

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Realm of the Dead Demon is a demon character from the IDW comics series. It acts as a guardian of the Realm of the Dead, blocking passage to those who enter and do not belong there. The Demon is very tall and muscular, with skin that has the appearance of volcanic rock, through which a fiery substance can be seen. Smoke clings to and drifts up off of its back like a cape. The Demon has many eyes which show the lava-like substance inside its skull. Sharp teeth show through a lipless mouth, from which smoke curls.

When Karai uses magic in order for her spirit to enter the Realm of the Dead, she is immediately accosted by a Demon. It tells her that she is not supposed to be there yet and the Realm of the Dead does not suffer intruders. It tells her to leave or be repelled. Karai refuses, telling it that she has come to speak to Mori Toshiro. The Demon says that she will have to go through it first. Karai immediately attacks, kicking and slashing the Demon, who catches and throws her to the ground. Karai looks up with an angry snarl.

As the fight continues, Karai reiterates that she won’t leave without her answers. The Demon knocks her down again and begins to say that she cannot defeat it, but its words are silenced when its head is cleaved from its neck from behind. Eyes wide, Karai watches as Toshiro replaces his sword in its scabbard. He says that he’d been watching, hoping that the Demon would convince her to leave, but she is too stubborn.

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