
[The episode opens with Donnie, April and Casey in the party wagon, returning home from groceries. Casey is driving with April sitting beside him. Donnie is seen in the back, trying to look after the groceries, the job that he is not fond of.]
Donnie [complaining] So why am I always stuck in the back with the groceries?
Casey Somebody has to make sure the eggs don't break, dude.
Donnie [angrily] We don't even buy eggs! We have chickens! I know what you're up to, Jones! You always get to drive! I wonder why.
Casey Well, maybe because a giant turtle driving a hippie bus seems a little suspicious!
April [sighs; annoyed.] All right, guys. I'd just like to have one peaceful trip to the store where the two of you aren't at each other's throats.
[Casey and Donnie quiet down and look away from each other.]
April [Relieved.] Now that’s better. Peace and quiet.
[While everything is quiet. Suddenly, the muscle car, the very car we saw earlier in the episode The Croaking, drives after them. It ran over them, causing the teens to yelp.]
Casey [angry] A little chip 'n chase, huh?!
April [sternly] Just pull over, Casey. Get out of the way!
Casey [enraged] Nobody forces Casey Jones off the road!
[In order to get a payback from him, Casey rams into the car, whose driver laughs and uses maneuver to run them over, causing them to crash to the tree.]
April Ugh... Everyone okay?
Donnie [He has steak on his head. To Casey, angrily and sarcastically] Nobody forces Casey Jones off the road, huh?
[This word causes Casey to fly into road rage and punch his fists in the wheel repeatedly in frustration.]

[Theme song]

[In the house, the turtles are watching Crognard.]
Crognard Muurg has the jewel of Koweewah!
Muurg Heh-heh. You'll never catch me, Crognard! What's this? Aah!
[She slips around before Corgnard leaps onto him.]
Crognard Give me back my mystic jewel! Rah!
Mikey Dude! That centaur doesn't stand a chance against Crognard the Barbarian!
Announcer W.H.Y.Y breaking news! A word of warning for those planning on driving tonight: Stay home! Reports are coming in of a mysterious driver running people off the road.
Raph [Cynically.] That qualifies as breaking news out here?
Mikey Back in the city, every driver's a reckless driver. Bring back Crognard!
[Donnie, April and Casey are back and retell their encounter with the maniac.]
Donnie It was him! That's the maniac who nearly trashed us!
Leo You ran into that nut?!
Casey More like he ran into us! Over and over. We gotta get back out there and teach that guy a lesson!
April Casey, it's not worth it. Just be glad we're all okay.
Donnie Yeah, we're- ugh- mostly okay I got shell-lash trying to save all the food.
Mikey [congratulates Donnie proudly] A noble sacrifice, D!
April Your neck okay, Donnie?
[April massages Donnie's shell, Donnie shoots an evil glare at Casey]
Donnie [relaxes] Ooh. Ooh, yeah, a little lower Aww, yeah, that's hittin' the spot!
[Casey grumbles in frustration and folds his arms. April enthusiastically shakes her hand and watches at the ceiling.]
[In the farmhouse, the next morning, both Donnie and Casey work.]
Casey Hey, armpit, hand me the 1/4-inch socket.
Donnie Sure thing, barf-a-roni!
Casey This baby is almost ready to roll, eh, Craang-breath?
Donnie Kraang is with a "K," not a "C. "
Casey Says who?!
Donnie The Kraang! That one doesn't count, come up with another C-word!
Casey Okay. Camel-face... let's take her out for a test drive!
[Later on the road, Don, Raph and Mikey gathered with the Party wagon where Casey is in the car.]
Casey You guys ready for Casey Jones to break some speed records?
Donnie We're ready! On my mark.
Mikey Pffft! Go!
[Casey starts the car.]
Donnie Amazing!
Mikey Casey's car is light-speed, yo!
Donnie Great time!
Raph You two knuckleheads actually pulled it off. I'm almost impressed.
Donnie Umm.. He's not stopping, is he?
Raph Doesn't look that way.
[Casey is driving at fast speed.]
Casey Don't need a stopwatch to know this baby's fast! Best way to test her out is to find that road-creep! What a drag! The minute you're actually looking for a maniac, they're nowhere to be found.
[Suddenly, the speed demon appears. Casey looked and saw a one eyed demon inside.]
Casey Aah! He's a mutant?!
Speed Demon You! You're that kid that tried to stop me last night!
[Casey goes after him.]
Speed Demon Speed Demon's king of the road, baby!
Casey Oh, no!
[Casey dodged an incoming car.]
Speed Demon You rat! I'm gonna smash you all! Every stinkin' human on this road's goin' for a wild ride! Yeah!
[Casey struggles to push the Speed Demon but he loses control and crashes. The speed demon gets away. Casey angrily slammed his fist on the wheel as the party wagon arrives.]
Raph Casey, you okay?
Mikey [disappointed] Dude! What happened to your sweet ride?
Donnie [angered with Casey ditched him] You trashed it! You went after that road maniac alone, didn't you?
Casey I thought I could take him! And besides, he's no road-maniac. He's a road-mutant!
Mikey [shocked] Whoa! A mutant?
Donnie You totally ditched me I could have helped!
Casey That guy challenged me! It's the code of the road, man! Mano-a-mano!
Raph Come on. Let's get this scrap-heap back to the house.
[Mikey notices the remains of the ooze that was left behind from The Croaking.]
Mikey Huh? Hey, guys, check this out.
Donnie Don't touch that! Hmm Looks like some kind of mutagenic fuel. [he scoops some in the vial] Fascinating! Must be mutagen still out there-
[Party wagon arrives as Leo and April come out from the house.]
April Casey, are you okay?
Leo What happened?
Donnie Speed Demon 2, Casey Jones zip.
April You went after that guy?
Casey The cops can't catch him. Someone's gotta bring that mutant down!
April And that's gotta be Casey Jones, right?
Casey That's right, red. 'Cause I'm the only one that can.
[Both work again in the farmhouse.]
Donnie So, you find the problem with that clutch?
Casey I found part of the problem! [pulls out a chicken under the car] Hey, Mikey! Keep your chickens outta the barn, man! Listen, Donnie. I'm sorry I went after Speed Demon without you.
Donnie It's fine. Me and the guys have been making our own plan to bring that freak down.
Casey Donnie, you and I know the hot rod is the best chance we got. We need to team up on this.
Donnie [reluctant and concerned] I don't know.
Casey I need your sweet scientific genius, Don. [singsong.] Please?
Donnie All right, I have an idea. A crazy, awesome idea!
[Music plays as Don and Jones work on a new vehicle: Hot Rod.]
Casey This. Is. Amazing!
Donnie Yeah, I know. And it's almost ready. I just have to figure out the problem with the artificial intelligence for the onboard computer system.
[One of the chickens appeared and spilled the vial and ate the mutagen, causing her brain to grow into a big size.]
Mikey [looking for one of the chickens] Here chick chick chick. Where are you, little chicky chick chick chick? Oh, snap!
[They looked over and saw the chicken.]
Casey WHAT?!
Donnie Holy toledo! Oh, not again! Mikey!
Casey [annoyed and frustrated] Oh, just what I need, another mutant!
[The chicken climbed onto the vehicle and started typing.]
Mikey Whoa! What's she doing?!
Donnie It's communicating with us! Those are complex equations! Maybe we don't need artificial intelligence. Maybe we just need-
Mikey Dr. Cluckingsworth, M. D.!
Donnie Uh, yes, maybe Dr. Cluckingsworth...
Mikey M. D. , bro. M. D.
Donnie Um, so, doctor? Can you interface with the hot rod's computer?
[The chicken clucks and starts typing. Later on outside, Donnie gathered everyone to the barn.]
Leo All right, Donnie, what are we doing here?
Donnie I give you ....The turtle racer!
Raph So your co-pilot is a chicken?!
Casey She's the onboard navigator!
Leo You guys really think this car is gonna stop that maniac?
Casey Without a doubt, Leo. With this baby, Casey Jones can't be beat!
April Well, that's it. You're gonna end up turning into street pizza.
Mikey Street pizza? That's like one of my top ten favorite pizzas!
Donnie Don't worry, April, with all the Kraang technology we put into the hot rod, it's one of the safest cars on the road.
[The chicken laid a glowing egg.]
Raph What was that?
Donnie Oh, that's a highly volatile, radioactive mutagen egg. But don't worry. It's perfectly safe. Sorta.
[Later that night.]
Leo All right. We got the plan down, right?
Casey As long as you can keep up in that thing!
[The chicken clucks in alarm.]
Casey What's wrong, doc?
[He looks and the text reads “Speed Demon Approaching.”]
Casey Guys, look out! Here he comes!
Donnie Roger that, Casey! And remember, stick to the plan!
[Speed Demon laughs.]
Casey So ya wanna play chicken, eh?! Sorry, doc.
[He shifts the knob and drives off to chase after the Speed Demon, driving past the party wagon.]
Raph He's doing it again! He's ditching us!
Donnie Nope, this time it's all part of the plan!
[Casey drives near the speed demon.]
Speed Demon Bah! I'm gonna splatter you across the road! I'll grind ya in my grill like the bug you are!
[The muscle car crashes into the hot road and drives ahead.]
Casey This'll slow ya down, freak!
[He fired and caused an explosion. The Speed Demon stops and chases after Casey. Donnie comes out of the party wagon and jumps into mutant car's roof. The car drives faster and Donnie screams as he struggles to hold on as best as he can. He finally reaches the driver’s seat window, grabs the mutant by his throat and pulls the mutant off of the car. Donnie and the driver fell to the ground. The car crashes as Donnie gets up.]
Donnie Casey… We got him!
Casey That'll show ya not to mess with Casey Jones!
Donnie Not so tough without your car, huh?
[Donnie is about to take out his bo staff to deal with the maniac driver, but to his shock, the mutant turns into a human!]
Man Huh?! Where am I? What happened? What are you?!
Donnie [confused] You're not a mutant?
[The man faints.]
Donnie Well, if he's not the mutant, that must mean the-
[Lights flashed. Donnie turned and saw that the car was alive. It roars, scaring Donnie. It grabbed Donnie and pulled him inside.]
[It mutated him into a horrible thing turning him into an even frightening and crazy mutant driver.]
Speed Demon Donnie More mutant power! That's what I'm talking about! Ya like that? Yeah? Well, it's all me, baby!
Casey [notices Donnie] Donnie?!
[Speed Demon drives past him, laughing manigcally. Casey was enraged that the Speed demon had Donnie.]
Casey You stupid, ugly, pickle-headed [mumbling] if I could just start this thing up-
[The party wagon arrives.]
Leo What happened?
Casey It's the car! The car is the mutant! It's alive somehow, and it's got Donnie!
[Right before Casey drives off, Leo stops him.]
Leo Casey, wait! We need a plan!
Casey I got one! Get Donnie outta that mutant monstrosity pronto!
[Casey drives off as Party wagon drives off as well as music ends.]
Casey How far is he, doc?
[MD clucks saying that he is coming.]
Casey Time to see what this baby can really do.
[He drives off and bumps the rear]
Speed Demon Donnie You again?
[The demon roars and knocks Casey's hot rod. He drives after him.]
Casey Let my friend go, freak! Or I'll take us both down!
Speed Demon Donnie Never gonna happen, Casey Jones! Donatello belongs to Speed Demon now, baby!
[Casey knocks the demon again sending them spinning around and almost at the edge.]
Speed Demon Donnie You know, I'm a sporting guy. So how 'bout we race for it? You win, you get your friend back. I win, I get your super hot rod and all that sa-weet technology!
Casey Fair enough.
Speed Demon Donnie And I get you, Casey Jones, the only driver worthy of my competition.
Casey Well, I am super dope. It's a deal!
Speed Demon Donnie First one to dead man's curve wins. Starting now!
[He drives off and Casey follows. Meanwhile the Wagon drives off.]
Mikey Dudes, we need some faster wheels.
Leo What are they doing?
Raph Looks like a race to me.
April Is that hideous thing Donnie?
[Casey got past as the demon tried to grab him.]
Casey I can't pass him!
[The mouth of the hood opens up.]
Speed Demon Donnie Ow! Speed Demon's gonna win the race, the car, and a brand-new driver! Yeah, baby!
Casey Hang on back there, doc! [puts on his helmet] Time to win this thing!
[He flicked a few buttons and fired a firecracker, scaring MD. MD lays a mutagen egg into the ooze and Casey shifts the knob making it go fast.]
Casey Goongalaa!
[The demon looked to see Casey catching up.]
Casey All right, doc! Time for autopilot!
[Casey gets off the seat.]
Casey Hey, road freak! You're going down!
[He fights the Speed Demon. He grabs him and electrocutes the demon while Casey grabs onto the hot rod. He drives forward.]
Speed Demon Donnie Where the heck did he go?!
[Casey is behind the body.]
Casey You're going down! Suck on this, sucka!
[He throws a grenade at its face as it swipes it away. He picked Casey off and threw him away.]
Speed Demon Donnie See ya at the finish line, Casey Jones!
Casey I don't care about winning the race! I just want my friend back!
[He whacks the monster out of the car. The demon transforms back to normal.]
Casey Donnie! You all right?
Donnie Yeah, I-I think so.
Speed Demon I'm gonna chew you up and spit you out, Jones! [roars.]
Casey Oh, no.
Donnie I got it this time, Casey!
[He jabs his bo at the mouth]
Donnie Leave my friend alone!
[He falls. Just as the demon is about to run them over, the wagon knocked the speed demon out.]
Speed Demon I'll be back!
[The speed demon explodes.]
Mikey The party wagon takes the win!
Both Yes!
Donnie You did good, too.
April I'm so glad you two are okay! And I'm so glad you're actually getting along!
Casey Thanks, red. Hey, Donnie, how awesome was me grabbing your giant head, huh? So weird!
Donnie Yeah, or when you used the mutagen-boost! It actually worked!
Casey Oh, that was the best! I thought you were gonna squash me on that one turn, bro!
April [disappointed] Hmph. I thought I was glad they're getting along.
Raph [Folding his arms.] I know how you feel, April.
[A new bromance was born as Donnie and Casey give high five and hug each other as Raph and April watch at them dejectedly as the episode ends.]