Roberto "Bobby" Arzaluz was a restaurateur who was mutated into a lobster man after a chance encounter with mutagen, after which he took the name Termidator.
Roberto owned and operated a restaurant called Techachali'e. At some point, he ran afoul of some gangsters, led by Rocco, whose gambling operations were stymied by him to some extent. In order to get their way, the gangsters kidnapped Roberto's staff and forced him to prepare a lobster dinner for them.
Meanwhile nearby, the Tortugas Ninja fought Bebop and Rocoso over a canister of mutagen. The fight made it onto the rooftop of the Techachali'e, and in the scuffle, the canister was shattered on the edge of the restaurant's water tower, spilling the mutagen into it. The Tortugas rushed inside in hopes the mutagen didn't affect anyone, but Roberto had already begun washing a lobster when the mutagen made it to him, transforming him.
With his newfound power, Roberto confronted the gangsters. Thinking he help, Rafael crashed through a window and was met by gunfire from Rocco, but Roberto protected him by getting in the way of their bullets. Rocco summons Sacco, one of his henchmen wielding a sub-machine gun, who sprays bullets toward Miguel Ángel and Donatelo, who have also now entered the restaurant. Roberto offers to draw his fire, standing in front of the shots while the Tortugas flank them and attack Sacco and Rocco's bodyguard.
Rocco flees and Roberto catches up to him. He demands to know where his staff is, and Rocco offers to tell him if he spares him. The Tortugas and Roberto string up the mobsters and leave them with a note for the police.
Donatelo expresses his sympathies that in his current form, Roberto will no longer be able to work at the restaurant. Roberto likes how he is now, though and declares himself "Termidator" the defender of the defenseless, before riding away on a motorcycle. Termidator
The Termidator meets up with the Tortugas again when he is summoned by Donatelo on behalf of Splinter. While meditating, Splinter received a vision of a polluted, destroyed world, and the Tortugas' mutant and alien friends were gathered to help them perform ecological duties. Termidator and Leonardo take his motorcycle to Times Square, where Leo notices that a woman is emptying a trash can just out on the sidewalk. Termidator confronts her, but she brushes him off angrily. This vexes him and wanes his resolve in helping the environment. Luchar por la Ecologia
Notes and trivia[]
- Termidator's name is a play on the Spanish word for lobster thermidor (termidor) and The Terminator, based on his manner of dress post-mutation and use of a motorcycle.
See also[]
- Character gallery: Termidator
- Appearances of Termidator