Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Silas was a homeless young punk who engaged in various criminal activities in order to survive. When he, his girlfriend Jennika, and a partner robbed a store and their partner (the gunman) shot and killed the clerk, Silas and the gunman were able to elude arrest, but Jennika was left as the only collar of the incident. What is Ninja? After her stint in prison, Jennika did not see Silas again until after Old Hob's mutagen bomb detonated, and he had become a mutant muskrat (though initially claiming not to know his mutation species).
Jennika was understandably hurt and angry at Silas for having abandoned her to rot in prison, but Silas claimed that he searched for a year of more and wasn't able to find out what happened to her, especially since she never even told him or any of their friends her last name. He then told Jennika (now a mutant turtle, herself) that there was a cure for the mutation that had been liberated from Hob's laboratories. The Cure for You
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