
Sound Off! Part 3 is issue #3 of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Sound Off! published by IDW Publishing.


The TMNT will have to use all of their cunning and skills to best their new adversaries! But victory will all depend on April finding her voice before it’s too late!

Appearing in Sound Off! part 3[]

Major characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



The Turtles linger around the venue for the Now That's Almost Like Music festival to defend April O'Neil in the case of The Silent G's arrival. Immediately after April begins to emcee, the area is muted by Gned as he and the rest of The Silent G's steal the speakers on stage. A fight between The Silent G's and the Mad Dogs breaks out and April is able to best Gnarly, causing him to retreat back to his gang's stolen ice cream truck. April pursues him, however, by the time he reaches the truck, Leonardo is already there. April strikes Gnarly with a microphone stand and he falls into Leo's mystic portal, landing outside of the truck. The other Turtles then arrive on the scene, but instead of being confronted by Gnatalie and Gned, they abandon their truck and run. However, Michelangelo grapples Gnatalie with his kusari-fundō and when she retaliates by firing an explosive loogie at him, Raphael sends it back to her using a thrown shuriken. The loogie explodes and with Gnatalie and Gnarly incapacitated, the Mad Dogs give chase to Gned.

Nullifying the sound once more, Gned retreats to a New York City subway and sprints down a train tunnel to hide behind a subway support beam. Without sound, Leo is unable to warn his family in time as he becomes cognizant of an oncoming train and he shoves them off of the train tracks. When Donatello expresses frustration at the loss of communication between the team using his tech gauntlet, Raph suggests they use charades to convey information to each other. He has the team climb the subway support beams to gain a vantage point to locate Gned and he is quickly found by Leo. Raph then climbs down and strikes Gned with his tonfā and he unmutes the sound. Donnie seeks to return April to the Now That's Almost Like Music festival, but April declines, her stage fright only reinforced by her newest failure.

However, Gned explains that the audience leaving April at Aquatic MuSEAum wasn't in response to her public speaking skills, but because of Oozesquitoes mutating Gnarly, Gned, and Gnatalie. He states that ever since their mutation gave The Silent G's super hearing, they have only wanted to escape the city's noise.

The Mad Dogs return to the festival, the Turtles supporting April from the stage lights above as she hosts Now That's Almost Like Music, her stage fright conquered.


  • On multiple pages of this issue, April's lower lip is missing its color.
  • On multiple pages of this issue, Donnie's sclerae and teeth are inaccurately colored white instead of yellow.
  • On multiple pages of this issue, April's jacket is missing its '5' print over its heart.
  • On multiple pages of this issue, the sides the Turtles' carapaces are inaccurately colored the same color as the back of their carapaces instead of a darker shade of their plastrons.
  • In a panel on page six and nine, April's jacket button is missing its color.
  • In a panel on page nine, one of April's jacket pockets is missing its color.
  • In a panel on page 12, the faces on Mikey's kneepads are lined with black instead of red.
  • In a panel on page 14, one of Mikey's kneepads is missing.
  • In a panel on page 15, Mikey's markings are missing their color.



  • Sound Off! part 3/Transcript