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Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

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["After your death, you will be what you were before your birth." Arthur Schopenhauer]

"I'm killing it..."

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Casey Jones "...Didja see that hit?! Ha!"

Casey "Try and top that, taser face!"

Raphael "Lucky shot... You swing like a two-hundred-year-old baboon!"

Raph "Stand back. I got this!"

[Central Park East.]

Casey "Ha-ha! Good one!"

Casey "Oh... And your mother's a rabid anteater!"

Raph "Mother jokes? You must really want a beat-down."

Casey "Heh. We'll see."

Casey "All right, here's the rules... And I'll talk slow so even you will understand them."

Casey "Ten points for the water tower, fifteen for the broken satellite dish, and twenty for the old bar and grill sign... And if you break a window, you lose fifty points!"

Raph "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Easy peasy, chumpinski! Clear the deck already!"

Casey "Ahhhhh, no... Changed my mind. I'm all warmed up, so I'll go first! Heh!"

Casey "Stand back, Larry the Loser!"

Casey "Hold up a sec... Just to be clear—no Derek Jeter crap tonight or else!"

Raph "Who... Me?!"


Casey "Ha! Eat your heart out, Tiger Woods!"


Raph "Heh! Heh!"


Raph "Off the wicket—that's five runs!"


Casey "Butt-munch! I said no baseball!"

Raph "Whataya blind?! That was a cricket bat, hose head!"

Raph "Ha-ha! Get offa me, ya big ape!"

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[Central Park.]

Nobody "Break right, Alopex—I'll go left. Meet you in the middle!"

Alopex "Not tonight, Angel—I'm going straight in."

Alopex "This EPF dirt-bag is all mine!"

EPF Soldier "Mutant scum!"


Alopex "Scum? Really? I think you're reading too many comic books, pal!"

Alopex "Rahhh!"


Nobody "Answers first, girlfriend..."


Nobody "...Then you can have your revenge!"


Soldier "Filthy anima—"


Nobody "Dumb move, dude."

Alopex "Really dumb."

Nobody "Now... Where the hell is he?!"

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"Where's Raphael?!"

"It should be dead already—"

"—No human could survive what we've done to it. But therein lies our issue with these mutations."

"The Turtles, however, are especially remarkable. I've often pondered what gives them the advantage over the others."

"I wonder... Were they humans that mutated into turtles, or turtles that mutated into humanoids?"

"Not that it will matter much longer. Target R will give us all the answers we need once it is dissected."

"I just have a few simple and direct questions to ask first... For my personal journals."

"Wake it up!"


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