
Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.


The Retxab Building is a fictional New York City skyscraper appearing only in the Mirage continuity story TMNT vs. the Mousers. It is noted to only have a few small offices following the mysterious disappearance of its owners.

It is targeted by Baxter Stockman as a show of force to prove he wasn't bluffing with his threat of demolishing all of the city's corporate buildings unless he was provided with one billion dollars. On his ransom tape that he had delivered to New York City Hall, he crushed a model replica of the building in his hand, then said the real one would be destroyed. He then sets a ransom for $20 million for one of the World Trade Center towers, or it will be demolished at exactly 3 P.M. the following day.

The reporter presenting this story stands at the building, stating that the offices in the building had been evacuated but begins to think Baxter's threat was a hoax, when suddenly it begins to crumble behind him.


  • "Retxab" is "Baxter" backwards. Not only is it the name of the character who had it destroyed, but it is also wordplay on Marvel Comics' Baxter Building, to which it bears an uncanny resemblance.
    • In the Marvel Comics Universe, the Baxter Building also serves as the headquarters of a paper company, which is a possible reference to "Baxter Stock", a type of paper that was once fairly common in comic book publishing in real life.