Space Invaders, Part I
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) episode
Space Invaders Part I
Season Code: S03E02
Episode: 53
Original airdate October 9, 2004
Written by Dean Stephan
Supervising Producer Lloyd Goldfine
Producers: Gary Richardson
Frederick U. Fierst
Al Kahn
Norman Grossfeld
Thomas Kenney
Supervising Director  Roy Burdine
Story Editor: Lloyd Goldfine
Episode chronology
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"The Christmas Aliens" "Space Invaders, Part II"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 3
October 9, 2004 - April 23, 2005
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. The Christmas Aliens
  2. Space Invaders, Part I
  3. Space Invaders, Part II
  4. Space Invaders, Part III
  5. Worlds Collide, Part I
  6. Worlds Collide, Part II
  7. Worlds Collide, Part III
  8. Touch and Go
  9. Hunted
  10. H.A.T.E.
  11. Nobody's Fool
  12. New Blood
  13. The Lesson
  14. The Darkness Within
  15. Mission of Gravity
  16. The Entity Below
  17. Time Travails
  18. Hun on the Run
  19. Reality Check
  20. Across the Universe
  21. Same As It Never Was
  22. The Real World, Part 1
  23. The Real World, Part 2
  24. Bishop's Gambit
  25. Exodus, Part 1
  26. Exodus, Part 2

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Ninja TribunalFast Forward - Back to the Sewer

"Space Invaders, Part I" is the first part of the three-part (fifty-third) “Space Invaders” episode of the animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which originally aired on October 9, 2004. It had 4.2 million views on the 4kids website as of 2008.

Appearing in Space Invaders, Part I[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Voice-over introduction[]

Prime Leader Zanramon: We have fought long and hard in the war against our hated enemies, the Federation. Precious Triceraton blood has been spilt. Our glorious Homeworld damaged in battle. But through our bravery and strength of arms, we forced the mighty Federation into retreat. And very soon, we shall strike at them in force and bathe ourselves in the sweet nectar of victory.
Prime Leader Zanramon: Our path to triumph is clear. We must recapture this Fugitoid who holds in its circuitry the mind of Professor Honeycutt. His teleportal device shall provide us with the means to crush the Federation and rule the universe once and for all. The Fugitoid and his allies used the teleportal to escape us last time. But we have tracked the teleportal's transionic particle trail to the farthest corner of the T-17 galaxy to an insignificant watery green-blue planet. Even if we must tear that pitiful world apart piece by piece, the Fugitoid will be ours. Begin the countdown to victory!


Michelangelo and Donatello are playing video games (while hanging upside down) when the power in the lair goes out (destroying Mikey’s high score).

We shift to the Triceraton Homeworld, a truly monolithic mobile spacecraft, coming into the Earth's stratosphere accompanied by numerous other Triceraton Mother Ships. The vessels create a giant energy shield that surrounds the Earth. Commander Mozar assures Prime Leader Zanramon that nothing can get in or out except Triceraton ships. The villains then fire up enormous laser cannons that send beams of energy into the surface of the planet, destroying all military bases across the globe in a matter of seconds.

In New York City, we see Triceraton soldiers invading the airways and streets on small sled ships as others march down the streets.

April O'Neil is working out in her antique shop when the emergency news interrupts her TV program to announce the alien invasion. Casey Jones is in his apartment watching the same report. Jones walks to his window and sees the armada of Triceraton soldiers flying past.

As the Earth is in chaos with Triceratons everywhere, the Turtles are in the lair watching the news. As Splinter begins to tell them not to leave, he turns around only to find they are already gone.

The Turtles are on the rooftops, watching the passing Triceraton warships, wondering what they can do to help. The guys jump down into an alley and into the shadows. The ninjas see a group of Triceratons scanning buildings with handheld devices. The Triceratons locate a signal and blast a hole in a nearby building - the aliens zoom in and grab an old woman from her apartment. Leonardo decides that while they may not be able to prevent an alien invasion, they can save the old lady. Don distracts the Triceratons with a feint attack, giving Leonardo the opportunity to jump onto the hover car and leap off with the woman in tow. Mikey and Raphael then launch their assault and remove the two Triceraton pilots. Mike and Raph then play chicken with another hover car, leaping off just before the two ships collide. The Turtles check on the condition of the lady, who awakens and mistakes the Turtles for aliens and promptly passes out once again. Don is able to locate one of the Triceraton tracking devices and he's able to determine that the Triceratons are only rounding up people who have strong traces of transonic particles. Donatello informs his brothers that they're covered in them...

Back at April’s shop, Jones is trying to convince O'Neil to accompany him - but April insists that she can take care of herself. Suddenly they're attacked by a group of Triceratons and April quickly decides that she can use Casey's help. The dynamic duo jump onto Casey's motorcycle and zoom off, with the Triceratons in hot pursuit. Casey dodges laser blasts, but the bike is headed straight for a jackknifed tanker truck!

Using a fallen signboard as a ramp, Casey and April launch over the tanker and escape - only for another group of Triceratons to blast the back tire of Casey's motorcycle, knocking it over. April and Casey fly off the motorcycle and are knocked unconscious apon hitting the road. The Triceratons close in to take O'Neil and Jones prisoner.

Zanramon interrupts a United Nations meeting via their video screen and demands that the Earthlings hand over Professor Honeycutt, a.k.a. the Fugitoid. With this the Turtles realize that the handheld devices are tracking the transonic residue of the UtromsTransmat Beam, which had previously transported the Fugitoid and Turtles back to Earth. Don surmises that the Triceratons must be thinking that they used Fugitoid's Teleportal to get home, even though the Fugitoid isn't on Earth and his machine doesn't even work! Suddenly, April calls in on her Shell Cell, telling Leo that she and Casey and being held prisoner in Central Park.

The Turtles arrive in Central Park, and stay hidden behind a large boulder. The teens spot a laser barred cage they realize that Casey and April must be trapped within it. Don states that they can disable the shield by destroying one of the hovering platforms used to create it directly above it - but they'll need a distraction. Mike and Raph go off to make said distraction.

Cut to the Triceraton Homeworld as Prime Leader Zanramon talks to Commander Mozar. Zanramon is growing impatient, and Mozar explains that the Earthlings are claiming no knowledge of Honeycutt's whereabouts. The Commander then goes on to explain that the Triceratons are getting ready to use a brain-scanning device that will scan (as well as fry) people’s brains who might know where the Fugitoid is.

Back at the park, the Triceratons are pushing the prisoners towards a ship that will take them to the Homeworld to be scanned. April is carried off - Casey tries to prevent it, but he's knocked unconscious by a Triceraton warrior.

Mikey and Raph infiltrate a Triceraton camp, where Mike is able to grab a laser rifle and set it up to self-destruct. Mikey tosses the rifle into a pile of weapons as he and Raph retreat - just as a huge explosion rips into the night sky. With the distraction in place, Leo and Don rush the ships that are creating the force field cage and take out one of the platforms - causing the shield to collapse. The prisoners make their escape, but April and a few others are already on board one of the ships. Don rushes to save April and the prisoners and manages to grab some laser rifles and allow them to flee - but before the brainy terrapin can take his own leave, he's shot in the back! Donatello is knocked out, the Triceratons load him onboard their vessel and take off!

See also[]


Michelangelo: It's the end of the world as we know it...and I don't feel fine.

Raph: (to the Triceritons) It's not nice to invade Mr. Raphie's neighborhood!

April: Oh, Donnie, I could just KISS you!

Donatello: Really? Uh, I mean, we better get these people out of here. Fast!


  • The second time April is captured in the 2003 series.
  • Michelangelo's line about the world ending and not feeling fine is a reference to R.E.M.'s song "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine...)"
  • In the beginning, Mikey calls himself the Spacinator and mimics Arnold Schwarzenegger's accent. 

External links[]
