Sword of Tengu
Weapon type
Type of Weapon

Energy projection weapon

Weapon name



2003 TV series


"Ahh, the power! I had almost forgotten! The Sword of Tengu! The sword with which I laid villages to waste, brought castles to ground, vanquished armies! The sword that I used to conquer Japan and give power to the Tokugawa clan! IT IS MINE ONCE MORE!"
— Shredder, boasting the blade's power in Return to New York, Part 3 (2003 episode)

The Sword of Tengu is an energy weapon created by the Utrom Shredder, Ch'rell. It first appeared in "Darkness on the Edge of Town", was destroyed in "Return to New York, Part 3", and its creation was shown in "Secret Origins, Part 2".


"Utrom Shredder: Swordsmith, is it finished?
Swordsmith: Aye, Tonosama. I made the blade, just as you requested. (kneels before Shredder, sets down the cloth, and opens it to reveal a sword blade) The metal is amazing. I have never seen its like before. (hands the blade to Shredder)
Shredder: Nor will you ever again. Let us just say the metal fell from the heavens. (takes an ornate hilt from behind his back and holds it up. He then places the blade into the hilt to form the Sword of Tengu. The blade immediately blazes with energy) Just as the ninja are said to have descended from goblins, behold the Goblin sword. The Sword of Tengu! And now for your payment."
— Shredder completes Sword of Tengu before killing the blacksmiths who crafted him the blade with Utrom metal.


Ch'rell with the Sword of Tengu fighting Raphael in "Return to New York, Part 3".

As the new Shredder, Ch'rell had a number of sword smiths craft the blade out of Utrom metal. Once it was completed, he attached it to a handle, electrifying it. He quickly came up with a tale of its creation, how it "fell from the Heavens and was crafted by Goblins", and attacked and presumably killed the crafters.

Using the sword, the Shredder conquered Japan, brought the Tokugawa clan to power. But due to some unexplained reason, he lost the sword which eventually ended up in a museum in New York. Ch'rell sent his Foot Ninja to retrieve the sword, which he had two techs use as a component of a sonic cannon to excavate an Utrom exo-suit from the Hudson river. However, the Turtles managed to retrieve the sword.

Sword of Tengu destruction

Sword of Tengu destroyed

Later, when the Shredder assumed they were dead, the Turtles strove to take down the Shredder and brought the Sword of Tengu with them. It proved valuable when they faced the Foot Mystics, as Splinter, without the glove, defeated them. But at the top, Ch'rell reclaimed the sword but lost it again to Leonardo. In a clash, Leo seemingly decapitates the Shredder's head, as he has yet to know his Utrom nature. Coupled with Baxter Stockman's cybernetic arm, the sword's energy rendered the tower useless, at which time a feedback loop destroyed the sword.


8-8-2002 Sword of Tengu sketch big

Sword of Tengu concept art

The Sword of Tengu, according to Splinter, is a "potent mix of science and sorcery". The sword, powered by magic and Utrom technology, possesses great power. When swung, it can unleash sonic waves that have the potential to obliterate anything or anyone in their path, or at least cause significant harm. Shredder has boasted about using the sword to destroy villages, castles, and entire armies, indicating its truly destructive capabilities. This mystical weapon was proven effective when Splinter used it to defeat the Foot Mystics, emphasizing the need for a mystical weapon to conquer a mystical foe.

Thanks to Utrom metal being among materials for its construction, the Sword reacts to the presence of objects made of the same extraterrestrial alloy.

Despite its power, wielding the sword is extremely challenging as it shocks anyone who attempts to grasp it, potentially causing lethal harm. The sword can only be wielded in two ways: by using a specially designed protective glove (or, in Shredder's case, a customized Utrom exo-suit), or by being an accomplished master of Ninjutsu with a powerful will, although doing so will still result in burns to the hands.
