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Sparks are an enemy type in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ninja Tribunal. Outside of the Mokusai no Bushi, they are the first enemies that the Turtles can encounter and the first non-mandatory battle.
After the Turtles complete Hisomi's stealth course, they are granted their medallions, which give them special abilities. They are then sent out by Juto to a volcanic area to essentially "level up" their abilities. The Turtles will find the Sparks floating around the overworld, and the player can fight them by running into them.
Sparks attack with a low-damaging physical strike as well as an attack called "Sparkle", where they spit fire and cause higher damage to one Turtle.
A stronger variant called Lavas will appear in ambush scenarios (i.e. the player makes noise by stepping on a broken blank or waking up a snake to alert them), or guarding a treasure chest. Their sprite is completely identical to Sparks, but they have more hit points, higher attack values, and instead of Sparkle, they attack with "Burn" which is the same but attacks two Turtles at once.