Raph vs john

Raphael vs. John Kreese is an action figure set released in October 2021 by Playmates Toys. It is part of a crossover line with Cobra Kai.

Never backing down from a battle, the Ninja Turtles are about to face off against their greatest challenge yet as Cobra Kai Karate brings their STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE HARD, NO MERCY mantra into the dojo for a no holds bar DEATH MATCH against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Cobra Kai has the momentum and the chops and will be a formidable foe for the Heroes in a Half Shell!


  • Raph and John Kreese stand 6" tall and fully poseable. Raph features 34 points of articulation, John features 16 points of articulation.
  • Raph is dressed in his white fabric tournament Gi with team Turtles insignia on front and back.
  • John is dressed in his signature Cobra Kai Gi with Cobra Kai logo printed on his back.
  • Raph comes with his iconic twin sais.
  • John's GI is authentic as seen in the hit Cobra Kai series on NETFLIX.

