
Stephen "Stainless Steve" Steel is a superhero veteran member/former leader of the Justice Force and a friend of Hamato Splinter and his sons.


Stainless Steve Steel was once a superhero who together with his friends Battling Bernice, Metal Head, Zippy Lad, Dr. Dome, Captain Deadbolt and Joey Lastic founded the superhero team called the Justice Force. In all that time Doctor Dome harbored unrequited feelings for Bernice, while Bernice was hopelessly in love with Steve. Finally, the Justice Force separated, and Steve and his friend Metal Head opened a comic book store ​​in Northampton.

One day the ex-members of the Justice Force were attacked by Doctor Dome's old Domeoids because Doctor Dome wanted to draw Bernice out of hiding. Bernice's daughter Ananda managed to communicate to Dome that Bernice had already died three years earlier, and thus bring him to his senses.

One day, the ex-members of the justice force doctor were attacked Cathedral of old Domebots because doctor dome Bernice wanted to lure out of hiding. Bernice's daughter Ananda however, managed to inform Dome, to bring back to reason that Bernice had died three years earlier, and it.

Much later, Steve and Metal Head were asked by Casey Jones and April O'Neil to watch their stepdaughter Shadow Jones after Lilith's Sisterhood swears vendetta against her for the death of Sloane. The two superheroes then moved to the Jones Farm to which they shared with Shadow and Splinter (until his death).


Stainless Steel Steve has a round metallic saucer on his forehead, which he gets his name from, capable of smashing through anything, as well as withstand any blow to the head. Steve mostly uses it as weapon offset by objective headbutts; the plate is very resistant against physical damage and if in the right position is able to fracture even stone, steel and bullet-proof glass with a single blow.


  • Stephen's full first name is sometimes misspelt "Steven" in the comics. Both spellings have the same pronunciation.