Shadow People (IDW)

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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In the IDW continuity, the Shadow People were a group of homeless mole people led by Reno who dwell within the underground tunnels of Manhattan. Due to the stories of them lurking and whispering in the shadows they have been also known as the Whisperers. After Old Hob exposed much of Manhattan to mutagen, the Shadow People were among those changed.


While the Shadow People are said to be monsters who lost their humanity, Reno admits such stories about them were fallacies concocted by them to encourage people to leave them alone. The Shadow People are just people who merely live off the land taking objects society has discarded.


Shadow People Emblem

Shadow People symbol.

People that lived and work on Manhattan's waterways have always been superstitious and stories of the Shadow People are most prevalent among them.

Even after the Mutagen bomb was released, many members of the Market despite working underground have a immense distrust towards the Shadow People. Though it was suspected the Shadow People were changed like them into mutants, the members of the Market saw them to be nothing more than monsters who forsaken their humanity long before the mutations.

So far according to some testimonies, the Shadow People have been active since the 80s, Around the same time several children had gone missing. It was not known what had happened to them but a telephone repair man who had been working down in the sewers to repair a line had gotten lost. He soon found himself to be not alone, but heard something in the shadows whispering. To his horror he fell into a pit filled with hundred of bones that were as small like children. Blame was casted upon the Shadow People. More stories about the Shadow People circulated with some accounting that they witnessed members of the Shadow People turning into beasts near the docks.

Due to such stories it garnered fear of the rumored tribe as it was believed that the Shadow People used children to make drugs to give them powers from invisibility, mind control, to shapeshifting.

Ivan who had operated in Manhattan in the underground for years knew they existed as he found traces of their community within the sewers though never seen them with his own eyes. After some mutants Mutant Town began turning into monsters, many of the workers at the Market believed the Shadow People were responsible. Jennika wishing to find the cause of the outbreak journeyed into the tunnels to learn what she could. Ivan also went with her as he believed that the Shadow People were the cause and needed to be stopped as were the tribe were anarchists and a danger to his free market enterprise. His wariness towards the Shadow People were not just due to the rumors but also that they lived outside society and thus a threat and could not be trusted.

The duo located an abandoned underground subway yard where Ivan found bones which he believed to be proof that the Shadow People truly did eat children. He was about to shoot a mutant shrew who was nursing her children, when they were discovered. The yard turned out to be an underground village and the commotion attracted the attention of its inhabitants who then ambushed and captured the two intruders.Monsters, part 2

Despite the aggression towards them, Reno the de facto leader of the group, released them after Jennika told him and his people of the situation on the surface. Reno informed them that three members who turned into monsters were his people who had vanished with no explanation one night. However one of the members of the Shadow People Roxy believed it was the work of the Nightshade Fairy though her claims were dismissed by Reno who believed that the possum was going senile. Jennika though was interested and asked the old mutant to explain.

Later at night, when the village was seemingly sleeping the Nightshade Fairy turned out to be Zodi who was injecting members of Mutant Town with Null Group's own mutant serum to vilify mutants and to prevent their integration into society. Jennika and Ivan along with the rest of the Shadow People were waiting to capture her, however Ivan was injected with a dose of Null Group's serum turning him into a twisted bat-monster. Reno and his people worked to restrain Ivan long enough until the serum wore off allowing Jennika to pursue the Null Group operative.

After Ivan's experience with the Shadow People, it opened his eyes to expanding his smuggling operation by working with the Shadow People to bring more food into Mutant Town and bring the communities closer together.Monsters, part 3

