

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Space Junk Face Funk Cyber Punk Thief! is the story for issue #21 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures, published in June 1991 by Archie Comics.

Appearing in Space Junk Face Funk Cyber Punk Thief[]



An American artificial satellite collides with a Soviet radioactive waste canister and together they plunge towards Earth. Meanwhile, a lone man in a cabin becomes fed up with the news and carries his television outside to toss it in a garbage can. Suddenly he is struck by the space junk, which transforms him into a supervillain calling himself "Vid Vicious".

In the sewers below the city, the Turtles are sparring. They begin discussing Raphael and express the hope that he's okay. Splinter is with April O'Neil in her office at the news building. They are interrupted by Malcolm, one of April's co-workers. After he leaves, April turns back to her computer, but Vid Vicious reaches through the screen and grabs her, pulling her inside.

Splinter returns to the lair, where he urges Donatello to use his mastery of technology to learn what has happened. He initially has trouble breaking into the newsroom's computer system, but finally manages to trace the intruder back to its source.

Vid has kidnapped April in order to have her tell the world his story. He is mad that people are contaminating the world. While they are talking, the Turtles and Splinter burst through the window to save her.

After the turtles get into conflict with him, they later end up witnessing the return of the Shredder.

See also[]

