
This version of Rocksteady appears in the episode "Shredderville". He and Bebop were never mutated and both hate mutants, having been brainwashed by the Shredder into believing that mutants are evil and are the cause of the general state of disrepair in the city.

Both Bebop and Rocksteady live in the Channel 6 building, which serves as the Shredder's headquarters. April O'Neil and Irma function as their harem/serving girls.

Upon meeting the Turtles, both Bebop and Rocksteady make it clear that the mutants are not welcome. When Leonardo clarifies that they are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rocksteady says "Turtles, huh? We like turtles." To this Bebop adds, "Yeah, we like you for lunch."

At various times in the episode, Bebop and Rocksteady chase the turtles around the building, firing at them with laser blasters. When the Turtles finally convince April and Irma to lead them to Shredder's office, they are once again confronted by Bebop and Rocksteady. As with everything else in Shredderville, the Turtles weapons begin falling apart. However, this state of disrepair works in their favor as a section of the ceiling breaks loose and lands on Bebop and Rocksteady.

The pair are not seen again, as the entire Shredderville visit proves to have been a shared dream by all four of the Turtles.
