped off hand and the blaster where we couldn’t see his blood. Bebop and Rocksteady come to Tiger Claw's aid.]

Bebop: Hurry, T. C. We'll get you all fixed up. Oh, man. That's nasty, yo!

[They leave.]

Mikey: Dudes, they're getting away.

Donnie: Let 'em go. Tiger Claw will never forget this lesson.

Raph: Yeah, and he'll never be able to clap again.

Leo: Come on, team. Let's go home.

[In the final scene, we see Alopex with superspeed running through rooftops of the buildings, the episode ends. It appears that turtles can ask Alopex for help somewhere in the future.]
