Silver and Gold
Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation episode
Season Code: 1
Episode: 8
Original airdate October 31, 1997
Written by Todd Swift
Producers: Haim Saban
Lance H. Robbins
Rosanne Milliken
David Richardson
Photographed by Henry Chan
Episode chronology
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"All in the Family" "Turtles' Night Out"

Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation
September 12, 1997 - May 15, 1998
List of Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation episodes


  1. East Meets West, Part 1
  2. East Meets West, Part 2
  3. East Meets West, Part 3
  4. East Meets West, Part 4
  5. East Meets West, Part 5
  6. The Staff of Bu-Ki
  7. All in the Family
  8. Silver and Gold
  9. Turtles' Night Out
  10. Meet Dr. Quease
  11. Windfall
  12. Truce or Consequences
  13. Unchain My Heart, Part 1
  14. Unchain My Heart, Part 2
  15. Unchain My Heart, Part 3
  16. Unchain My Heart, Part 4
  17. Mutant Reflections
  18. King Wick
  19. Like Brothers
  20. Going Ape
  21. The Guest
  22. Trusting Dr. Quease
  23. The Good Dragon
  24. Sewer Crash
  25. Enemy of My Enemy
  26. Who Needs Her

"Silver and Gold" is the eighth episode of the live action Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (TV series).


When a series of high-profile bank robberies ravage New York City, the Turtles don't get involved right away. However, when the thieves' escape route leads them dangerously close to the Turtles' home, they take action! Can they catch the band of kung-fu criminals and elude the police as well?

Appearing in Silver and Gold[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Michaelangelo sits in the sewer and listens to the radio, while apparently attempting to soak up some sun rays. A couple of ATVs blast past him, knocking him out of his chair. As he didn't catch who did it, he remains confused and goes to investigate.

Some cops arrive to investigate, but find nothing other than the crashed vehicles, so they leave. As Mike checks out the ATVs himself, he is hit in the back by a cane. Mike turns around and finds a giant ape in a lime green suit. Mike confuses him for a mutant, but the ape, Silver, proclaims he's from a long lineage in The Himalayas. Silver and his gang escape, and Mikey goes to tell his family what happened.

Donatello tracks the crime waves happening during the heatwave on a satellite tracking device. Mikey rushes in and tells them what he saw and encountered, but everyone disbelieves him, thinking the heat has reduced his cognitive skills. Don surmises that based on the pattern of banks already hit, he's narrowed down the choices to two banks. Leo, Mikey, Raph, and Venus go to stake out Second National Bank.

Mikey scopes out a suspicious man approaching the bank, and he goes to confront him. The man pretends to be blind and acts like he thinks Mikey is there to rob him. The police show up and draw guns on Mikey, obviously nonplussed as to who or what he is. Leo sneaks into the cops' car and pops the parking break, causing it to roll away. The cops chase after their car, and Mike apologizes to the man before running off. When Mikey is out of earshot, the man drops his act and radios Silver that the Turtles are there.

Raph and Venus hear some noise and descend from the rooftops to find two guys sucking money out with a hose. They fight them, but more Monkey Thieves show up. Leo and Mike arrive and help out in the fight. Silver shows up and turns the hose at them, blowing money at them to obscure his and the thieves' escape.

Back at home, the Turtles watch a news report blaming them for the robbery. Meanwhile, back at his lair, Silver plans with his Monkey Thieves, telling them that there is a temporary federal reserve of gold being held in New York, and they'll hit that target next. Donnie, back in the sewer, discovers their plan on his tracking device, and notes that the temporary reserve is in a shut-down thread factory that is essentially right above them, and that Silver's escape plan would have them barreling right through their living room. All five Turtles head out to stop the theft.

On the roof, Venus descends through a skylight, while Don uses a microwave jamming device to take out the security system. Mikey, putting mustard on a banana, drips some mustard through the open skylight, but the jammer kicks in just in time to stop the motion sensors. The rest of the Turtles descend, but then Don notes that his jammer is being reversed, ostensibly by the approaching thieves' own jammer. The Turtles hide while the Monkey Thieves wheel a drill in, with Silver tipping it with a diamond so it can bust through the vault. The drill punches a hole, and Silver sticks a hose into it, blowing to pop open the vault, taking advantage of its pressurization. The bolt that pops off hits Venus, knocking her down and exposing her to Silver and the Monkey Thieves. They nab her and handcuff her to the inside of the vault door. An angry Raph leaps out to fight, and the other Turtles follow. They all fight the Monkey Thieves, but when Silver decides he's got enough gold, he calls off his goons and says they can either chase after him or save Venus, after he pulls out some dynamite and locks it in the vault with her, then rejams the electronic lock and flees.

Don says he'll take care of the vault while the others can chase the crooks. Mike, Leo, and Raph descend to the sewers and Raph unchains Silver's ATV from the wagon carrying his henchmen, and he takes off without noticing, somehow, that they are no longer with him. The Turtles assault the Monkey Thieves, but then the dynamite goes off. They mourn Venus and Don, but then they descend the ladder, free and alive.

The Turtles return to the sewers, and they discuss how Venus freed herself from the cuffs and Don hit the right combination just in time for them to get away. Don first jokingly credits his amazing intellect in being able to crack the nigh-impossible code, but then says that he lucked out when entering his birthdate turned out to be the key. On the news, the reporter still blames the Turtles for robbing the "abandoned thread factory" (not mentioning, and likely being unaware, of the temporary reserve), but also thinks they were killed in the explosion.

Back at his lair, Silver curses the Turtles and says he's going to get even.

See also[]


  • At the beginning of the episode, when the Turtles begin looking into the recent bank robberies, Leonardo notes they're ninja, not the Power Rangers. The turtles would appear in Save Our Ship and Shell Shocked.