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[The episode starts on a snowy day in central park; The turtles were wearing jackets, pants and scarves in their respective colors, all but Raph and Mikey because Mikey has earmuffs and his older brother has a hood over his head.]
RAPH: [singing] "Snow day, hooray so magical and new there’s so much we can do"
LEO: [singing] "Snow day, no training, only fun. We’ve only just begun I’m glad I’m here with you"
DONNIE: [singing] "Snow day hooray barometric pressure is so low but my heart is a glow revving up my tech bo"
MIKEY: [singing] "Snow day, our snowman is the best Jupiter Jim fans will attest Omigosh my coat’s a vest"
APRIL: [singing] "Snow day hooray we all should be so proud Snow day all together sing out loud"
ALL: [singing] "Snow day Hooray!"
LEO: "Great Job fam. And Donnie I guess."
DONNIE: "If I weren't so enchanted by the beauty of our replica Jupiter Jim I’d probably say something like, "Look over there. Push!’"
[Leo falls for it and gets pushed into the fluffy snow.]
RAPH: "And for the cherry on top, this flag from Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies."
MIKEY: "Best JJ Movie of all time baby."
APRIL: "What the what? Hold up Skip. Jupiter Jim Pluto vacation 4 is the best JJ movie of all time."
DONNIE: "Ranked by us Just now. So It's basically official no arguing,"
[All laugh]
LEO: "Jupiter Jim Pluto vacation.? Where JJ spends the entire time searching for ice before realizing the surface of Pluto is ice?"
APRIL: "Uh yeah. And every time we watch, you laugh your heads off."
MIKEY: "Because Raph always falls asleep and breaks something with his face,"
[Flashback of Raph broke the projection when he fell asleep.]
RAPH: "Yeah, my face takes damage like a boss, Leo, hit me!"
DONNIE: "Oh, please let me."
LEO AND MIKEY: "No!" [they proceed to pin Donnie down]
[Accoss Central Park, Ghostbear is cleaning the sidewalk, wearing a coat with a fluff collar.]
GHOSTBEAR: "Nice and clean nice and clean my sidewalk is nice and clean."
[He heard something and saw the group.]
GHOSTBEAR: "Tortugas? In a family war? These buttons I must push."
[He tiptoes toward them and peeked from behind a tree.]
GHOSTBEAR: "They ruin my pro wrestling career, I will make them ruin their precious day of snow."
RAPH: "I’m the oldest, my flag wins. The end."
[A snowball hits him from behind.]
RAPH: "Hey, who did that? Was it Mayhem?"
APRIL: "Raph, you were looking right at us."
LEO: "What a convenient excuse, April."
RAPH: "Yeah! I can’t believe you weaponize snow just to prove your flag is better than yours."
DONNIE: "Glad to hear you agree our flag is better."
MIKEY: "Our flag eats your flag’s lunch money for breakfast."
APRIL: "Oh, yeah?"
[Ghostbear grins as the group glared at each other.]
GHOSTBEAR: "My plan is working."
ALL: "Snowball fight!"
GHOSTBEAR: "What? Real fight. Not a snowball fight."
RAPH: "Yes! Last player standing gets to fly their team’s flag."
APRIL: "Okay, we’re up for a friendly game. No safe base, no weapons, no mercy!"
MIKEY: "And no ice balls, no slush slappers, no horse hoppers, pepper poppers, liberty launchers, downtown hammers, dream hackers, thrashers, no Freddie Prinze junior. [clears throat] No corked snowballs of any kind. We aren't’ savages."
DONNIE :[making a snowball] "Speak for yourself."
RAPH: "Ready set snow!"
[He got snow in his face and everyone laughed.]
GHOSTBEAR: "I hate them so much. One day, I will ruin something they love!"
[A snow plow drives by, showering Ghsotbear in the snow. He got turned into a snowball and rolled away and crashed. Mikey and April laughed as they sled down a hill, throwing snowballs at each other. April managed to knock him to the side and snow landed on his face.]
LEO: "Oh, boy!"
[Leo throws multiple snowballs and gets his twin and Mayhem. April ducks behind other snowmen and one lands on her face. Mikey soars over her . She shook the snow off and gave two thumbs up. Donnie is hiding the snowmen and he fires snowballs at Raph.]
RAPH: "Time out time out time out!"
[Later that night.]
RAPH: "You got me good back there Donnie but the game ain’t over yet."
DONNIE: "Yes, but when it is my team’s flag will grace our statue and with like a queen to her subjects."
[Mikey plops into the snow.]
RAPH: "Mikey?"
MIKEY: "Snow day hooray, baby."
LEO: "Dude, that was incredible! What was your hang time? Like two, maybe three sequences?"
DONNIE: "Yes, sweet sledding Angelo. And may I say, this cocoa is exquisite. Do I detect a skosh of maple malt syrup?"
MIKEY: "If you paid attention to Jupiter Jim’s Saves the Seven Galaxies you would know what the secret ingredient is."
APRIL: "Um, you and Leo always interrupt the movie by fighting over who gets to wear the Jupiter Jim costume."
[There was a flashback...]
MIKEY: "I want to wear the captain's helmet this time!"
[Mikey pulls the homemade fishbowl helmet away from Mikey and the box turtle starts chasing him around the living room.]
RAPH: "You never see the end? That's why you and Donnie don’t get why Seven Galaxies is so much better than the movie you like."
LEO: "Preach.."
MIKEY: "I hear that."
RAPH: "Trust me. Our flag totally deserves to be up there."
APRIL: "What now? Mayhem!"
[Mayhem teleports in front of Raph and scratches his face. He teleports the snapper away and he lands on Leo and Mikey. April catches him.]
DONNIE: "That is fun for me."
RAPH: [shouts] "Breaks over. Game on!"
[They resume their snowball fight. Unknown to them, a frozen oozequito was thawed and set free. It flies away toward the giant snowball and injected its mutagen into his body. It flies away as a hand bursts out of the snowball. The loud roar made everyone stop.]
APRIL: "What?"
LEO: "Did anyone hear like a really sick bird or something?"
[A new mutant appeared and landed in front of the seven friends. It was Ghostbear, mutated into a white bear, his mask and suit intact.]
POLAR BEAR GHOSTBEAR: Peekaboo losers!"
ALL: "Ghostbear?!"
RAPH: [amazed by the new form] "I love the new look! Oh..Hey can I get a quick selfie?"
[Raph started taking selfies of Ghostbear.]
DONNIE: "Ugh! Every time with this guy."
GHOSTBEAR: "How about a scar to remember me by?"
[He starts to punch Raph but his hand goes right through Raph because it's invisible now. Raph takes a selfie and Ghostbear recoils back in shock.]
GHOSTBEAR: "What is this? I can switch between bear and ghost?"
[Amazed by his new power, Ghostbear punches Raph in the face, knocking him into a tree.]
APRIL: "He hit Raph so hard he almost went straight through our snowman!"
LEO: "But our snowman’s okay, right?"
H: "So it’s the man of snow that you love? Then I will destroy it!"
LEO: "Mayhem, a little help?"
[Mayhem teleports to the lair and takes the weapons with him. The others are running away from Ghostbear as he attacks.]
DONNIE: "He’s too fast. Leo, sacrifice yourself to buy us time."
[Mayhem reappears with the weapons and falls into their hands.]
APRIL: "Thanks buddy."
RAPH: "Okay fam, nobody messes with our snowman. Now let’s beat this bozo bear like Jupiter Jim beat those space pirates"
DONNIE: "How dare you use this fire moment to plug your obviously lesser movie?"
[Ghostbear jumps over them, causing everyone to scream. He slammed his fists on the snowman, destroying it.]
AlLL "NO!"
DONNIE: "Come on!"
LEO: "You’re a monster. Not because you look that way."
DONNIE: "But because you ruined something we collectibly cherish! Humbug upon you sir, humbug!"
RAPH: "Yeah. We all love Jupiter Jim. Which movie is better doesn’t even matter. If I’m being real, I love how Donnie performs all the musical numbers when we watch PV4."
DONNIE: "And I do like how Raph gets stuck in a pirate accent after we watch seven galaxies."
RAPH: "I try to stop but it be too hard."
GHOSTBEAR: "Villian over here!"
APRIL: "It’s watching the Jupiter Jim movies together as a family that makes them so special."
RAPH: "Bring it in. Come on."
[Everyone formed into a hug,]
MIKEY: "I’m tearing up over here."
GHOSTBEAR: "How sweet."
RAPH: "That’s it. Mad Dogs ahoy!"
[They leap into the air, Raph phasing through Ghostbear and gets grabbed by the hoodie. Raph lands on Donnie. Leo sliced Ghsotbear with his weapon but it went through him. Ghostbear punches him away and Mikey gets slammed. Now the turtles and April are nowhere to be seen.]
GHOSTBEAR: "Tortugas, come out and play."
[The turtles and April are in a tree.]
LEO: "Should we call animal control?"
APRIL: "We could use the flags to blind him."
MIKEY: "But Ghostbear only stays solid when he’s attacking us."
RAPH: "Uh oh.."
[Trees come crashing down. Raph crashes into the snow.]
RAPH: "I got it! You guys stay close enough so he’s attacking and stays solid. We’ll use our icy environment just like Jupiter Jim did."
DONNIE: "Wow, full circle."
APRIL: "Mayhem, do your thing."
[Mayhem teleports and appears above Ghostbear's head. He covers his eyes with the flag.]
GHOSTBEAR: "I’m afraid of the dark!"
[Mikey wraps Ghostbear with his whip. as Raph punches a fire extinguisher and Leo makes a portal above the water. Ghostbear breaks green as water falls onto him.]
APRIL: "Donnie?"
DONNIE: "Let’s see you phase through my hexagonal crystalline solid AKA Ice."
[He used his ice blaster on Ghostbear.]
GHOSTBEAR: "Tortugas!"
[He is frozen with the flag in his hand,]
APRIL: "Guys, it’s working."
RAPH: "Awesome job, famo."
APRIL: "Raph, for the cherry on top, why don’t you put your flag up there."
RAPH: "I got a better idea."
[He removes his scarf, and places it with the others on a stick as a rainbow flag.]
RAPH: "Since we all love Jupiter Jim equally, and we all worked together as equals to put Ghostbear on ice, our flag should represent all of us."
LEO: "How come Raph’s is on top?"