Spiker's Island Pen-SMA

Spiker's Island Penitentiary is a prison in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures comic series. It is located on an island across from New York City.


After the Turtles, Mona Lisa and an ancient Egyptian mummy named Bakari thwart the evil plans of a mutant crocodile called Ptah, they call the police to take him away. Ptah is thrown into Spiker's Island Penitentiary. Wearing prison stripes and in a jail cell, Ptah complains that he is the greatest inventor in the history of Egypt. As such, he belongs in a palace and blames his treacherous former servant, a lizard woman, and a gang of masked Turtles for his predicament. The prisoner in the next cell asks if he feels the urge to destroy them and Ptah says he feels that almost more than anything. The prisoner next door is the Rat King, who tells Ptah that he thinks they are going to be very good friends.

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