Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
In the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II crossover comic series, the Rock Soldiers are an army of sentient humanoids from Dimension X whose bodies, as their name implies, are composed of rock. They were under the command of General Traag, who reports to Rita Repulsa and Krang.
General Traag and the Rock Soldiers arrive in Angel Grove through a portal. They are amongst a contingent of evil beings led by Rita Repulsa in her attempt to take over the world. The Power Rangers and Turtles, using the power of the Shadow Morphers, fight back against the invasion. Rita orders Traag to swarm the Rangers and keep them occupied, sacrificing as many troops as he has to. Traag acknowledges this command. MMPR/TMNT II #2
The battle rages on, with the Rangers and Turtles smashing Rock Soldiers as fast as they attack. When Baxter Stockman sabotages the Power Node and the Rangers lose their connection to the Morphin Grid, they are forced to run from Rita’s forces. Traag orders his battalion to open fire on the fleeing teens. Three days later Angel Grove is in lockdown, with Rock Soldiers patrolling the streets and herding the citizenry. When the Rangers become Mutant Power Rangers, they begin tearing into the Rock Soldiers. Trini even swears that she can smell them. Fighting as Mutants does not prove to be as easy as the Rangers thought, and Master Splinter joins the fight. MMPR/TMNT II #3
Master Splinter smashes Rock Soldiers and instructs the Rangers on how to be mutants. Meanwhile, in the Command Center, Rita looks over a holographic image showing the Rock Soldier troops waiting for the command to invade other cities on Earth. In Krang’s stronghold in Dimension X, the Turtles and Shredder battle their way through Rock Soldier guards as they search for the Power Node. When they discover a captive Karai and free her, she joins the fight, telling Raphael her tip for beating the Rock Soldiers is to hit them hard. MMPR/TMNT II #4
As Krang attacks the city of Angel Grove in the Megazord, he calls in the last of his reinforcements, which include Rock Soldiers. Shredder uses his ability to play the Dragon Dagger in order to morph into the Green Ranger and joins the Mutant Rangers in smashing Rock Soldiers. A week after the defeat of Krang and Rita, the Mutant Rangers work on clearing out the remainder of the Rock Soldiers from the city. MMPR/TMNT II #5
Known Rock Soldiers[]
- General Traag