Rock Around the Block
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) episode
Rock Around The Block
Season Code: 06
Episode: 01
Original airdate September 19, 1992
Written by David Wise
Episode chronology
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"Planet of the Turtleoids, Part 2" "Krangenstein Lives!"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1992 Season
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. "Rock Around the Block"
  2. "Krangenstein Lives!"
  3. "Super Irma"
  4. "Adventures in Turtle-Sitting"
  5. "Sword of Yurikawa"
  6. "Return of the Turtleoid"
  7. "Shreeka's Revenge"
  8. "Too Hot to Handle"
  9. "Nightmare in the Lair"
  10. "Phantom of the Sewers"
  11. "Donatello Trashes Slash"
  12. "Leonardo is Missing"
  13. "Snakes Alive!"
  14. "Polly Wanna Pizza"
  15. "Mr. Nice Guy"
  16. "Sleuth on the Loose"

1987 Season1988 Season1989 Season1990 Season1991 Season1992 Season1992-1993 Vacation in Europe sideseason1993 Season1994 Season1995 Season1996 Season

Rock Around the Block is a season 6 episode of the 1987 TV series.

Appearing in Rock Around the Block[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]

  • Self-help guru (Rob Paulsen)
  • Space station guard (Peter Renaday)


Objects and vehicles[]



The Turtles are sparring with one another, and Donatello is frustrated by Leonardo's seeming inaction - even more so because Leonardo easily defeats him with it. Splinter explains that he's been defeated by "Wu Wei," which can turn attacks back without action.

At the Technodrome, Shredder is suffering from cabin fever due to the constant Arctic snowstorm. Krang watches Channel 6 news, and learns of a rocket-propelled satellite with a laser beam that is about to be launched into space. He also has a plan that will keep the Turtles from interfering: he summons General Traag from Dimension X, and gives him the "Rockolizer", which will control any mineral substances. Sent to Central Park, General Traag begins causing mayhem by controlling the very rocks under the ground.

Donatello is trying to practice Wu Wei (and getting a couch thrown at him) when April tips the Turtles off about what's happening at the park. The news van nearly tumbles into a Traag-made chasm, but the Turtles rescue her, only to be assaulted by enormous dancing boulders.

Shredder and his two mutants arrive at the rocket base, where they easily get rid of the men guarding the place.

The Turtles spot General Traag standing in the street, and only damage their weapons by trying to apprehend him. He then turns the very road against them, flinging them down the street and disintegrating a house on top of them.

Traag constructs a vast pile of stones, and melds them together into a giant rock soldier. But before it can destroy the Turtles, it goes chasing after the Turtle Van (driven by April) and heads for the Channel 6 building. As the rock giant starts punching down the building, the Turtles distract it and barely manage to escape in time.

Fortunately, Michelangelo spots some construction/demolition equipment, and the Turtles start smashing the giant with a wrecking ball and a crane, reducing it to boulders once more. Unfortunately, Traag turns it into several smaller rock soldier-like giants, which are just as difficult for the Turtles to injure. Leonardo manages to lure them onto a massive rock grinding that completely destroys them.

At the base, Rocksteady and Bebop play around with the rocket's controls.

Raphael destroys the Rockalizer, and a panicked Traag escapes into the dimensional portal. Unfortunately, just then the laser rocket takes off into the sky, and the Turtles deduce that it was hijacked by Krang. They make it to the base as the satellite aboard the rocket reaches orbit, and begins burning away the ice around the Techodrome. The Technodrome rolls freely across the ice, but Donatello finally grasps the concept of Wu Wei, and decides to allow inaction to crush Shredder's plans.

Just then, Rocksteady and Bebop are fighting over a comic book, and accidentally cause the laser to melt away all the ice in front of the Techndrome. Its momentum carries it right over into the Arctic water, where it sinks to the bottom.

See also[]


  • Bebop: "Enemy fighter rockets off the port bow!" (makes laser guns noises)
  • Rocksteady: "Firing phaser beams!" (makes louder noises before Shredder opens the door and discovers what the pair are up to)
  • Shredder: What are you two imbeciles doing?!!!
  • Bebop: Oh hi boss, we're playing "Space Pilot!"
  • Rocksteady: Yeah, and the Zarconians are winning!!!
  • Shredder: You haven't attached the remote control to the super laser have you? (throwing the pair outside) "Never mind, I'll do it myself!!"

Notes and errors[]

  • At the end of the opening sparring scene, Leonardo becomes Raphael as Michelangelo asks for an explanation from Splinter.
  • When the Turtles are looking up at Traag's giant rock warriors in the opening shot of Act Three, the colors of Donatello's and its strapping are switched.
  • The gold rings on Splinter's kimono are missing when he first explains about Wu-Wei to Donatello.
  • When Leonardo's turtlecom beeps after the couch incident, he is wearing Donatello's colors and they remain that way so it appears as though 2 Donatello's are exiting the lair.
  • When the Turtles rescue April from the giant hole in the ground, three Donatello's can be seen sitting in the Turtle Van.
  • When Raphael says "Why didn't I just stay in bed this morning?" Leonardo's left elbow pad is colored red.
  • When Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady made their way back to the Module, Krang's image on Shredder's Comlink shows him in his android body but he wore his bubble walker for the entire episode.
  • During the climax of the episode as the Technodrome prepares to be free from the ice, Donatello tunes the monitors at the space center to the Antarctic, whereas the Technodrome was actually in the Arctic.

Home media releases[]

