
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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April O'Neil "So, let me see if I have this straight. You guys were once small..."

April "...Normal turtles..."

April "...But now, through some kind of mutation, you're way bigger, can talk, and are...ninjas."

April "And your father is a giant talking rat—also a ninja—who was kidnapped by a..."

April "...A giant cat—also talking, but not a ninja—after he attacked you with an army of killer robots."

April "And you all got this way because of some kind of chemical exposure in the sewer that happened after the ninjas—normal human ninjas—broke into StockGen—where I happen to work—and almost killed me."

April "What did you say your names were again?"

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Michelangelo "Michelangelo."

Donatello "Donatello."

Raphael "Raphael."

Leonardo "Leonardo."

April "Oh, my God, this is too crazy."

April "I..."

April "...I named you."

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Leo "So... You're the one."

April "What one?"

Leo "Father said there was someone at the labs, someone with an aura of goodness, that he tried to warn about the dangers there. That was you, wasn't it?"

April "I don't know about any "aura of goodness," but, yes, if Splinter is your father, he did help me. I mean... At least I'm pretty sure he did."

April "...Not that I'm sure of anything anymore."

Mikey "Donnie, you forgot to tell her the part about us being reincarnated and stuff."

Donnie "Trust me, Mikey, I didn't forget."

April "Whoa, whoa... Reincarnation? Let's... Let's not go there, okay? I've got enough insanity to deal with already."

Raph "Yeah, well, all the science and cosmic mumbo-jumbo ain't important right now."

Raph "We gotta find Master Splinter, and since Hob's in the mix, I'm guessin' StockGen's behind all this."

Donnie "No guessing about it, Raph—Stockman used a device with similar markings against me at the expo.*"

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Casey Jones "That's why I brought April here, guys—once I figured out she worked at StockGen and knew you dudes before you changed, I thought maybe she could help or somethin'."

Raph "The kinda help we need right now is the gettin' inside kind. We gotta check things out at StockGen—see if Master's there. Can you get us in?"

April "I'm just an intern. I don't really have after-hours access to the labs anymore, especially after the thing with the ninjas. But... Yeah, I guess I could try."

Donnie "We're not gonna be able to just waltz into the place, Raph—I've seen firsthand what Stockman's capable of. We should assume security is gonna be crazy deadly if he's holding Father."

Mikey "And what about those other ninja dudes who attacked Leo tonight?*"

[*As seen in TMNT Leonardo: Microseries #4 — B.C.]

Leo "Don't worry about those jerks..."

Leo "...They won't catch us off-guard again."

Leo "But first things first..."

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"...Our father needs us."

Old Hob "Nothin' you can do about it, freak..."

Hob "...So quit strugglin' and face the cold, hard facts—"

Hob "—You're screwed."

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Splinter "Perhaps you are right, Old Hob... Or perhaps you overestimate the control you hold over this moment in time."

Hob "Overestimate?! Ha! You're even stupider than you look, rat."

Hob "You're racked and strapped and you ain't goin' nowhere. Even if you did get outta those shackles, the security they got in this joint would tear you to bloody shreds of rat meat."

Hob "Nah, if anyone's overestimatin'..."

Hob "...It's you."

Splinter "We shall see."


Hob "Answer the stinkin' phone, dammit!"

Chet Allen "Ye-Yes, s-sir!"

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Chet "Ch-Chet Allen s-speaking."

Chet "Yes, Doctor. He's, um... Here."

Chet "It... It's for y-you."

Hob "Give me that, you jumpy idiot!"

Hob "Hob."

Baxter Stockman >Mr. Hob, the clients and I are en route to the labs. Everything continues to be satisfactory on your end, I hope?<

Hob "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Stockman—the rat-freak ain't goin' nowhere. But this party's gettin' boring—time to cut the cake, if you know what I'm sayin'."

Baxter >Indeed, Mr. Hob—all in due time. For now, be sure to tell Mr. Allen not to proceed with any tests until we are present. Stockman out.<

Hob "Yo, egghead, bossman says to lay off the rat until he gets here. We'll just hafta let this scrawny freak sweat it out a little more before we start havin' our fun."

Splinter "My sons will not forget me, Old Hob."

Hob "You know what, rat?"

Hob "With all the stuff they got in this joint for maimin' and killin'..."

Hob "...I'm countin' on it."

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Leo "Okay, so the plant is set."

Donnie "I don't know—I don't feel right about this."

Donnie "April, you don't have to help us—you want to back out, we'll totally understand. This stuff can get scary."

April "I appreciate you saying that, but... No... I wanna help."

April "Ever since those ninjas attacked me, I've felt helpless. But, I feel like things are falling back into place."

April "Like I'm getting the control back, little by little."

April "I want to know what's really going on at StockGen. Maybe tonight we'll find out."

Donnie "You're sure?"

April "Yeah... I'm sure."

Raph "Then let's quit stallin' and go get our dad."

Donnie "Hold up a sec, guys—I need to grab something real quick."

Donnie "April's not the only one who can help us tonight."

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Baxter "My, er... Man at the labs assures me all is in order, General Krang..."

Baxter "...We will be arriving at StockGen shortly and you will be able to witness firsthand the recovery of the psychotropic compound from our fugitive rat specimen."

Krang "So you say, Stockman..."

Krang "...But I've gotta too many false promises from you in the past to hold my breath."

Baxter "Duly noted."

Baxter "But this time I can assure you, my friend..."

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"...We have the situation well under control."

April "Okay, guys, there it is—the least guarded entrance that leads to the high-security lab chambers I mapped out for you. If Splinter's anywhere, he's there."

April "So, now what?"

Raph "Now we kick some ass."

Leo "We really appreciate you showing us the way in, April, but it's best that you and Casey leave now. This is a family matter."

Casey "What? And I ain't family? No way I'm stayin' outta this, Leo."

Raph "Yeah, Leo. Jones is one of us."

Leo "Okay, okay... I just don't want you getting hurt, Casey. We don't know what we're gonna run into inside."

Casey "Don't worry 'bout me, man—I do just fine."

Casey "Uh... Yeah. Long story. I'll explain later."

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April "Well, if Casey's not leaving, then neither am I."

Leo "I don't think that's a g—"

April "That's final. I want to help you guys—I can at least keep watch out here and run interference if anyone shows up."

Leo "Sheesh. Fine. Just do not get in the way of anyone with weapons. If we're not back in an hour, you'll get the hell out of here."

Leo "Deal?"

April "Deal."

Leo "Okay, we're running out of darkness. Donnie, that thing ready?"

Donnie "Just one more adjustment and... Presto!"

Donnie "Let's do this."

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Jimmy "You see that game yesterday, Lewis? You believe all them interceptions?"

Lewis "Don't wanna talk about it, Jimmy."

Jimmy "I mean, c'mon, that team's headin' straight down to last place if them cheapskates don't ante up for a new quarterbook soon. Am I right?"

Lewis "I said I didn't wanna talk about it, Jimmy. I'm tryin' to ea—"

Lewis "—Hey... You see that?"

Jimmy "See what?"

Lewis "On monitor 2..."

Lewis "...That a dog or something?"

Jimmy "Uh. That ain't no dog, Lewis."


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Jimmy "What is that thing?!"


Lewis "I thinkit's one of them bomb robots from downstairs! Thing's gone nuts!"

Lewis "Dammit, call for back-up, Jimmy!"

Jimmy "I can't..."

Jimmy "...Frequency's dead."

Jimmy "That thing's eatin' the transmitter!"

Lewis "Let's get our behinds outta here and find some help. Our guns ain't gonna stop that thing."

Jimmy "Yeah... Good idea."

Leo "Nice job, Donnie—the guards are bolting."

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Leo "Okay, the robot did its job..."

Leo "Time to do ours."


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Rogers >Yo, Diaz, it's Rogers from D-section. You hear from Lewis or Jimmy lately? Over.<

Diaz "Nah, but I heard some noise up that way a little bit ago. Probably them just blasting that damn TV they got. I'll go tear 'em a new one. Out."

Diaz "Grrgk!"

Leo "This guy's packing way more heat than those guys at the front desk. You know what that means?"

Donnie "Yeah—the bigger the guns..."

Mikey "...The closer we are."

Security "Close enough! Not one more move!"

Security "Gahh!"

Raph "You mean like this?!"


Casey "And this?"

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Casey "The rat—where is he?"

Security "What... What... Grk... Rat?"

Raph "You know damn well what rat, punk. Where?!"

Security "Down... Stairs."


Raph "Thanks."

Leo "Down this way, guys! I think we're almost..."

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Leo "...There."

Donnie "I don't think there's any almost about it, Leo."


Casey "Holy—!"

Leo "We gotta get close to that thing and take it out or we're toast! Donnie, we could use another smart idea right about now!"

Donnie "Give me a sec—I'll think of something!"

Casey "Yow!"


Raph "Rest your brains, Don... I got my own idea."

Raph "Yo, Casey... Catch!"

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Raph "These damn things have chomped and blasted us all stinkin' night!"

Raph "I don't know about you guys, but..."

Raph "...I'm sick of it!"

Raph "Raagh!"

Casey "Hell yeah!"


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Mikey "No offense, Don, but Raph's idea rocked pretty hard, bro."

Casey "That was my favorite bat, stupid robot!"


Donnie "Yeah, well..."

Donnie "...We're not done yet."

Donnie "Get ready, guys—I'm opening the door."

Raph "Oh man, this just keeps gettin' better."

Donnie "Hob's alive."

Leo "Yeah, but where's father?"

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Raph "Let's ask Hob here."

Raph "Yo, Casey, how many ways you think there are to skin a cat?"

Casey "Only one way to find out, bro."

Leo "No!"

Leo "Back off, you two."

Leo "Now."

Leo "Where is he? Where's the rat?"

Chet "He... The o-others t-took him."

Leo "What others?"

Chet "The others li-like y-you..."

Chet "...The others with the s-swords and m-masks."

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Oroku Karai "We have returned, Grandfather, and we have brought the mutant with us."

Karai "Hear me, and hear me well, rat."

Karai "I am Karai, of the Foot Clan, and you are a prisoner. You would do well to remember that."

Karai "Just as you would do well to show respect, rodent, and bow down before..."

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Karai "...Master Shredder!"
