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[Episode opens in the lair with Michelangelo playing video games in the arcade as Leonardo watches.]
Mikey: [happily] Oh, yeah! Level 83, dude. I'ma flip it.
[A final boss appears.]
Mikey: [horrified] No, no, no, no, no, no, no! It's Skullorax!
Leo: Eye beam! Use the eye beam!
Mikey: [panicked] I'm scared, man. What am I gonna do?
[Mikey lost the game, when his character gets killed by Skullorax.]
Mikey: Oh! No! [whines in sadness] I was so close, Leo… so close.
Leo: You did well, my son. Now watch a real sensei at work.
[Leo, pushing Mikey away and cracking his neck, plays the game. Cut to Raphael's bedroom door, where we can hear Raph's screams of rage.]
Raph: [furious] MIKEY!
[Raph comes out of his bedroom with Spike on his shoulder. Both Raph and Spike look angry. Raph finds Mikey sitting and confronts him.]
Raph: [angrily] You got pizza stains all over my collection of Modern Ninja magazine. They're ruined!
Mikey: [nonchalantly] Dude, those things are, like, twenty years old. They're not exactly modern.
Raph: [angrily] They're vintage! It took me six years to collect 'em! Six years!
Mikey: Chillax, bro. I'll clean it for ya.
[Mikey licks it in response. Annoyed, Raph sets Spike down and smacks Mikey with his magazine from off-screen. Spike looks pleased with Mikey's karma.]
Mikey: Ow!
Raph: [points to Mikey with his comic] You mess up everything, Mikey.
Leo: It's just stuff, Raph. Meager possessions. What does it matter?
Raph: [greatly angered] What about your precious comic-book collection, huh? You always stick up for Mikey. Try seeing my point of view for once.
Leo: I get it. I just think, like Master Splinter says, "material possessions are fleeting."
[Finally reaching his breaking point, Raph pushes the arcade, ruining Leo's game.]
Raph: All right, enough! I'm tired of you three. You're always messing up, and I got to pay for it.
[Raph scowls and leaves. Meanwhile, Donatello is in his lab, trying to make a retro-mutagen.]
Donnie: [annoyed] Can it get any louder out there? I'm never gonna find a retro-mutagen at this rate. Who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?
[He drops a pink substance until it starts to fizzle.]
Donnie: [Nervously.] Uh-oh.
[Fireworks start exploding all over the lair.]
Leo: What's ah! Wha-
Raph: Hit the deck!
[Fireworks explode everywhere and plast a few objects. Mikey is dismayed.]
Mikey: [dismayed] My pizza! [Dodging the fireworks.] Whoa! We're under attack!
[Miley runs away for cover. Suddenly, the fireworks start to lunge at Spike, much to Raphael's complete horror.]
Raph: [in slo-mo, mortified.] Spike! No!
[theme song]
[Raph attempts to save Spike from being killed and runs as fast as he can.]
Raph: Spike! No!
[Raph saves Spike from being killed. Raph rolls around and when he stops, he sees Spike completely okay and unharmed.]
Raph: Aw. Hey, there, little guy. You okay, Spike? You're all good. Old Raph won't let anything happen to you.
Donnie: [comes out of his lab] Wow. [coughs] I did not see that one coming. Everyone okay?
Raph: [in fury] What are you, crazy? No, we're not okay!
[Splinter enters to see the mess in the living room.]
Splinter: [Shocked] What happened here?
Raph: [angrily] I'll tell you what happened, Master Splinter. Donnie almost blew us up, again! And worse, he almost blew up Spike.
Donnie: [apologetically] Raph, dude, I'm really sorry. I-
Raph: [unforgivingly] Sorry doesn't cut it this time!
[Rudely pushing Donnie away, Raph enters Donnie's lab.]
Raph: Until the mad scientist gets his act together, I'm holding this for safekeeping.
[Raph comes out and holds the canister of mutagen.]
Donnie: [upset] No, Raph, be reasonable. Man, that's my last canister of mutagen.
[Raph ignores Donnie, who looks hurt and even pained by Raph's rage towards him. Splinter looks at Raph, concerned. In his room, Raph places the ooze on his table.]
Raph: The others are just holding me back. We should be out there fighting crime, tracking mutagen. But all they want to do is play stupid games. You get it, don't you, Spike?
[Raph lies down on his bed, frustrated.]
Raph: Sometimes I wish I was on my own, doing things my way. I'm tired of this team.
[Mikey knocks the door, opens, and comes in.]
Mikey: Uh, dude? You still mad?
Raph: [annoyed] What do you want, Mikey?
Mikey: Master Splinter wants us to help clean up.
Raph: [stands up, stubbornly] No way! Not a chance! Donnie can clean up his own explosion.
Mikey: Hey, if you want to tell sensei you're not helping out, that's all you, dude.
Raph: Fine. I will!
[He pushes Mikey out of his away and leaves. As he slams the door, the canister crashes to the floor and spills ooze. The desert turtle starts to ingest some. In the living room, Leo and Donnie are seen cleaning up. Raph confronts Splinter.]
Raph: Sensei, this is completely unfair. Donnie made this mess. How come I have to help?
Splinter: Allow me to make a suggestion, Raphael.
Raph: Suggest what, sensei? I'm sick of suggestions. What could you possibly suggest?
[Raph gets pinched by Splinter, causing Raph to fall to the ground, writhing in pain.]
Splinter: Perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while.
[Low growls came from Raph's room as Spike begins to mutate.]
Raph: Always me, right? I've got the bad attitude. I'm the bad guy. They just don't get it.
[Raph enters the room and notices the light is out. Raph groans in great frustration. Just then…]
Male voice: They never have.
[Raph turns around with a defensive stance.]
Raph: What?
[Raph sees the cracked mutagen canister on the ground in surprise.]
Male voice: They never understood you, not like me.
[Raph sees a giant figure. A large, blue and muscular turtle with spikes on his shell and plastron. A fourth mutanimal. It's Spike… Albeit, it's more than Raph can see…]
Raph: [shocked] Wha… It can't be.
[Spike rises up and looks at Raph.]
Raph: [overwhelmed with shock] Spike?
[In the living room.]
Donnie: [feeling guilty] I feel terrible. It's my fault Raph's mad.
Leo: [consoling] It's not you, Donnie. Well, it's… it's partly you. Raph just has to work on his insanely bad temper.
Mikey: [suggesting] Maybe he should switch to decaffeinated pizza?
[During their discussions about Raph's bad temper, Donnie's mutagen tracker beeps.]
Donnie: Whoa. The mutagen tracker just picked up a new canister. It's close.
Leo: Then let's gear up. I'll grab Raph.
Mikey: Better you than me.
[In his room, Raph expresses great deal of astonishment about his pet's mutation.]
Raph: I can't believe this is happening. I mean, this is amazing. [now concerned] Wait. What am I gonna tell the others?
Spike: Tell 'em you got a new partner, one who knows the true meaning of being a warrior.
Raph: [Surprised and a bit uncertain.] A new partner?
Spike: You and me, no joking around, no goofing off like your brothers. We'll be the ultimate ninja team.
[While Raph thinks of this, Spike puts his hands on his owner’s shoulders.]
Raph: [intrigued] Well, that would be awesome.
Spike: We'll crush our opponents. We'll fight evil together, nonstop.
Raph: [happily] That's what I'm talking about. You totally get it. You always did.
Leo: Hey, Raph.
Raph: Uh, man. [to Spike.] Uh, all right, quiet. Just sit tight. [to Leo] Yeah?
Leo: Got a mutagen mission. Need you on deck.
[Spike sees the picture of Raph's brothers with a scorned expression on his face. Raph slightly opens the door to greet Leo.]
Raph: Right, uh, I'll catch up in a minute. Go on without me.
Leo: [Annoyed.] Fine, 'cause we're not waiting.
[Leo closes the door.]
Spike: You don't need 'em, Raphael. We can find that mutagen on our own.
Raph: Heck, yeah! But if we're gonna do this, you'll need to gear up. Take your pick.
[Spike, after looking around, sees a mace. Picking it up as his main weapon, Spike is geared up by Raph. Permanently solidifying himself as the new turtle, Spike now wears a black bandana, kneepads, fingerless gloves and etc.]
Raph: [amazed] Wow. You look awesome, Spike.
Spike: Never liked the name Spike.
[Spike sees the symbol on the car. He picks it up and puts it on his waistband.]
Spike: Call me Slash.
[The two then pose on an NYC rooftop — former owner and pet, now two crime-fighting equals working side by side. Raph jumps off to find the mutagen as Slash looks on brewing a sinister idea...]
Slash: If Raph's gonna be free, we may need to lose some dead weight. [maniacal laughing]
[At the surface.]
Raph: Yes, this is so cool! Just you and me, Raph and Slash, the crime-fighting duo.
Slash: Yep. We'll right the wrongs of the world and wipe out whoever stands in our way.
Raph: Hold on. How are we gonna find that mutagen without a tracker?
Slash: I got a nose for the stuff. I can smell it a mile away. [sniffs around] Come on, follow me.
Donnie: We've got mutagen close by just on the other side.
[Mikey sees one.]
Mikey: Ooze jar in full effect.
Leo: Sweet. Let's grab it and bag it. Looks like we didn't need Raph after all. Hold up. Somebody's coming.
[The delivery guy finds the canister.]
Pizza guy: Cool. A free energy drink. It's still sealed too.
[He picks it up and begins to tie it.]
Raph: All right, I got this, Slash. Wait here.
[Raph swings down to grab it only to bump into Leo who also tried to grab it.]
Raph: Hey, what are you doing? I had him.
Leo: You're late, Raph.
Raph: What are you talking about? You know what? Get out of my way!
[Up on the rooftop, Donnie and Mikey are watching their brothers argue, much to Donnie's annoyance.]
Donnie: Are they gonna argue all night? The mutagen's getting away!
Mikey: Dude, I can totally see Raph's forehead veins bulging from here.
[Unknown to him, a massive figure (Slash) grabs Donnie and pulls him in the darkness. Donnie's face looks horrified and attempts to scream for help, but due to Slash covering his mouth, his attempts are futile.]
Mikey: Check it out. His head's gonna pop.
[Cut to Leo and Raph finished arguing.]
Leo: Fine. I'm going after it myself. I don't need your help.
[Leo leaves.]
Raph: Fine! You sure you can handle a pizza delivery boy on your own?
[While heading back to the rooftop, he knocks over a trash can in anger. Now at the rooftops, Raph tries to find Slash, but cannot find him.]
Raph: Slash? Hey, where'd you go, man?
[Slash appears to Raph. Slash looks a little rattled. Raph notices his suddenly distressed look.]
Raph: [Concerned.] What happened to you?
[Raph notices a purple bandana on his hand, meaning that something must have happened to Donnie. Just then, Mikey appears.]
Mikey: Raph, Donnie's disappeared! He was right behind me when… [sees Slash] Holy chalupa. Another turtle?
Raph: Wait, wait, no. It's Spike. I mean Slash now. He got into the mutagen.
Mikey: Dude, this is too much to process. I'm gonna- [his head explodes] I'm freakin' out!
Slash: Raphael, you said it yourself. We don't need these clowns. We got to hunt that mutagen down now.
Mikey: But what about Donnie? We have to find him.
[Raph looks at a grimly-determined Slash and a pleading-faced Mikey as he comes to a moral decision.]
Raph: Sorry, Slash. My brothers come first, no matter what.
[Slash growls. Mikey smiles.]
Slash: How about I make the choice a little easier for ya?
[The mutated desert turtle roars and savagely slams Mikey.]
Raph: Mikey!
[Raph is horrified that his beloved pet would do such a harsh and cruel thing to his brother. Slash grunts as he knocks Mikey out by knocking him around no less savagely. Slash sees Mikey knocked out. Raph elbows Slash in rage.]
Raph: Spike! What are you doing?
Slash: I don't want to fight you, Raphael. Just go. Leave me to my work.
[Slash slowly crosses to Mikey and Raph, who looks at Slash in disbelief.]
Raph: [Shocked.] Your work? That mutagen warped your brain, Spike. This isn't you.
Slash: Told you the name's Slash.
[Slash pulls out his mace and prepares to finish off Mikey, but Raph throws a smoke bomb and disappears with Mikey. Leo continues to follow the delivery boy and tries to catch the ooze canister only for it to slip and fall. The turtle ends up crashing into some trash cans. The mutagen lands on the ground behind him. Leo is about to grab it until he see humans coming out of a market,]
Leo: Humans. Can't get caught.
[He hides. The canister keeps crashing into cars only to be found by a man.]
Man: Hmm, some kind of antique glow lamp. Hmm, bet it's worth a few bucks.
[Mikey and Raph finds Donnie wounded with his mask gone.]
Mikey: There he is. Donnie! Donnie?
[Raph notices the three slash claws.]
Donnie: [waking up] What hit me? It was like Raph, only bigger and meaner. Angrier but not quite as ugly.
Raph: It was Spike. He got into the mutagen. I was gonna tell you guys, but-
Donnie: [shocked by realizing that his attacker was his brother's pet] Spike? [Now sarcastic] Way to keep that mutagen safe, Raph.
[Raph carries him up.]
Raph: Come on. We got to find some cover.
[Leo looks for the mutagen with his telescope.]
Leo: If I come back empty-handed, the guys will never let me live it down. Okay, plan. Need a plan.
[Mikey looks around for Slash as Raph carries Donnie.]
Donnie: Can't make it. I'm too weak. You go on without me, fellas.
Raph: No turtle left behind, that's our rule. I'm gonna tie off your sprained arm. It might hurt, okay? Bite down on this.
[He puts his sai into Donnie's mouth.]
Donnie: [muffled] Tastes like leather and sweat.
Slash: [in Leo's voice] Mikey, Mikey. Down here. I need your help.
[Mikey wonders off.]
Mikey: Leo?
Slash: Down here. Hurry.
Mikey: [relieved] Am I glad you're back. You wouldn't believe it, dude. There's another turtle.
[Slash emerged from the shadows.]
Slash: That's funny. [in normal voice] I actually believed it.
[Slash appears and attacks Mikey (although he is good for impersonating Leonardo). Slash grabs Mikey and the latter screams as we cut back to Leo. He toses a coin for the man and tries to take it while he is hiding in the trash can but hides again.]
Girl: Daddy, daddy, look at all the cool stuff! Oh, Daddy, look at the neat lamp.
[He peeks through. He can see a little five year old girl with her dad.]
Leo: [annoyed] Isn't it past your bedtime?
Girl: I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it. Ahhhh.
[Leo watches in displeasure as the girl takes the ooze.]
Leo: [upset] Maybe it's better the guys aren't here to see this. Definitely not my night.
[Leo hides, looking gloomy. When the truck passes by, the trash can is on the ground, but Leo is no longer there. Meanwhile, Raph looks around for Mikey.]
Raph: Mikey? Oh, no. Mikey.
[Raph sees Mikey, tied up and dangling from a building, wounded with his mask off too. He pulls Mikey up and unties him. He sees Mikey still breathing.]
Raph: Still breathing. [finally, he explodes in rage] Why?!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!!
Slash: [off-screen] The others hold you back, limit your potential. You don't need 'em, just like you said.
[Slash appears from behind and punches Raph to the ground. As Raph tries to recover, Slash laughs menacingly.]
Raph: [Remorsefully.] No. They're my brothers. I never wanted this.
Slash: [Mercilessly.] There's no turning back now.
[Slash smiles evilly, then he gets Mikey right at the top of the rooftop, as Mikey is about to be thrown off the rooftop to his death. By the time he recovers, Raph gasps in horror, noticing his youngest brother about to die. Mikey groans, but Raph confronts Slash.]
Raph: Stop! I won't let you hurt him!
[Raph takes out his sai. Slash turns his head to Raph nonchalant, but slightly annoyed.]
Slash: I'm not here to fight you.
Raph: But I want to fight you. [now enraged] You're not Spike. You're some kind of warped monster, a deranged, hideous FREAK.
[Pained and hurt by hearing this, Slash puts Mikey to the ground and lets out a loud, furious roar and attacks Raph. Raph screams as he attacks Slash.]
Slash: We could make a good team, Raphael. But you're a fool, just like your brothers.
[Waking up, Mikey notices Raph beaten up and crawls up to Donnie, who sees Mikey.]
Mikey: Slash is back. Raph's in trouble.
Donnie: [Confused.] Raph's fighting him?
Mikey: Not really fighting. More like getting stomped into green goo. Come on.
[Leo begins to follow the girl, while he tries to grab the ooze only for the door to close, much to his frustration. Cut to Raph and Slash still fighting.]
Slash: I spent years watching you train, learning your moves. I know everything you can do.
[They charge forward with a mighty bellow, as their weapons clash, but Raph pushes him back with a fierce kick.]
Raph: Not everything.
[Slash roars and throws Raph. Slash pins Raph to the ground and delivers an unbelievably powerful punch that sends Raph to the next rooftop. Raph is seen bruised with wounds. He starts to approach him to claw him, but Donnie and Mikey, despite their injuries, quickly jump at Slash to grab both of his hands to prevent him from doing any more harm to their brother.]
Mikey: No!
Donnie: Get off of him!
[Donnie and Mikey charge at Slash but get thrown off. Leo peeks through the window. Inside, he can see the girl holding a tea party with her toys, and pouring the mutagen into a teacup.]
Girl: Here you go, Ruffles McBearington. One nice cup of green tea.
[Leo looks horrified as the little girl prepares to drink the mutagen.]
Leo: No time for stealth.
[Realizing that he can't save the little girl by using shadows, Leo, seeing no other choice, decides to expose himself just to save the innocent girl from mutating. Leo breaks through and kicks the teacup out. Girl looks surprised upon seeing Leo, but she is not scared at all.]
Girl: [Politely.] Would you care for some tea, Mr. Turtle?
Leo: [Slightly embarrassed.] Uh, sorry, little girl. I really need to grab your tea and take off.
Girl: I'll scream if you go, Mr. Turtle. My Daddy's room is right next door.
[She takes a deep breath in and holds it as she prepares to scream and expose him. Leo's eyes widen in shock. Raph sees Slash defeating Donnie and Mikey.]
Raph: Slash, you see? That's what real friends do. They stand up for each other. I'd rather be like my brothers than you any day.
Mikey: Was that a compliment?
[Mikey fakes being dead. Slash charges as Raph attacks him. Meanwhile, Leo and the little girl are bonding a bit.]
Girl: No, no, no, no, no. You have to hold your pinky out.
Leo: Uh, I don't really have a pinky.
Girl: [Curious.] Are there other talking turtles like you?
Leo: [nervously] Nope. Uh-uh. Just me, Mr. Imaginary Turtle.
[Suddenly, Raph and Slash crash into the room. Leo and the girl look aghast.]
Leo: Raph?
Raph: [struggles to hold Slash back, notices Leo] Leo! Having tea time?
[They both crash through the wall as Leo takes the ooze.]
Leo: Uh, next time I'll bring the tea.
Girl: [waving goodbye] Bye, Mr. Turtle.
[Raph continues to fight Slash, who then kicks him high up into the air and flings his sais off the building. Slash then delivers a sucker punch to Raph's face, sending him back rolling.]
Slash: Ha! It's over, Raphael. You've lost.
[Raph charges forward again but gets knocked back down by Slash. The red-masked turtle turns around to deliver a wicked punch that sends the desert turtle staggering back. But this serves to amuse Slash more than hurt or anger him.]
Slash: A true warrior's spirit. [laughs] We're the same, you and me.
Raph: [Angrily.] We are nothing alike. You're pure evil!
[This clearly enrages Slash, who roars much more ferociously and bloodthirsty than ever before and charges. Raph begins to dodge, only to realize that Slash is unleashing his greatest rage on Raph, who gets punched again and again. Leo comes to the rescue, kicking Slash away from his brother.]
Leo: So what's with the new turtle?
Raph: Long story. Look out!
[Slash punches Leo, who rolls to the window.]
Slash: Been looking forward to that for a long time. [laughing]
[Looking over at his badly-beaten brother, realizing that all of this was his own anger-driven fault to begin with, Raph has finally had enough.]
Raph: That's it. It's over.
[He takes out his knife, determined to defeat Slash to the finish.]
Slash: That's right, Raph. We're not like the others. They're weak, but we're powerful. Our anger makes us strong.
[Raph growls at Slash in fury, but upon hearing the last sentence Slash said, his anger disappears and Raph looks surprised. Slash charges, but Raph smirks and takes out his one finger. Slash attempts to punch, but Raph skillfully dodges it and then…]
Raph: Meditate on THIS!
[…pinches Slash and takes the masks. Slash writhes in pain and starts to stagger and back away. When he edges too close to the end of the rooftop, he starts to lose his balance. Raph screams, throws away the masks and runs after him, still loving him, despite the fact that he almost killed his brothers. As Slash groans and then screams as he was about to fall, Raph runs as fast as he can.]
Raph: Spike!
[Raph grunts as he attempts to grab Slash's hand to save him, but was not close enough as Slash starts to fall, screaming. Raph is greatly horrified by what he has done.]
Raph: SPIKE! NO!!
[Slash falls off-screen, and all we can hear is a loud crash. Slash is silenced, possibly forever. Believing Slash to be dead in the process, Raph closes his eyes, distraught that he has lost his beloved pet forever. Then he goes to Leo as the others arrive.]
Raph: You guys all right?
Donnie: Yeah, thanks to you.
Mikey: What happened to Spike?
Leo: [shocked] That was Spike?
Mikey: Fill you in later, dude.
[The injured turtles return and realize that Slash has actually survived, but escaped and vanished with no trace, leaving only a cement with Slash’s shell symbol on it.]
Raph: He's gone. Well, he's still out there somewhere.
[Back in the lair, the turtles, excluding Raph, are playing their arcade game.]
Leo: Go up. Up! No, no, down, down.
Donnie: Eye beam! Use the eye beam!
Leo: Grab that power-up.
Mikey: Oh, come on! [groans in defeat as his character loses a life]
Donnie: Gotta use that eye beam.
[Meanwhile, Raph is sitting alone from them, staring sadly at a leaf he's holding that Spike loved to eat, and quietly sighs as he mourns the loss of his best friend. Master Splinter walks over to him.]
Raph: [heartbroken] He's still out there somewhere.
Splinter: Raphael, do you know what I do when I miss my loved ones from the past?
Raph: No.
Splinter: I focus on the friends I am surrounded by in the present.
[Raph silently looks on at his brothers having fun playing, and softly smiles.]
Raph: Thanks, Master Splinter. [rises to his feet to join in]
Mikey: Too fast, can't get me.
Raph: [calls out to his brothers] Hey, what's a guy gotta do to get in your little competition, huh?
[Master Splinter watches over his sons with a smile on his face as well, happy to see them all bonding.]
Mikey: Next game is all yours, dude.
Leo: [consoling] Sorry about Spike, Raphael.
Raph: It's okay. You guys aren't too bad to hang out with either.
[He put his arms around Donnie and Leo in an affectionate manner as his brothers look at him with smiles all around.]
[END OF "Slash and Destroy"]