Quabbin State Forest in Massachusetts is the setting for Michelangelo’s short story in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Challenges”.
Michelangelo is sitting alone enjoying the view, when his solitude is interrupted by two hunters, Jack and Stan. Because they know they can get into a lot of trouble for hunting in a state forest, they are using bows so that no one will hear them.
Their search for prey takes them in succession to a deer, a moose and finally, a mountain lion. Michelangelo spoils each of their attempts to kill an animal, while remaining hidden himself. He finally scares off Stan by covering himself in mud and springing out at him.
After stopping Jack’s attempt to kill the mountain lion, Michelangelo frightens him into fainting and then ties him up and halls him to a Ranger Station.
- There is a Quabbin Reservoir and park in Massachusetts, around which are thousands of acres of protected forest lands.