Idw - shirley's revenge
Shirley's Revenge
Production information
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Unnamed captain


Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

In the IDW continuity, the Shirley's Revenge was a pirate sailship in the early 18th century, commanded by an unnamed captain who kept his crew to a strict code of behavior.

When the ship came within a few days of Burnow Island, it was attacked by the Kraken's ship and nearly taken over. However, the time-traveling Turtles appeared on the Shirley's Revenge, and their unexpected presence drove the Kraken's men from the ship. Shortly afterwards, Michelangelo was made the new captain of the Shirley's revenge, and ordered them on a course to Burnow Island to confront the Kraken's ship.

The Shirley's Revenge was damaged when it was rammed by the Kraken's ship, but her crew rallied and successfully pushed back their enemies. After the Turtles vanished again, the ship briefly stopped at Burnow Island to strike back at the Kraken, and then departed.
