
After learning that the Shredder has stolen an indestructible meteorite from TCRI, Donatello discovers an interdimensional signal in the deep south that he thinks might be connected! Donatello and Raphael take a little road trip to investigate, teaming up with the Punk Frogs Attila and Rasputin against an old enemy while they're at it. The Saturday Morning Adventures continue with a new two-issue storyline, "Swapping Pads!"

Appearing in Part 1[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects, vehicles, and weapons[]


At their hideout on Earth, Krang attempts to cut into the meteorite that Shredder stole so they can forge the Forever Sword, but none of the tools he's used have worked. He calls Traag at the Technodrome in Dimension X to send a Zero-Matter Scalpel, but Traag protests that zero-matter objects do not work correctly with their interdimensional transporter and that he will need to adjust it before sending. Krang wants no excuses and orders that he send it anyway.

Meanwhile at Techno Cosmic Research Institute, Professor McGuffin tells the Ninja Turtles of the meteorite that Shredder stole, saying it was on loan from T.C.R.I.'s Tōkyō lab. Donatello realizes that Shredder must mean to carve something dangerous out of it, and the Turtles all leave for the lair. At the lair, Don utilizes his computer to attempt to track when Shredder and/or Krang will open the next dimensional portal.

Back in Dimension X, Traag prepares to send the scalpel and warns Krang again about the instability, but Krang still demands that it be sent. Traag ends up being right and the scalpel pops out on a random tree stump in a Florida swamp, where it is promptly found by Leatherhead. He points it at the stump and destroys it, and is overjoyed with his newfound gadget.

Traag's transporation of the scalpel registers a ping on Don's computer, and Michelangelo realizes it's near where their buddies the Punk Frogs live. He believes that they should check it out for them, but Don thinks it's too dangerous of a task to leave in their hands alone. Raphael is afraid that if they all leave the state, Shredder will start something and they'll leave the city unprotected. Splinter steps in and says that two of them could go to Florida, while two of the Frogs could come to New York to fill in their ranks.

Down in Florida, the Badd Family have stolen a cash register from Shep's Country Store and are making their getaway in an airboat. They suddenly run into a net and are faced with the Punk Frogs, who are angry that they stole from the owner, who is a friend of theirs. Buford pulls a gun on them, but Napoleon whips it out of his hand. The Frogs subdue the Badds and tie them up, preparing to call the police to pick them up. Before they can call, however, they get a call, themselves, from Leonardo on the Turtlecom, explaining the plan to them.

Two days later, Don and Raph arrive in Florida in the Turtle Van and are met by Rasputin and Attila. They all hop on the airboat the Frogs took from the Badds and follow Don's readings toward the anomaly, when suddenly the boat is blasted out from under them. Leatherhead has found them and yearns to blast his old foes with his new gizmo. Raph attempts to leap at Leatherhead and take the scalpel away from him, but Leatherhead blasts him, grazing his carapace. Attila slings his flail at Leatherhead in retribution, but Leatherhead catches it and pulls it, using the momentum to fling him into Raph. Don comes up behind Leatherhead and hits him with his , which unfortunately doesn't do much to the gator. Leatherhead prepares to blast him, but the scalpel just clicks and does not fire. Leatherhead flings it over his shoulder and prepares to stomp the Turtles the old-fashioned way.

Little do the mutants know, but Shredder is above them hiding in a tree. Rasputin loads up a flashbang arrow and fires it toward Leatherhead, but their dip in the water threw off the detonation's timing and it goes off a little after expected, blinding all of the mutants. Shredder uses a grapple to grab the scalpel while they're all blinded. Leatherhead's sight starts returning, and Raphael sees something that could aid them in defeating their enemy. He tells the others to get to the water, then flings a sai at a wasp nest, which drops on Leatherhead and forces him to face the angry swarm.

Raph recovers his sai and Don is dismayed that the energy signature has gone dark. With the airboat destroyed, they prepare to swim back to the Turtle Van.

See also[]
