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[Second part begins. The technodrome is loaming above New York city.]
Mikey: Hmm? I think I speak for all of us when I say AAAAAAA!!!!
Raph: What the heck is that thing?
Leo: It's the end of the world.
Donnie: Actually, it's just the end of humanity's reign as the planet's dominant life form. You know, like when the dinosaurs-
Leo: Now? Really? Y-you're going to do this now?
Donnie: Well, excuse me, but it's how I deal with stress!
Raph: Well, maybe it doesn't have weapons. Does it look like it has weapons?
[The Technodrome's cannon rotates to point at the turtles, charing its weapon, and began to fire, causing them to dodge.]
Leo: I think it has weapons.
[The turtles begin to dodge the lasers. Citizens panic from below as the camera pans down. In Shredder’s lair, he and Splinter confront each other.]
Splinter: Oroku Saki. You were once my friend. I thought of you as my brother.
[Splinter's memory began]
Splinter: 15 years ago, I was a different man. I had everything I could want. A loving wife and a beautiful daughter.
Yoshi: Let's name her Miwa.[Echos two more times.]
Splinter: And you, my loyal friend? Jealousy consumed you. You sought that which was mine.[Splinter's memory ends in a flash of lightining.] You took everything that I loved. Everything! And still you hunt me down.[Flashback begins with Splinter and Shredder fighting as the dojo engulfs and Splinter crying toward his former friend. Flashback Ends as Splinter open his eyes.] So I fight you now...[Splinter ready his battle stance.] to end this.
[Splinter and Shredder charge at each other. Splinter performed a spin kick at Shredder who recovers. Shredder tries to lunge two times at Splinter who dodges them. Shredder performs a tiger sweep kick causing Splinter to perform an acrobatic jump. Splinter and Shredder charge at each other again. Splinter tries to hit Shredder with his cane, but Shredder blocked it, followed by Shredder rigrously swiping at Splinter, but missed, then launches a powerful uppercut on Splinter. Shredder lunges at Spinter again but misses. From behind, Splinter peforms a spin jump then tries to hit Shredder with his cane. Shredder dodges it by rolling over before he jumps on the throne room's glass platforms to avoid the shurkins throwned by Splinter. Splinter jumps on the platform the Shredder were on as they got into battle stance glaring at them to wait to make their move. As Splinter attempt to attack Shredder, Shredder smirk, then Splinter falls onto the platforms when the glass door opens. Splinter disoriented recovers then noticed the Shredder disappeared. Splinter walks cautiously not letting his guard down should the Shredder attempt to strike at him. Splinter heard a retractable blade slowly deploying which caused him to and throws three shuriken only for them to hit a stone. He stands there cautiously until Shredder leaped above him. Splinter knocked Shredder away and attempted to hit him again, only to realized that the Shredder isnt here. Splinter hears creaking noises then fire appears before them. Splinter jumps onto the rocks then jump rolls out of the glass platforms. Splinter looks up and sees the Shredder. Shredder lunges forward with his blades deployed as Splinter and Shredder continues the fight.]
[The turtles continue to avoid the lasers. Mikey collided into Donnie and crash onto the rooftop.]
MIkey: Whoa!
Leo: Donnie! Mikey!
Raph: What now?
[They fell and crashed onto the wall and alley. Raph emerged from the dumpster just as Donnie and Mikey run over to them.]
Donnie: Are you guys all right?
Raph: Been better. What do we do now?
Leo: We need to talk to Splinter. Come on.
[They leave to the lair. At the lair, the turtles have arrived to find no where here.]
Leo: Hello? Sensei?
Donnie: April?
Raph: Spike?!
[Spike peeks his head outbehind the couch. Relieved, Raph picked him up.]
Raph: Don't scare me like that, buddy.
[Mikey checks the dojo.]
Mikey: Anyone in here?
[There is no response, but Kirby attacked Mikey.]
Mikey: Whoa, dude, chill!
[Mikey dodged as Kirby tried to attack.]
Leo: Hey!
[The turtles pinned Kirby down.]
Raph: What the heck is going on?
Donnie: Guys, check this out.
[Donnie pulls out the small chip out of Kirby's neck. Later in the living room.]
Leo: So, what is it?
Donnie: I think it's a mind control device.
Raph: Really?
[Raph tries to put it on Mikey.]
Mikey: No, stop it, stop it!
Leo: [frowning] Raph.
[The turtles head over to Kirby's side who woke up.]
Donnie: Mr. O'Neil? Are you okay?
Kirby: I've done something terrible.
Donnie: Well, it wasn't your fault, Mr. O'Neil. Just tell us what happened.
Kirby: It appears the Kraang have formed an alliance with your enemy, Shredder. That's not all. I fear the Shredder has handed April over to the Kraang.
Donnie: [horrified] Shredder kidnapped April?
Raph: Sensei must have gone after her.
Donnie: So where is April now?
Kirby: They're taking her to the Technodrome.
Raph: The what?
Carlos Chung: Carlos Chang O'Brien Gambe here. Pandemonium in the streets as a "techno-terror-dome" hovers over downtown.
Mikey: Dudes, this is getting freakier by the minute.
Raph: We just escaped that freaky sphere and now we gotta break into it?
Kirby: In a matter of hours the world we once knew will be gone. The Kraang want April to help in their conquest of Earth.
[Somewhere, April woke up, and felt herself strapped to a table.]
Kraang Prime: April O'Neil. Kraang has waited a long time.
April: Where am I? What's going on?
Kraang Prime: Like all Kraang, I am called Kraang. But you can call me Kraang. Kraang has need of this planet for Kraang to live on.
April: Um, that's great, but we're kind of using it. So you came all this way for nothing. Bummer.
Kraang Prime: No. Kraang came all this way for you, April O'Neil.
April: Oh, really? As if I have anything to offer to you Kraang
Kraang Prime: Your mental energy is uniquely attuned to this universe. Once Kraang gains this ability, Kraang will transform your world into a world for Kraang.
April: And how are you going to do that, exactly?
[Wires slowly started to surround her.]
[Splinter and Shredder still continues to fight. Splinter thrust his canesword at Shredder, but the later block it with his claws. Shredder breaks them then leaps up in the air. Splinter point his cane sword in an attempt to kill Shredder as did the latter, though both ninja masters misses each other as they land on each of the opposite ends of Shredder's lair.]
Splinter: Why must you persist in this insanity?
Shredder:[Branishing his claws.] You took Tang Shen from me.
Splinter: She was never yours.
[Splinter takes out his whip and ensnares at Shredder's arm, Shredder tries to rush attack Splinter but misses and was tied up in the process. Splinter had his sword cane ready as he rushes toward Shredder, but the later blocks him with his claws breaking one of its blades in the process.]
Carlos Chung: Run for you ever-lovin' lives because they're abducting us! That's right, men, women, children. Even pets aren't safe.
[Pods float from the ground, capturing humans from everywhere.]
Kraang: Kraang must collect human specimens for Kraang.
[The turtles sneak past the destruction and look around.]
Leo: We gotta get in one of those pods.
Donnie: But how? There are eight Kraang droids between us and there.
Leo: We could create a diversion.
Raph: Excuse me, how many did you say there were?
Leo: Eight.
Mikey: We could all dress up like robots, sneak in.
Donnie: Or I could try to override their security codes by-
[Raph easily knocks down a Krang and finds a pod]
Leo: Or that might work. Let's go. [they start to enter the pod]
[Scene switches to Splinter and Shredder struggling with one another pushing their weapons against eachother.]
Splinter: You never had anything but your hatred. And if you defeat me, you will have NOTHING!
[Shredder angrily breaks free and attempted to stab at Splinter. Splinter flip back dodging Shredder's attack.]
Shredder:[Pulling the blade out from the ground and laughing evily at what Splinter said. Shredder sheathed his claws back into his gauntlet.] THAT is where you are wrong. You took something from me so I took something from you.[Pointing at Splinter.] Your daughter.
Splinter: [Shocked at that revelation. Scene transition to Splinter's old family picture, next cuts to Splinter's flashback as a human reaching out to Shredder who was holding something in his hand. It was revealed that Shredder stolen miwa as the later cries. Then scene cuts back to Splinter's family photo then back to the present. Splinter was left horrified as he realized that not only is Miwa alive but under the clutches of Shredder.] No. It can't be.
[Shredder looks pleased at how it hurt Splinter.]
[The pod carried Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Raph into the Technodrome as they saw multiple animals and humans locked inside.]
Leo: Okay, guys, this is it. On three. One, two, three.
[They opened the pod and suddenly they started to float due to gravity. Everyone exclaimed in surprise.]
Raph: What the heck's going on?
Mikey: I think the Kraang forgot to pay their gravity bill!
Donnie: It appears the Kraang have generated anti-gravitons.
Leo: Is there any way for you to generate anti-anti-gravitons?
Donnie: You mean gravitons?
Leo: Yes.
Donnie: No.
Mikey: [clutching his stomach] Guys, I'm gonna throw up. Or down. Or maybe sideways. But one thing's for sure. I'm majorly gonna throw....
[He gets bumps from a nearby pod.]
Leo: We still have a job to do, so let's go.
[They ride on as they carefully hide.]
Mikey: Yo, zero-g is banging. The Kraang should turn this into a carnival ride.
Leo: Uh, I think they're more interested in using it to destroy the Earth.
Mikey: It could do both.
[They hear a familiar scream.]
Donnie: It's April!
Raph: Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you. Never mind. They did.
[They prepare themselves.]
[April is getting her blood drained by the machine.]
Kraang Prime: Yes. Yes! It's working!
[The eye started to glow.]
Leo: That can't be good.
[Leo continued to fight the Krang alongside his brothers.]
[Splinter is defeated by Shredder.]
Shredder:[Deployed his katar blade.] It's over, Hamato. Soon, you will be no more. And your own daughter will go through her life cursing your name.
[Splinter dodged again. and discharged the gauntlet with his teeth and kicked him down. The turtles continue on fighting the Krang. They soon hear April's scream coming from below. Raph began to open the hatch and they enter inside. ]
Kraang Prime: April O'Neil, your mind belongs to Kraang. Soon, your world will be ours. Let the planetary mutation begin. Witness the end of your kind.
Leo: Not if we can help it.
Kraang Prime: The turtles? Kraang will not be stopped by pathetic mutants.
Mikey: At least we're not stupid aliens.
Leo: Raph, quick.
[Raph kicks him the face while Donnie frees April, from the straps and helmet.]
April: You're my hero.
Rapg: Hey, chuckles. We gotta get out of here.
Donnie: Let's go.
[Kraang Prime wakes up, awakened in his robot suit, ready to capture the turtles!]
[Back in Shredder's lair, Splinter, in great rage and fighting more rat like, starts punching the Shredder by using some furious moves. Then after beating him up, he kicks him to the ground, Shredder tries to throw kunai at him, but Splinter dodges them, then he starts furiously beating him up in all angles, then with the final strike, he kicks him at the steps of his throne, also knocking the helmet off, revealing horrible scars, it's from the burnt debris of their old dojo that was burnt. Shredder glares at Splinter with gritted teeth in rage. Splinter grabs his cane, yells furiously, and was about to finish him off once and for all, but Karai interferes!]
Karai: No!
[Karai lunged and attacked. Splinter cross blades with Karai, he looks at her, realizes to his shock and horror that it's his long lost presumed dead daughter...]
Shredder: Miwa?
[Karai cuts Splinter's shoulder, before rushing to Shredder's aid, as she calls him...]
Karai: Father.
Shredder:[Pretending to be the victim.] Karai. That rat is Hamato Yoshi.
Splinter: Miwa.
Karai: [angrily looks at Splinter.] My name is Karai. Father told me what you did to my mother. And now I'm going to return the favor.
[Karai tries to attack him, Shredder quietly laughs evilly as Splinter escapes.]
Splinter: No.
[Splinter begins to leave. This enrages Splinter]
Karai: Why won't you fight? Coward!
[Splinter watches at his corrupted daughter, becomes heartbroken and leaves sadly back to the lair; then it cuts to the Technodrome. The turtles fight along the way while Donnie carried the unconcious April on his back. The Technodrome began to tilt slowly as the others continue on running down.]
Mikey: Leo, I have a question.
Leo: Can it wait?
Mikey: Not really. Did we beat that big Kraang thingie?
Leo: Yes, Mikey, we did.
Mikey: Okay. Then why is it following us?
[Prime started to chase them. He starts to use its laser to fry them up.]
Donnie: Everybody, there's one last escape pod up ahead.
[Mikey slips and falls between the gaps. the laser is about to activate until Leo sliced the laser off.]
Leo: Get away from my brother! Hurry, Mikey.
[Leo pulls up.]
Kraang Prime: There's nowhere for you to run, mutants.
Donnie: Leo, Leo!
Kraang Prime: All of you will die here!
Splinter's voice: With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission no matter what you have to sacrifice. Or who.
[Prime roars and tries to swat them with his tentacle. Leo began to use the chain and held him back.]
Kraang Prime: No!
Raph: Leo!
Leo: No. Get out of here now!
Raph: What are you talking about?
Mikey: Dude, you can't do this.
Leo: Go! I can't hold it back any longer.
Raph: Leo!
[Donnie pulls him back]
Donnie: We gotta go now!
[The pod moves on. Prime breaks free and tries to go after him. Raph watches as the pod rockets off.]
Raph: Leonardo!
[The pod lands in the ocean completely.]
Donnie:I can't believe it. We made it.
[They see as the Technodrome crashes to the water, where the gang witness it, they realize that Leo in there and believed that he was gone.]
Mikey: [devastated] Leo. No! I can't believe he's gone.
Donnie: Leo.
[April starts crying of Leonardo's death as Donatello comforts her. Raphael looks down and sits down in shame.]
Raph: I gave him nothing but a hard time. If I had it to do over again, I'd definitely be nicer.
Leo: Really?
Raph: Really... Leo? [he turns to see Leo was alive] Leo! Leo, you dork. You scared the heck out of us.
[Leo climbs onto the pod.]
Mikey: We won! Oh, man, I love you, bros.
[The rest of the humans had been released from their pods safe and sound. Later that night.]
Mikey: Who saved the world?
Leo Raph Donnie: We saved the world!
Mikey: I said "who saved the world?"
Leo Raph Donnie: We saved the world!
Mikey: I said-
Raph: Stop asking!
Mikey: We saved the world. Oof!
[April goes over to Splinter who is staring at the photo.]
April: Sensei, I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier.
Splinter: No need. You spoke what was in your heart. I am just relieved that you made it home safely.
Leo: What's wrong, sensei?
Splinter: I learned some things from the Shredder.
Leo: Like what?
Splinter: That's for another time, Leonardo. Tonight is for celebration. After all, it is not everyday you make the world safe from an alien invasion.
Mikey: You got that right. Everybody, who saved the world?
Turtles and Kirby: [annoyed] Mikey.
Turtles: We saved the world!
Mikey: Yeah!
[Our heroes then triumphantly celebrate their victory with quite a big dance party. The episode ends at the very bottom of the ocean, where the Technodrome now lays. However, it slowly begins to light up, indicating that it might indeed make its return soon enough, as we go to the next season.]