[It all started at Shredder's hideout in the forest. Cut to dark interior, Super Shredder stroding out of the darkness speaking with Stockman.]
Super Shredder
Stockman, is it finished?
[Holding a syringe containing the super mutagen.] This is it, Master Shredder. The Super Mutagen has finally been perfected.
Super Shredder
Do not disappoint me again, insect.
[Stockfly injects the super mutagen onto Super Shredder, which green ooze veins spreading on Super Shredder's arm.] With this new formula, your mutation will be stabilized.
[Stockfly backs away as the evil mastermind closes his eyes feeling stable. The blades come out, Super Shredder archs backwards and looks up opens his eyes which are blank white, then looks forward.]
Super Shredder
Yes, it feels natural! [his eyes are now blue.] STABLE. Let me test out this new mutagen. Activate the Footbots, level 12! [deployed his claw.]
As you command, sir.
[Flood light in the dark training room flashed on.]
[Four elite footbots landed, surrounding Super Shredder as they ready to attack him. The Elite Footbot in front of Super Shredder dashes toward Super Shredder as the latter sprints. Super Shredder begins to charge at the incoming Elite Footbot, grabs the Elite Footbot's head, slams it on the ground and then lands like a four-legged animal. As Super Shredder charges, another Elite footbot charges before getting sliced in half by Super Shredder. Shredder decimated two elite footbots and blocked an incoming strike from the last foot bot with ease before breaking its weapn and mowing the last Elite Footbot down.]
[The final opponent lands on the ground charging at Super Shredder. That final opponent was revealed to be "Karai."]
Super Shredder
[Super Shredder and Karai charged at each other, their weapons meeting in mid-air. Karai dropped her weapon and fell to the ground before collapsing. Super Shredder looks back over his shoulder and sees the wounded Karai hologram dissipated.]
[cheerfully and impressed] It worked! There was no emotional reaction.
Super Shredder
[Satisfied.] You have done well, Stockman.
What is your plan now, sir?
[Door opens and Rahzar enters along with Fishface. Super Shredder and Stockman see them.]
Master Shredder, we have found Karai's new secret hideout. She hasn't left the city at all.
We tracked her to the Bronx. She's staying with the Mighty Mutanimals.
Super Shredder
I am finally ready to find Karai and destroy Splinter and those vile Turtles once and for all.
[Super Shredder picks up a damaged Elite Footbot before impaling it with his claws from behind and tearing it in two.]
[Theme song]
[In the lair, turtles, Casey and April relax.]
Where the heck did it come from? Talking food.
What are you talking about?
[Mikey comes in.]
[a bit melancholically] My dudes, my bros, my Turts. It's that time again. Our series is winding down. The end of a season, the final episode of Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Krew!
[Mikey inserts the tape and the show starts. Everyone cheered. The show starts with the very tall building with Bradford and his 2Ruff Krew entering.]
Evil Ninja Commander is on the roof. Come on, 2Ruff Krew.
[During the next flat, Bradford continues to persist forward, not exhausted. However, Sumo, Master C and Rineo are exhausted and unable to continue any longer.]
Sumo Glen
[exhausted] Ugh. Heavens to Murgatroyd. I can't make it, don'tcha know. I'm just too exhaustipated.
Master C
Even me, Master P, is too tired. Go on without us, Chris.
Lil Rineo
Oh, I can't make it either.
Hop on my back, Lil' Rineo. We've got a villain to stop.
[Rineo does so. Bradford is at the rooftop. Rineo is nowhere to be seen.]
[gasps in shock.] Lil' Rineo is gone. Aha! Evil Ninja Commander.
[Ninja Commander laughed at him, then took off his suit, revealing to be Lil’ Rineo all along!]
Lil Rineo
[Laughs maliciously] Foolish Bradford! It was I all along! I. Am. Lil’ Rineo!!
[Bradford became so stunned that he held his cheeks in shock. His teeth clattered. Rineo laughs cruelly at Chris, then he is transformed into a large beast.]
[Furious.] Why, you evil, senseless beast.
[Bradford furiously kicks the monster a few times and it falls to his death. The Rineo explodes.]
That's right, kids. Evil never wins, but Chris Bradford's new Crunchy Chris Bradford Bran Flakes always wins. Buy 'em.
[The show ends with the others disappointed. Leo enters the dojo.]
Master Splinter. You've been kind of distant the past few days. You've been meditating non-stop and you're barely sleeping. Are you okay?
Leonardo, my son, please. Let us not talk about me. Let's talk about you. Do you know why you are leader of this team?
Um, yeah, because I asked to be. You said it wasn't because of my skills.
I said that only to temper your ego at the time. I knew even when you were a small boy that you would one day grow up to be the leader of this team, and when I pass on to be like a father as well.
[confused] Pass on? What are you talking about, Sensei?
Leonardo, if I can only impart one piece of wisdom that will remain with you forever, remember, giving guidance to your brothers and friends does not come from here. It comes from here.
I don't get it. You- You're fine, Father. Is there something you're not telling me?
Hey Leo, want to go visit Karai? Party at the Mutanimals' crib, yo.
And you can come too, Sensei.
Hmm, perhaps I do need to get out of the sewers for a time.
[While Splinter goes with the happy turtles with a smile, Leo looks sad and worried. From the Mutanimals base, Mondo is seen skating around a skate ramp.]
Check out my new sweet fighting style, Shini.
Now attack Doctor Rockwell.
[Mondo goes to Rockwell and attempts to attack him, but Rockwell uses his telekinesis to lift himself up and fakes shock.]
[Faking shock.] Oh, indeed, an incredibly dangerous adversary. Egad, I can barely defend myself.
[Panting.] Hold on there, monkey brains. [passes out]
Shini placed trackers on two Footbots. We found that they both went to this spot, 20 miles north of New York City, here.
We should summon our Turtle allies and form a plan of attack.
My thoughts exactly. In the meantime, we'll be safe here. We've got this place on lockdown.
Thanks for letting us stay, Slash.
[The alarm goes off. Karai gasps.]
Um, is anyone actually watching the monitors?
[From the monitors, the Shredder was trying to break inside their headquarters.]
Mutanimals, prepare for battle. Leatherhead, man the defenses. Rockwell, ready the weapons.
[All the warehouses went on lockdown as Rockwell prepared the machine. They wait as thudding booms. Then with a blast from the garage Super Shredder burst through.]
Super Shredder
You ain't touching her.
[They charge at Shredder but they get tackled away. ]
[Rockwell began to use the weapon but it had no effect on Super Shredder.]
[Incredulous.] That's superheated plasma. Impossible!
[Shredder began to shoot claws to break the weapons. Shredder pins Leatherhead and Slash down. Suddenly, he gets hit by concrete and holds them back.]
[Swinging the bars while dodging the bladed projectiles.] You don't know what kind of simian you're dealing with.
[Rockwell leaps, but gets punched by Super Shredder. Rockwell lets out a grunt of pain as he got himself flinged right to the Kraang Scout Ship. Mondo sees this.]
Uh, maybe I'll wait this one out.
Leave my friends alone!
[Leatherhead lunges at Super Shredder in fit of rage as they wrestle with one another. Leatherhead was able to grab Super Shredder's face. Super Shredder deployed his claws and attempted to stab at Leatherhead only for Slash to intervene and blocked it with his mace. Leatherhead and Slash wrestle with the bladed mutant but they get defeated. Super Shredder disarmed Slash then hurls him into a near by pillar. Super Shredder knee Leatherhead before grabbed Leatherhead's tail and swings him on the computers causing a fire. Karai and Shinigami went to Leatherhead's aid, only to be stopped when Super Shredder confronts them.]
Super Shredder
I am here to destroy you all.
[In the Mutanimal's lair, the fire become so intense as Shredder started to fight Karai. We see that all the mutanimals are down and defeated. Karai was pushed back by Shredder as she throws a smokebomb at him. Shredder deflects it as he charges at Karai. Shinigami weakly look up to see Karai with a worried look.]
[Slowly backing away from Shredder.] Stop this madness, Shredder. We'll all die here.
Super Shredder
It is fitting that you perish just as your mother perished!
[The screen cuts to Shredder’s human form, Oroku Saki (scarless and full of hair) bearing the expression of raging hatred. The scene goes back to Super Shredder glaring with the exact same expression. Karai becomes so shocked and furious by these words that she clenches her fist in fury. She raises her sword and is about to give Shredder a fatal blow to the villain's heart, but due to mutagen stability, it fails. Karai Gasps. Then Super Shredder, finally having no remorse or affection towards Karai, brutally punches her. Karai shrieks in pain as she is flinged over the plaform and knocked out unconscious, then the crumblings pinned on her, covering her body with injuries as she was about to die along with the Mutanimals and Shini. Super Shredder leaves Karai for dead. The scene cuts to a view of a moon, then the camera pans down to the fire, coming out from the Mutanimals Hideout, where it's engulfed in flames. The Shellraiser arrives at the scene, and the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey watch in horror at the destruction of the hideout of their allies. The heroes rush to Mutanimals aid.]
Hurry, Leo!
[Leatherhead weakly carries Mondo, then is being helped by Casey as April carries Mondo, then the debris falls to the ground, unleashing the flames, it scares humans and mutants, April carries Mondo as Cang some crumblings, desperately searching for his daughter as Leo helps.]
Miwa. Miwa!
Oh no.
[Leo and Splinter get the debris off and both watch in shock and horror at seeing Karai's unconscious body. He gasps in shock, horror and disbelief.]
Splinter, is she?
[One of the debris started to collapse as Splinter struggled to grab Karai's hand, then they got Karai out of the building. The allies gather around her with concern. Believing that she was dead, Leo uses CPR on her. Everyone looks worried. April puts her hands on her mouth with Casey comforting her. Donnie extends his hand to Leo in worry, while Raph and Mikey looks worried. The young teen coughed and groaned. Shini was amazed.]
Karai! You saved her, Leonardo. [Leonardo smiles] Shredder doesn't care about using Karai as bait anymore. He wants us all dead.
The ambulances are coming. Can you wait with her, Shinigami?
[Shini nods in agreement. Splinter gasps from seeing the blue silhouettes of Super Shredder, Rahzar and Fishface, walking away as their trails could be seen.]
I see two clear trails leading off in opposite directions. Raphael, April, Casey, and Slash will come with me. Leonardo, you will lead Donatello, Michelangelo, and Leatherhead in that direction. Take the Shellraiser. The rest of us will travel on foot.
Sensei, that's not a good idea. We should all stick together if we're going to take Shredder down.
Leonardo, remember what I said earlier in the dojo. From your heart.
[Splinter catches up with the others, Leo watches them leaving, heartbroken to lose master. Donnie walks over to Leo.]
Leo, we got to hurry before the trail runs cold.
[Donatello goes to the Shellraiser, leaving Leonardo to watch sadly at his sensei, before joining his team. Cut to the Shellraiser looking for the mutants.]
Guys, zooming in. I got Bebop and Rocksteady's van on camera two blocks ahead.
[They arrive at Coney Island park.]
Oh, feels good to stretch.
[They look around as something wooshed. The merry-go round activated and started to move on its own.]
Turtles, come out and play. Remember when I said that? Because it's Throwback Thursday, fools.
Da, we be throwing you all the way back to last Thursdays.
Shut up, Rock, I'm trying to intimidate them. You're going down, Turtle fools.
[The horse launched a missile at them but they dodge and blocked them.]
It's a missile-go-round.
[Mikey falls as Rocksteady attacks Leatherhead with his horn.]
Coward. Attack me from behind, will you?
[Leatherhead charges at Rocksteady. They both fight. Mikey tries to help Leatherhead to fight, but Bebop kicks him away. Bebop sings a mocking tune as Fishface joins in twirling his bailong sword. Then Rahzar appears.]
This is your swan song, tartarugas. Tonight, you all fall.
[The turtles and Shredder's mutant goons charges at each other. Meanwhile back with Splinter's group. The two humans, Raph and Slash ran across the rooftop until Splinter stops them.]
The Shredder. He is atop that building.
[Splinter points to the building where the turtles first fought Shredder in Season 1.]
That's where we fought for the first time.
And that's where we take him down once and for all.
[They head to the building. While the three mutants look like they weren’t exhausted from going to use the stairs, Casey pants out of breath with April in a tow.]
So why couldn't we take the elevator? At least me and April.
Feels like my... legs are... disconnected from my body.
Quiet, Shredder is near.
[Raph takes out his sais for his aforementioned nemesis’ arrival. Casey puts on his mask, while April rolls up her sleeves as the two humans look around carefully. Splinter’s ears curl as he realizes that Shredder is near.]
Oh, man, I sense it. He's close.
[All of a sudden, we see Super Shredder come bursting out from under the rooftop of a hotel building and confront our heroes.]
Super Shredder
Hamato Yoshi. At last, my nightmares will end, for tonight, you will finally perish.
Indeed, I will end your nightmares, Saki.[Drawing his cane sword.] Permanently.
[Super Shredder growled and then sprouted out his claws. Splinter and Super Shredder charge at each other with their enraged yells. Splinter thrust his sword at Super Shredder but misses as Super Shredder faked his attack and Smack Splinter toward the ground. Splinter recovers but crawls backwards as Super Shredder rigorusly attempted to stab Splinter but misses. Super Shredder ferrciously tires to Stab at Splinter when the later crawls backwards to avoid him. Splinter tries to escape but Super Shredder grabbed his tail and then thrashes him like a chain ball smashing him on the ground and thrown in the opposite side. Splinter in mid-air rolls over skidding to halt his fall, but feels the pain from his leg. Super Shredder attempted to finish off Splinter, but Slash smacks him with his mace. Unphased, the mutated villain blocks Slash's attacks, push away his mace, hit the turtle's temples, then grabs the snapping turtle mutant spinning around and throwing him to the one of the "WOLF HOTEL" sign. On "O", causing him to screams in mid-air. Upon impact, Slash becomes buried by debris... again. Casey attacks Super Shredder.]
[Casey throws a puck at Super Shredder, blinding the villain. Raph attacks, and with a furious yell, he jump twist around kicking Super Shredder's face disorienting him. Raph spins his sai as Super Shredder roars at the turtle. Super Shredder went on the offense as him and Raph exchanged clashes blade-on-blade before Super Shredder's last attack locks Raph in the defense. Casey smacks his hockey stick at the villain, before kicking him in the face. As Raph attacks Shredder, Casey hits Shredder from above resulting in his hockey stick broken. Raph jumps on Super Shredder as he continues to stab him in the back numerous times. Casey punches Shredder in the face as Shredder screams in agony on that last stab from Raph.The assassin grabs Raph, slam him on the ground, and punches him repeatedly, injuring our red bandana turtle. The villain kicks Raph out of the rooftop, but Casey comes to save him. Raph smacks Casey out, knocking the teen out of the building. April, who's helping Splinter to stand up, watches in horror.]
[Casey screams, falling right towards his death. Right before Jones plummets, he gets out his grappling hook and uses it to raise hook at the ladder, Casey katanas right towards the garbage truck, where his mask becomes smashed into nothing, Casey falls, he weakly raises thumb up to April up there, which signals he is fine. Enraged, April unleashes her power as her hair raises up. April hurlled metal debris at Super Shredder, but the mutated assassin shoots his spike at April's shoulder as the girl falls, groaning in pain. Splinter attacks his enemy with his kunai, then Super Shredder gazes his look upon an injured Raph and April, he shoots his spikes at them, but Splinter protects them the best he can as his shoulder becomes struck by a knife and falls at April. Super Shredder menacely walk towards the injured heroes.]
Super Shredder
Your weakness is that you care about others. I have torn all weaknesses away and become all-powerful.
[Splinter sees Raph and April injured. His eyes turn into anger. He flies into rage, cuts loose and furiously attacks Super Shredder. Cut back to Coney Island, Leatherhead pins Rocksteady to the ground and is about to smash him with his tail, but Rocksteady dodges and escapes. Leatherhead goes after him, while Mikey fights with Bebop utilizing acrobatics and dance moves while dodging missiles.]
You want to get funky fresh with me?
[At the merry-go-around ride, Donnie fights Fishface and goes after the fish when he escapes. Meanwhile, Rahzar and Leo wrestle one another. They exchanged blows before Rahzar smacks Leo toward the ground pinning him.]
Stay down, Leonardo.
[Rahzar was about to bite Leo's head off, only for Leatherhead to appear and jump on Rahzar and fell into the water. Rahzar drowns as Leatherhead drowns him in the water, where they both disappear into the river. After the death of Rahzar, Leatherhead comes out.]
LeWe beat 'em!
[Bebop and Rocksteady run away laughing and taunting them.]
Oh, no, we didn't beat them. This was all a distraction to split us up.
[Donnie's phone rang and he answered. It's April.]
Donnie, we need back-up. Raph is hurt. Super Shredder's too strong.
Where are you?
The Wolf Building rooftop. Please, we need you. Super Shredder is-
[But she is cut off.]
[gasps.] April!
There's no time. Let's go.
[They leave to the Shellraiser as we cut back to the rooftop with Splinter and Super Shredder still fighting, Slash is seen under debris, again (first time, it was in the hideout). Injured, Raph and April watch them fighting. As Super Shredder tries to swipe at Splinter, the later dodges them. Splinter jumps over Super Shredder before jump kicking him pushing him toward the "WOLF", sign. Finally, Splinter gains the upper hand, jump kicks Shredder many times. Super Shredder tires to swipe at Splinter as the later furiously slashes his spikes out with mutagen blood spilled out causing him to scream in pain. The villain knells and grunted in pain. Splinter glares with a smile at the defiant Super Shredder as we cut to the Shellraiser. Mikey investigates with the map, sees a hotel and gives GPS to Leonardo about the WOLF HOTEL.]
There's the building. I hope we're not too late!
[As Mikey's words aren't coming true, Super Shredder, recovers, sprouted his claws once more, and uppercuts Splinter.]
[horrified] Splinter!
[Shredder slams Splinter on the floor then smacked him toward the wall. Super Shredder charges at Splinter as he grabs the later brutally attacks him and throws him at the tower as he falls.]
Super Shredder
[Sadisticly.] Is this how you choose to die, brother? Lying on your belly like an animal?!
[Ignoring the hurtful insults from Super Shredder, Splinter picks up his cane sword, hides it by his side, and looks at Shredder with defiance.]
Come, Saki. End this madness.
[Super Shredder yells, charges at Splinter, but then Splinter opens his cane, revealing the rope. Just as Shredder attacks the rodent, he misses, then Splinter uses his rope to trip the evil mastermind, then he falls off of the rooftop, screaming. Believing that he has finally defeated his enemy once and for all, Splinter watches his family triumphantly and is relieved with the ''death" of Super Shredder.]
Yes! You did it, Sensei.
My family.
[The Shellraiser arrives, Leo uses his telescope to watch from the top and what he saw made Leo lets out a horrifying scream. Cut back to the rooftop, Raph is happy with the end of the shredder. But then April's happy face turns into shock and fear.]
Oh, no. Splinter!
[Splinter's triumphant face turns into a sudden confusion then fear and dread, when he sees someone's attacking. Things go creepy as black and white screen appears. It's Super Shredder, he impales Splinter with his blades, much to the shock and horror of Raph and April.]
[Raph and April watch in complete horror with their sensei dying. Splinter groans, then has his last breath, closes his eyes and dies, once and for all.]
Super Shredder
[Picking up the dying Splinter.]And now, Hamato Yoshi... DIES!!!!!!
[Super Shredder vehemently throws Splinter's corpse from the Wolf Hotel rooftop to his death, with Raphael and April horrifyingly raising their hands, to the horror of everyone. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey panickly tries to save Splinter's corpse falls, until crashing on the ground.]
[Leo, Donnie and Mikey run to Splinter’s body.]
[Now tearful.] Father. Father.
Super Shredder
[Triumphantly] I have claimed my victory. No more will you haunt me, rat!
[Furious with the death of her mentor, April calmly uses her psychic powers to blast Super Shredder off the roof. The evil mastermind looks with bewilderment as he falls while screaming, before he falls right into the back of a garbage truck parked below. Casey activates the crusher to finish Super Shredder off, feeling no remorse in hopefully killing off Splinter's killer.]
[Casey gives him a cold, iciest and raging look on his face. Finally with the "death" of the villain, he joins the turtles. However, the turtles, heartbroken, start sobbing over the death of their adoptive father.]
[heartbroken] No, please...
[Donnie starts crying, while Casey looks at Donnie sadly. Mikey is seen holding Splinter's hand, heartbroken.]
[heartbroken] Papa.
[The heartbroken and grieving Turtles mourn their beloved father and sensei's loss. They, along with April and Casey (who are also mournfully grieving), carry Splinter's body into the Shellraiser (whilst flashbacks of Splinter guiding the Turtles) and mournfully depart to lay Splinter to rest. Unknown to them, the garbage truck began to rattle, then making pounding noises, then Super Shredder's claw manages to break out of the garbage truck, still very much alive... And thus, the ultimate Final Battle between good and evil to finally end the long lasting conflict, is about to begin...]