


Sometime in the late Cretaceous, 65 million years before Christ. The black magician Savanti Romero may have survived the effects of his apocalyptic plan to forever change the evolution of the Earth,  but he is no better off without the Time Scepter, which is his only way to escape this inhospitable age. Therefore, he set up his domicile on the shore of the lake in which he wanted to perform the mystical ritual to change the Earth, in the company of a small dinosaur, mutated by magic by him whom he derogatorily (although not unjustified) calls "Idiot".

On the day the story begins - three weeks after his confrontation with Renet and the Turtles - "Idiot" reappears from the lake where Savanti sent him in search of the Time Scepter, and just like countless times before he had caught a bone instead of the Scepter. Disgusted, Savanti instructs him to study the drawing he made for "Idiot" for learning purposes again before he lets him dive into the lake once more.

While Savanti is waiting impatiently for results, he is briefly pestered by a giant dragonfly; but then after a surprisingly short time "Idiot" climbs ashore - together with the Time Scepter! After a moment of amazement, Savanti rushes at the artifact with joy and wants to use its powers for a demonstration ... but strangely nothing happens, except that a strange hissing sounds from inside the hourglass at the tip of the Scepter. Savanti then leaves it to "Idiot" to open the Scepter (and possibly let himself be blown up by the cosmic energy of the Sands of Time) - but "Idiot" not only opens the Scepter unscathed, but also takes a small fish out of the hourglass, which he gulps down at once! Savanti immediately looks for himself, but finds no trace of the Sands of Time; he suspects that Lord Simultaneous must have come by in the meantime and removed the sand, but can think of no reason for it.

Just then Savanti hears boisterous laughter from behind a rock that separates a small neighboring bay from his refuge, and finds the Turtles and Renet fishing in the bay. While Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello take care of dinner (and catch a young Liopleurodon in the process), Michelangelo tries to teach Renet the basics of fishing, but has no real success with it because of her short attention span. Then Renet notices a little leptictidium, which is apparently harassed by its larger conspecifics. So that the little one can assert himself against his conspecifics, Renet decides to make him "grow up a bit" with the help of her magic; but instead of simply changing its size, her magic transforms the little thing into a megatherium, which now pounds its former conspecifics to a pulp. Without worrying about the matter further, Renet spontaneously helps Michelangelo to land her first catch - a fish about the size of a hand.

Savanti, who of course was able to observe this evolutionary transformation from the beginning, remains at first in disbelief. Then he comes to the only reasonable explanation for the matter: Instead of the Time Scepter giving Renet the power over space and time, Renet is the one who bears this power! He concludes that Renet was naturally gifted with these abilities, but Simultaneous found it too dangerous to instruct her in the use of her powers from the start (especially when factored in to her lack of self-control). The Scepter therefore did not serve as a source of power in Renet's hands, but rather as a totem, a symbol that would allow her subconscious control over her powers until she could be told the truth. To use the power of the "Scepter" he now wants to acquire Renet's central nervous system - her spine; and at the sight of his little servant he already has an idea how he could get it ...

A few minutes later Renet is admiring a butterfly that has perched on her finger when she suddenly notices a small dinosaur ("Idiot" of course) stealing her catch. She immediately pursues the thief, followed by a not enthusiastic Michelangelo, but loses his trail in the underbrush. Then Savanti ambushes her, grabs her by the neck and directs the strength contained in her against the Turtles, who have rushed over, alarmed by the screams; the ground explodes under their feet and throws them all over the place. The lack of air and the forcible deprivation of energy cause Renet to pass out, and Savanti gives her heel money under his arm, leaving the now useless Time Scepter in "Idiot's" hands.

When he thinks he is far enough away, Savanti sets down Renet's body and prepares to remove her spine while she is still alive. Suddenly Renet opens her eyes again, which glow in an eerie light, and she begins to hurl flashes of energy at him. Too late, Savanti realizes that Renet's subconscious has taken full control of her powers, and he only has a moment to regret his mistake before Renet's powers blow him deep into the Earth. Then Renet sinks back to the ground and wakes up when the Turtles arrive at the scene, but cannot remember what she has just done. And so the five friends have to retire to their house without knowing what happened to Savanti and without the Scepter.

In the meantime, "Idiot" goes back to the lake with the Scepter, ties Michelangelo's fishing line to the rod and tries to catch a tasty fish with the artifact. On his first attempt he gets a big chunk on the hook - but instead of being caught, the huge fish jumps out of the water and swallows "Idiot" and the Scepter with a bite before he gets back into the water on his fins.


  • Spinal Tapped takes place during the events of The Return of Savanti Romero!, and provides an explanation for the final scenes, in which Michelangelo finds the scepter in the fish's stomach.


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