Stock & Shop is a recurring location in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Stock & Shop is a grocery store located New York City owned by Baxter Stockboy's parents. Baxter works as a stock boy in the store, but he is never paid for his work by his parents, much to his disappointment.
Stock & Shop debuted in "The Gumbus." April O'Neil, Leonardo, and Michelangelo broke inside to discover the truth of the Stock & Shop ghost, The Gumbus, after watching a video of Baxter claiming he encountered it. They were chased throughout the store by the Gumbus only to realize after April broke its suspension with a salami projectile that the Gumbus was merely a robot created by Baxter as a hoax.
- Stock & Shop is a parody of Stop & Shop, a supermarket chain throughout New England, Downstate New York and Northern New Jersey owned by the Dutch multinational supermarket operator, Ahold Delhaize.