Skulltopus is an alien octopus being who floats around inside the cosmic fish-farm that it has created.
Into the Deep![]
While everyone else in the Ulixes is asleep and the Fugitoid is powered down, Michelangelo takes over the ship's controls. He is about to try some fancy maneuvers when a round, pink, sparkling alien creature appears in his view screen. The creature makes some noises at the ship and then zips away. Mikey dubs it “Sparkledude” and goes after the alien, determined to play with it. Suddenly a gigantic worm like creature looms up in front of them and opens a mouth lined all of the way around with teeth. It swallows Sparkledude right down and then starts to leave, but Mikey is determined to save his new friend. He increases speed and then his flipping, twirling maneuvers wake all the others. Before they have a chance to react, the Ulixes is swallowed by the worm alien.
The Ulixes is then spit out in a cosmic fish farm, filled with robo-sharks and an extremely oversized part-robot, part-octopus with a skull looking face. Fugitoid says that the obvious name for what they’ve happened upon is a “Skulltopus”, who captures passing life forms for its dinner. Suddenly Mikey’s little Sparkledude appears and the Skulltopus notices Sparkledude. Mikey shouts for his buddy to run, but Fugitoid says that Sparkledude is communicating in an easily decipherable semaphore-like language. Mikey is paying no attention because he’s busy pounding on the glass and shouting for his little friend to get away. Sparkledude emits several bursts of varying light signals and Fugitoid says its trying to tell them something vitally important. It turns out Sparkledude has a plan to save them and when they follow it, they manage to escape the fish farm. Sparkledude then warns them that Skulltopus has also left the water reserve and can apparently swim through the vacuum of space.